
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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91 Chs

Fate/Hallowed Spring: Prologue

Humans never stopped.....But this world is coming to a halt.....Every country was thrown to chaos...Global Warming, avalanche, rising tides, earthquakes, disasters....Everyone... is at lost on what to do... Some migrated to space and some killed themselves...


The gods heard your desperate prayers...In this world only 7 countries can survive...Only one person can make the wish...Humanity must make there sacrifice...Humanity must make there choice.....

—14th of January 2042 Prophecy of the Church——————————————————————————————————

...After this prophecy...The once peaceful world was once again at war that was initiated by the church. A holy grail war where the Greater Grail is the prize, and it can grant the wish to save their countries.

The world was divided between East and West, and this two factions raised war against themselves to choose the countries for the Holy Grail War.

In this war where only 14 Masters can enter... Only 14 out of 195 countries can enter..... and only 7 countries will survive. A total annihilation of over 10 billion people living in this planet....

But we were too blind to ask why only 7 countries? Why can't we wish to save the world? Why???? Why???? Why???? There are too many questions left unanswered.

However, we didn't mind we battled war after war after war after war.

In this world where only 7 countries will survive.... logically speaking it is indeed100% better than extinction...

After the countless Holy Grail Wars where only participation to the Greater Grail is the prize. 14 Masters were chosen... Only 14 countries remain and the other 181 countries.....were eliminated...bereft of their hope for survival. Waiting for there time to come.

14 Masters, 2 teams the East and West.

And this is the start of the battle for humanities survival by sacrificing countless human lives....The war starts in spring the symbol of love and joy is about to be one of the worst case of human annihilation.


Author Note: This is a fanfiction of Fate series. I will apologize for wrong grammars or typos but I hope you can give me some tips for this series. And I hope you enjoy the next chapters.