
Millionaire In One Night

After waiting for a moment, a middle aged woman came out from the manager's room. The shopkeeper followed behind her. Her appearance is casual but beautiful.

"Good morning, sir. What the shopkeeper told me is that you want to talk with me."

"Right, but I hope we enter your room." Heri answered.

"Good, this way, please." She led the way.

Inside the manager's room.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Dara Marwati, manager of this shop." Manager Dara introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Heri Prayoga. This is my adopted sister, Xiao Ning'er. She is from China Mainland, so she currently can't understand Indonesian or Java Language." Heri introduced himself and Ning'er.

"Let's talk about that. What mister want?" she asked.

"I want to sell a lot of gold without an owner-proof letter or certificate. Can your shop handle it?" Heri told her about the deal.

"It is illegal?" she asked.

"No, it's legal, same as treasure." Heri explained.

"How much?"

"The concrete weight is unknown. But I guarantee it's over one ton." Heri estimated the whole weight.

Manager Dara dumfounded. How could she not know the meaning of one ton of gold? Then he returns to her composure and asks, "Just it? I think gold treasure always comes with another treasure, right?"

"Oh, it seems your appetite is large enough. I have jewelry too. But I don't know how much it's worth. I hope you don't cheat me because I want a stable partner."

An instantly bright smile hangs on Manager Dara's face. "Then, where can I pick the gold and jewels?"

"Please be patient." Heri said. Then he faked his gesture to pick something inside his jacket. He injected spiritual force into the interspatial ring and picked a pouch of gold.

Heri put the pouch of gold on the table. Then he said, "This is the gold sample. I want to sell it first to get some money. You look, my clothes are so shabby."

"Good. I will examine it personally."

After examination process, Dara tells Heri about the gold. The gold is not pure enough. It have some amount of silver. But if Heri can separate them and remold it, the price will increase. Of course, Heri refuse it and sell it directly. He want the money fast to buy home, reissue his credential, and create some fake credential for Ning'er.

From Manager Dara, he got 60 million IDR. Then they go to City Hall to make some fake identity. With just one million IDR, Heri and Ning'er get their new ID card. Everything that can be handled by money is good things.

Then They go to nearby bank and create account. Heri give 5 millions to Ning'er and the rest to himself. After all finished, he call taxi and goes to the most complete smartphone and accessories shop. He want to buys Ipin X and Samsul S9.

Right now, his money just remain 7 million. Then he goes to the most High Class house complex, Arata Complex.

Inside marketing office, beautiful sales girl give a brief description about the available house.

"Miss, I just want to buy a house. How much the down payment?" Heri asked.

"For this house, mister can pay 30 million first."

"Good. I will come back in a week. please don't sell it to another person." Heri said.

Heri feel embarrassed after knowing the price. His current money is not enough to pay the down payment. The only way to get money is rent a ware house and use it as terminal.

He rents a warehouse 2 million a week. After making sure no one spies on him, he fish out all the gold and jewel he has. Of course, some jewels that have an effect on cultivation will remain inside. Then he picked his new Ipin X and entered Manager Dara's number and dialed it.


"Hello, It's me, a gold seller. Come to my warehouse in XXX street Number XX. Bring a box car to carry the gold." Without waiting for a reply, Heri closed the call.

After waiting 30 minutes, Manager Dara and her van arrived. Heri gestures to them to bring the car inside.

When Manager Dara and her subordinates see mountains of gold and jewels, their mouths agape. It's gold, right? Why she feels that this gold in front of her is the same as cabbage. She looked at Heri, but Heri just shrugged his shoulders.

"Mr. Heri, perhaps we really will be close partners." She smiled at him.

"Thanks, Miss Dara." Heri smiled at her and gave his bank account. Then he says, "I hope the money will enter my account within a day."

"It's slightly troublesome, sir. I think we need 3 to 5 days to appraise it completely." Manager Dara replied.

"Hm... Appraise a quarter of it first. Then send me the money in one day. The rest, you can send it in a week. How?"

"Em, okay. It seems like you need the money very much."

" I need to go to another country in 2 days. So I need the money."

After the gold and jewelry completely entered the van, Manager Dara bid goodbye immediately. They do not even create proof letters for this transaction. From Manager Dara's perspective, this transaction is very dangerous. So, they need to keep the secret. As for Heri's perspective, if they dare to cheat him, he will assassinate them one by one.

Until the end, Ning'er just followed him without a word. She is similar to a sexy bodyguard.


"Let's go, Ning'er. We need to buy some preparation for next world exploration." Heri held Ning 'er hand and dragged her out.

"En." Ning'er nodded and smiled brightly.

He called the taxi and made him bring them to a nearby hotel. He booked a single room with two beds for a week. Then, he brings Ning 'er out to buy daily necessities. The first place he visited was a supermarket. There, he could buy almost everything he wanted, including SPG.

After arriving at XX Supermarket, he immediately dragged Ning 'er to Female clothing shop. Then he call the waitress and tell her to follow them. He give some tips to her.

Heri tell her about Ning'er circumstance, of course almost all is fake. He want her to choose under wear for Ning'er.

Three hour later~...

Heri and Ning'er come out from the shop while bring many bag. And it's just clothes bag, no other things. It's turn out that Ning'er shopping instinct is same as other girl on the real world. So, he cancel to buy some necessity in one go.

When they arrive at their room, the day already dark.

A rush chapter. Want to write for real Volume 2 very much.

I need to go to the sugarcane fields, it's harvest time. Maybe I will be busy at night. No second chapters today.

If you want to donate some money to me you can donate on my ******* page.


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Mr_Dokarcreators' thoughts