
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Anime et bandes dessinées
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97 Chs

Villain vs Hero 1/2

"So... we just walk in right?" asked Medea, looking at the forest in front of us.

"Exactly." I reply with a smile, entering the forest and calmly walking towards the castle.

It took us less than a minute to reach the castle's doors, which isn't much but should be more than enough for Kiritsugu to place countless traps all over the place... either that or enough time for him to run away.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Anyone home?" I say loudly after knocking on the doors of the castle. "I am here to kill Kiritsugu and Maiya, take Irisviel and let Lancer fight Saber!"

Giorno shook his head at my words while Medea looked at me as if I was an idiot.

"Hey, this wasn't part of the plan!" she said confused.

"Well yeah, I kind of skipped it over because I thought it was obvious." I reply with a raised eyebrow. "Villains need to have manners okey? Otherwise they are just a*sholes."

"That doesn't make any sense..." she muttered.

"Well, it appears they won't be opening the door to welcome us, young master." said Giorno after several seconds passed without answer.

"What a shame..." I reply sadly. Medea already confirmed that they were in the castle so having them not letting us in is just bad manners on their part.

Placing my left hand on the door I take a deep breath and blue sparks fly out of the glove as the door begins to glow orange.

Before the door could explode, I clap my hands together and place them on the floor, creating a wall between us and the explosion.


"Nice." I say watching the entrance into the castle open for us. "Well, you already know what to do so feel free to have fun in the process."

As we continued to make our way into the castle, we activated several annoying traps that, with Medea here to protect creating barriers, served no other purpose than annoying us.

Once we reached the next floor, we came across a certain king of knights, who was currently wearing a very angry expression.

"I apologise for this." she said as her sword stopped being invisible and shone gold. "EX..."

My eyes widened at the situation we were in. "F*cking Kiritsugu..." I mutter as Giorno appears in front of me, his skin gaining a metallic colour.


A golden light replaced everything around us as we slowly disintegrated. The last thing I saw was Diarmuid's disappointed face and Medea running to take cover behind me, while I was already taking cover behind Giorno.

Being broken apart by Saber's noble phantasm was surprisingly... nice. For some reason the golden light shone with determination and a weird warmth embraced me while it destroyed my body, the first thought that came to my mind however was about Saber herself, seeing her so angry, so powerful, so... beautiful, as the golden light illuminated her face and the winds moved her blonde hair... I wanted her. I wanted her to be mine, I wanted her to be at my side, to swing that sword to my enemies and destroy what I dislike. I wanted her to wear my rings and a crown as she looked down upon everything at my side.

As my body disintegrated, I couldn't help but wonder if I had ever liked someone the way I liked her. It was strange, someone so utterly different from me, someone so... just. Still, there were ways to make her better, ways to make her more supportive of me, ways to make her... darker. I want all of the determination that I can't help but desire pointed solely at fulfilling my goals.

With that being said, I couldn't help but feel beyond annoyed right now, I didn't expect Kiritsugu to use this as the opening attack, in a way I expected him to let Saber fight Diarmuid... and that was stupid.

"I know mistakes make people stronger..." I mutter while reforming. "But if I make one more mistake against Kiritsugu I am going to f*cking kill myself."

Looking around, I saw Giorno, Diarmuid and Medea already reforming as well. Part of the castle was destroyed in the attack and only the part of it that was behind Saber remained standing.

"Nice attack, Saber." I say, loud enough for the king of knights to hear. "You successfully killed a child, a guy who came to finish his duel with you, a woman who had no means to defend herself, and an elderly. I may be a villain and all but I don't think even I could have done better than that." I continue speaking.

Honestly I am just trying to get her to slip, it would be absolutely hilarious if she killed Kiritsugu herself or something, and even if she doesn't she should be angry enough at Kiritsugu or herself to make some mistakes from now on. Though on a much more important note, I was doing this mostly out of pettiness, in a way I am quite pissed that she killed Giorno and my servants so the least I could do is make her feel like sh*t for it, besides I can make it up to her once she is at my side so it doesn't really matter..

Saber had been watching us reform our bodies with wide eyes.

"Impossible..." she muttered.

I simply sighed while shaking my head.

"Diarmuid, take care of her." I say while looking at my servants who were already back. "Caster, go and take Irisviel, make sure she doesn't escape."

Both Diarmuid and Medea nodded.

Diarmuid focused his attention on the king of knights and rushed in her direction.

Medea summoned some clothes for Giorno and me before leaving to look for Irisviel.

I stayed behind for a moment, getting dressed once again.

"I really need to find some anime protagonist bullsh*t were my clothes are intact after every attack..." I mutter as I finish putting my clothes on. Heck even my gloves were destroyed, if I hadn't given a pair to Medea after what happened the other day I would be pretty weakened right now.

"Go and take care of Maiya." I say while looking at Giorno. "If you can get her alive then do it, but don't put yourself at unnecessary risk and if you feel she might get away then just kill her."

Giorno nodded at my words and left.

"Now... its time for a little game of cat chase mouse I suppose." I say while moving upstairs. "Come out to play little rat, let me skin you while still alive." I sing as I make my way across the hallways.