
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Approach her

Zhuang Kang, after returning from Taifu Palace, thought of a way to visit her and the child. For it had been more than ten years since he had seen her. She herself probably couldn't remember his face. At that time, he hurriedly covered his face and fled. But then he had people search for her throughout the capital after entering the military. Until many decades ago, he had never even met her shadow.

 Now he had a chance to see her again. The woman he didn't intend to hurt her that day. But he was a man from the Xiongnu tribe. He would definitely never be irresponsible towards her. Only, he himself was afraid that she would be disgusted that he had abandoned her that day. So he still couldn't think of a good way.

 His bodyguard had seen his master's expression sternly for a long time until it was almost past lunch. He therefore warned Zhuang Kang to eat before thinking about other matters. Zhuang Kang then realized that he had many people. If he asked for their advice, there would probably be more options for him to approach her, right? So he hurriedly ate the food that the people brought him.

 He then immediately summoned almost all of his men to ask how to approach his wife whom he had not seen in over ten years. The servants and the guards were puzzled as to when the master secretly took a wife. But when the master inquired They just gave their own opinions as they thought. Some opinions It wasn't so bad that Zhuang Kang had to wave his hand at him to leave. As for which comments seem to be useful? He asked for more details.

 By the time Zhuang Kang finished his inquiries, it was time for dinner. So he thought of going to see her and the child at Zhuangzi outside the city tomorrow instead. However, if he went now it would be too rude. Even though his mind had wandered to her and her child for a long time.

 After breakfast the next day Zhuang Kang sent people to buy clothes and accessories for his wife and son. Fortunately, many years ago he had received a royal jade from His Majesty and ordered someone to make several of them for his surname. So he thought of giving it to his wife and son to carry with him. So that others would know that the two mother and son were his family. This piece of jade is unlike any other in the world. It was because of the big battle in which he defended the region's border that year that he had suffered quite a few injuries. His Majesty brought his beloved things to cheer him up. He himself did not hesitate to accept the things His Majesty had given him from time immemorial. Even though I didn't receive anything in return. Like this older brother, he still acted as general for the emperor whom he respected. If he goes and asks to hide in another region By now, he would have died long ago, but here, the emperor took good care of him. and never released any news to the Xiongnu faction even the slightest bit.

 Zhuang Kang inspected the belongings that were nearly overflowing with the carriage. He then immediately ordered him to travel to Zhuangzi, where his men had come to see the previous night. This time, he didn't bring many people, only four guards and a charioteer. He was afraid that she would panic before they could talk. Therefore, a procession of only this number of people was organized.

 Zhuang Kang was quite excited inside the carriage. He didn't know how to start a conversation with her. But when he had made up his mind He needed to have the courage to talk to her about various matters. Especially since she had to raise her son alone for many years. He felt more and more guilty.

 When reaching Zhuangzi His bodyguard shouted for him to see Shuang Zhizhi instead of seeing Shuang Zihua. This was because Zhuang Kang was afraid that she would not allow him to be found. So he used the excuse of visiting his son instead.

 Jian Yuan's guards came out to look and saw the general's men who had arrived. He also knew what Shuang Zhizhi had told his young master. So he opened the door for them to come in. He also went to call Shuang Zhizhi to come out and meet the general who had come to visit such a distant house.

 Shuang Zhizhi, who was helping his mother make dessert, was surprised to find that it was the general who had helped him that day. So he excused himself from Mother and went to greet the guests first. Shuang Zihua didn't think much of it. She just said that she was waiting for the snacks to be ready and that she would bring them along with the tea shortly.

 Shuang Zhizhi went out to the front of the house and found that the general had already gotten out of his chariot. He also had his men carry a lot of things with him. This made Shuang Zhizhi very shocked. Which one exactly depends? Why did the general bring things to him like this? He didn't dare accept it so he could only gently refuse.

 Shuang Zihua scooped out the previously finished dessert and gave it to his son along with tea at the living room table. Hearing the sound of his son's refusal to say something, he became suspicious. She walked out to the front of the house and immediately saw the tall man in her memory. Even though that day she couldn't see his face. But now she could see his face clearly. Moreover, that face was exactly the same as her son's.

 Shuang Zihua was shocked and almost fell down. Zhuang Kang saw this and quickly used his Light Body Technique to support her. Shuang Zhizhi was shocked by the actions of the general who was too close to his mother. Until he had to clear his throat and tell him to let his mother go first.

 Shuang Zihua also blushed from being supported by him. She had never been touched by any man before except him. Moreover, he now looked no less clean and handsome than his son. So how could she not be nervous and embarrassed?

 Zhuang Kang saw that she did not push him away like he had feared. So he asked to talk to her privately instead. He still didn't want his son to know those things. Before he and her could come to an agreement Otherwise, he himself was afraid that his son would hate him for not taking care of her for over ten years.

 Shuang Zihua saw that he really wanted to talk to her, and she didn't feel any disdain for him in the first place. Because she understood that on that day they were both victims. Another thing was that she knew that he had saved her son the day before. It made her think that their bloodline might be able to communicate with each other. Everything therefore coincided like this.

 Since heaven wanted them to meet as father and son She herself will not prevent anything. She was ready to fulfill her son's and his wishes. As for herself, she had long thought of wanting to return to the border to trade her snacks like before. She misses her regular customers who like to come talk to them and patronize them quite a bit.