
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · History
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94 Chs

My son

The next day, Shuang Zihua, who woke up very early, hurriedly took the money for the materials and the list of things she needed to deliver to Jian Yuan's people. She wanted to cook many things for them. Jian Yuan's guards saw such a long list. He hurriedly received the money and receipt willingly. Today he will have a fortune again, hehe.

 With the large amount of items that Shuang Zihua had ordered, It took nearly an hour for Jian Yuan's people to return. Shuang Zhizhi, who was not too tired, also got up early to help his mother make food and snacks. Since he came here to prepare for the exam. Shuang Zihua usually didn't let him help in the kitchen much. She said she was afraid he would be so tired that he wouldn't be able to read the textbook. So he didn't want to displease her.

 But today he saw a lot of things. If he didn't help her pick it up, It would be very late by the time they could eat breakfast. Shuang Zihua also didn't say why her son had come to help. She knew that she alone would not be able to do many things in time.

 The two mothers and daughters worked together to prepare food and snacks, and in less than an hour they had set the table. Shuang Zhizhi went to call the teacher and the coachman uncle. He had gotten used to calling Jian Yuan's guards Uncle for many years.

 Jian Yuan told Shuang Zhizhi that he had some business to go out today. If Shuang Zhizhi is still tired, there is no need to review the textbook again. He firmly believed that everything Shuang Zhizhi had learned was true. This student of his must have remembered it by heart. Shuang Zhizhi accepted the teacher's words. He also wanted to help Mother make the dessert she had left behind. Shuang Zihua saw that his son wanted to rest today. So she did not dissuade him from anything. She just let him do as he pleased. After diligently reading textbooks for many years

 Zhuang Kang finished eating breakfast and secretly entered the Taifu Palace to meet his friends. He and his friend had often visited each other like this since their first relationship. which can protect against the spies of their enemies very well

 Jian Yang was surprised that his friend had come so unannounced. Normally he would send his guards to inform him first. But he still personally welcomed Zhuang Kang to the guest room of his residence. As always, Jian Yang ordered no one to disturb him while he was talking with Zhuang Kang.

" Which wind brought you here to me, friend? " Jian Yang smiled, irritating his close friend who he hadn't seen in a long time since he went to the border two years ago.

" I have a few questions to ask you. So I hurriedly came to inquire to put an end to my doubts. "

" Huh, is there something that a general like you doesn't even know about? Haha, I really can't believe it. "

" Sigh, I just want to ask about your younger brother's disciple. Yesterday I happened to see him switching answer sheets. I have taken care of the matter and informed His Majesty. When I learned that he had received support from His Majesty's Palace, That is why I have come to ask you how the story came to be. Why did your palace support this child? "

" Oh, you probably know that I have another younger brother, right? He was fed up with the corrupt nobles and asked to teach students at the northern border. I see that I met this child when he was 7 years old. He was helping his mother sell snacks at a shop near my brother's study center. And just in time, another student who was a regular at this shop told his younger brother that there was a child who could talk to them well about studying. So he went to test the boy. Since then, he had accepted that child as his only disciple until this day. I learned that he took the Jiayuan exam three years ago. Just because he was still young, he didn't come to take the exam in the capital. This year he turned 13 , so he decided to take the exam along with his mother. She was a widow from the beginning. This is all I know about the other history of the mother and daughter. If you want to know anything else You must go ask my brother. "

" Um, thank you very much. I don't really want to know much. Just what you told me should be enough for me to take care of the matter. "

" Eh! Why do you talk like you know this mother and daughter strangely? What are you going to do with them? If you don't think well, I will sue Father and His Majesty. Just wait and see. "

" Phew! Where do you think this one is going? She is the wife I have been looking for for many years. As for that boy, I suspect he is my son. You probably haven't seen his face yet. He looks exactly the same as I did when I was a kid. Whose son do you want me to think he is? "

" Really? Why would it be such a coincidence? What are you hiding from me? Just tell me. How can I help you? After you helped me take down so many bad nobles. "

" What will I have? Except that she ran away from me all the way to the border. I'm still thinking about why I sent people to search for her until the entire capital and surrounding villages were still unable to find her. In fact, she went there. Now she and her child are back. I need to go talk to her first. Or if you have any advice to give me, hurry up and tell me. The nickname of a playboy like you. I might have to learn a little too, haha. "

" Heh, you know that I just pretended to spread the news. If others know that I am preparing to take over from Father's position, Those people must have taken care of my family a long time ago. I think you asked to see her like a normal person. Then talk to her to understand. What reason did you have so many years ago? In case she feels sorry for you. "

" Hmm, I guess I'll have to do that. Thank you very much for telling me. I won't bother you anymore. My people said that your brother will come to see you and father today. I'll excuse myself first. "

 Zhuang Kang said goodbye to his friend and used his light body technique to disappear from Jian Yang's house. Jian Yang could only shake his head, fed up with this friend who always came and went so quickly.

 Jian Yang sat and sipped tea, and it wasn't long before a butler from the main house followed him to talk with his younger brother and father. It was considered that his friend was really good at timing, so he got up and followed the butler in no hurry.

 Jian Yuan waited for his brother to arrive first. He will be able to ask Father and Elder at the same time. There would be no need to frequently inquire back and forth after Jian Yang arrived. Jian Yuan then informed the pair of his student exam results. He also asked whether they would be able to watch the examination in front of His Majesty or not. He would entrust his little disciple to the two of them to take care of.

 Fortunately, his father had already been notified beforehand that he would be allowed to participate in the exam as well. As for his older brother, he had to follow his father to help with the work as usual. Jian Yuan was therefore relieved that his disciple would not be so lonely during the exam. Even if they just sit and watch, at least he's calmer. Because before coming out, his student told him the story of the answer sheet being switched. Therefore causing him to fear that something bad would happen again.

 After talking until finished Jian Yuan stayed to eat dinner with his family before returning to Zhuangzi in the evening. He had already told Shuang Zihua and Shuang Zhizhi that he would not return to eat with them.