
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Practical Magic - Chapter 10

As Alia inspected Adrian's magical control ability, she couldn't help but smile. She was impressed with his progress and knew he had a lot of potential. She could sense the magical energy flowing through his body and knew that he was ready for the next step in his training.

With a flick of her finger, Alia conjured a simple ice arrow, which materialized in front of her. The arrow was made of pure ice and glistened in the sunlight that filtered through the window. Adrian watched in amazement as the arrow formed, his eyes wide with wonder.

"This is the power of magic," Alia said, holding the arrow between her fingers. "It is the ability to control the energy that flows through our bodies and shape it into something tangible." "With enough practice, you can learn to create even more complex spells and magic."

Adrian nodded, still mesmerized by the ice arrow. He had never seen anything like it before, and he was eager to learn more about the power of magic.

Alia smiled.

"Now, start your own training while I meditate on my own. From this moment on, you need to be able to use your magical energy for practical reasons, such as conjuring projectiles."

Adrian nodded and started practicing.

Adrian took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand. He visualized the magical energy within himself, allowing it to flow through his body and then into his palm. He tried to replicate the movements Alia had made when she conjured the Ice Arrow, flicking his finger in the same way.

But nothing happened. The energy he had summoned remained formless and intangible, hovering in his palm. Adrian frowned, wondering what he was doing wrong. He closed his eyes and tried to focus even harder, but still the energy would not be tangible and could not be usable after the shape was taken.

He took a deep breath and reminded himself to be patient. After all, he had only just begun his training. Alia had been practicing magic for over thirty years, and it was unrealistic to expect to match her skill level in just a few short weeks.

Adrian opened his eyes and examined the energy once more. He realized that he needed to understand the energy better before he could control it. He made a mental note to ask Alia for more information about magical energy, its properties and characteristics, and how to manipulate it.

Feeling slightly frustrated but also determined, Adrian continued to practice on his own.

Adrian sat there in deep thought, wondering how he could make his magical energy tangible like Alia did with her Ice Arrow. He couldn't figure it out, and frustration started to build inside of him.

He realized that he had been too focused on controlling the energy with just his mind and thoughts, without utilizing his imagination. He knew that he needed to start thinking more creatively to bring his energy to life.

Adrian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the feeling of energy in his hands. He began to visualize the shape he wanted his energy to take and slowly opened his eyes.

As he opened his eyes, he saw the yellowish energy start to take on a shape, and he was able to do more things with it, such as hovering it around as he willed and forming it into an arrow. He couldn't believe it and felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him.