

Gilgamesh stood on the mountain watching his people as he slowly faded away knowing that the singularity would soon reset. He had fulfilled his role. Yet this was not the end of him.

LazzyD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Gilgamesh soon woke up in the middle of a street as he felt his body. A real body. He would proceed as his other self had done. A potion of youth was used as he slowly shrank back to a child.

He was bored, so he decided to put himself to work and possibly die from overwork again. He had once become a mage simply to spite the King of Magecraft. He decided he would gain the qualifications to become a candidate for Grand Caster simply because he was bored. He had the clairvoyance he only needed the pinnacle of understanding in magecraft.

His small child body was filled with more vigour than his older self apart from the occasional childish impulses he had when he was little. Gilgamesh looked inside the fridge only to realise he had run out of food in his concentration on studying magecraft.

Gilgamesh exited the apartment as he headed. towards the nearest convenience store. He suddenly stopped in his tracks as a man walked past him only to tap his shoulder. "Are you okay?" Gilgamesh's childish instincts kicked in as he smiled brilliantly "Yes I am, thank you mister!" Once again he returned to his thoughts. Wasn't he going to a famous takeaway?

He buried the childish thought of buying the snacks and candy yet he vowed to come back the next morning. As he left he heard the door open as the man was invited by the occupant inside. A name was heard "You look lazy as always Shiki." Gilgamesh smiled before heading towards the famous takeaway.


Shiki was walking her nightly walks until she saw a blond hair and red eyed child come out of the expensive takeaway with the owner coming out to thank him. The child smiled before turning around only to glare at the top of a building. Shiki looked up as well as she had located her target.

The child shook his head before resuming his return. Shiki had seen the child occasionally as the child lived right next to her. Another mystery.


Gilgamesh had enough. The ghost was a sore sight for his eyes every time he went for his takeaway. It was bothering those under his land as well. It was a pest and pests were meant to be exterminated.

He opened the door to the building roof only to see the girl who lived next to his apartment. Shiki turned around as her eyes widened while the ghost started talking and trying to give an impulse to the the King of Heroes.

Shiki stopped as she noticed the child was looking at the ghost with a bored contempt. "Shiki-san correct? I'm assuming you were going to handle this?" Shiki nodded as Gilgamesh smiled "I see I'll leave you to it Shiki-san!" Gilgamesh gave a blinding smile as he left the building.


Gilgamesh finished a book has he tossed it behind him as a golden ripple consumed the book. He crossed off another section before laughing.

"Fuhahaha! I should definitely be a Grand Candidate now."

Gilgamesh grabbed his Xpad before typing in for a restaurant delivery in which he owned. The city seemed peaceful but Gilgamesh knew during his rule that unlike back in his city he ruled with strict rules. This city did not have such strict rules as they could not deal out severe punishments.

He decided he needed a walk and to do his duty as a King. The city was his place of current residence therefore he would have to make sure it was free of pests. The darkness blanketed the sky as the stars laid across the blanket of night like gems.

Beautiful but it also hides horrors and the darkness of mankind.

Gilgamesh walked past a seemingly abandoned bar or restaurant until his nose smelt blood and his red eyes gleamed as his face contorted into disgust. He twisted the door nob only to realise it was locked. A snort came from the little King of Heroes. No door would lock itself before him. He kicked the door in as he witness a disgusting sight as the girl who was being assaulted looked at the blonde child begging him to run.

Instead the blonde child's face contorted in anger as he spoke. "You dare do such heinous crimes in my presence?!" A gang member sneered as he looked at the small boy. "Oh yeah what's mister hero going to do to us?" Gilgamesh looked up at the gang member before speaking "Kneel for your execution." The gang member laughed until golden ripples appeared in the air as chains wrapped themselves around the gang members before they were all forced to kneel.

A few other ripples came as they were all blades of executioners. A simple snap of the fingers and their heads rolled onto the floor as every weapon and chain disappeared into golden motes of light.

He looked at the girl before asking "Are you okay mongrel?" The purple haired girl looked at the boy before muttering a thank you. Gilgamesh looked at the girl before laughing "I do not need the thanks of you mongrel for it is my duty." Gilgamesh's eyes gleamed as his red eyes glowed while the girl seemed confused.

Gilgamesh laughed again before pointing to the girl. "You are incredibly interesting and pitiful. From now on Asagami Fujino is under my protection, The King of Heroes Gilgamesh! None shall dare to touch you without my permission! Continue to live your life and serve your purpose in life."

A gate opened as a bottle containing a green liquid. "Drink mongrel!"

Fujino did as instructed as she no longer felt the pain. All her injuries had healed.

Gilgamesh soon walked out until Fujino quickly rushed towards him. "I know you won't care but thank you!"

Gilgamesh brushed it off "Live your life well pitiful mongrel for you life has been saved by the King of Heroes. Any attempt at your life under wrongful circumstances is a crime."

"Rejoice mongrel"