
Upgrade Complete

After waiting for 3 days, the upgrade process was finally done.

[Ding! Upgrade complete!]

[Now, Host can enter Fantasy World for 3 months every week.]

[Host have any question?]

'Finally! Em, explain Fantasy Points.'

[Yes, Host. Fantasy points are similar to points from host evaluation. When Host can reach a certain threshold, Host can rank up. Also, Host can use it to trade with another contestant.]

'Wait! Another contestant? Am I not alone?'

[From the host dimension, Host is the first and the only one. But from another dimension, Host is already a competitor. The central system sporadically spread programs to every dimension and randomly installed.]

'Are we need to confront each other?'

[No. What Host needs is to survive. Of course, if Host has a conflicting interest with another contestant, Host needs to face it by your self. There are no rules prohibiting contestants from killing each other.]


[Don't be afraid Host. Stay calm and cool, and you will survive for a long time.]


Suddenly Heri sucked backward and entered another space. He looked very amazed with the simple house and little girl who was watering the garden. She looks very beautiful. Then he walked toward her.

The sudden movement can't escape from Ning'er perspective. She turned her head and looked at her beloved master. She drops a watering can and runs to Heri embrace. She hugs her master firmly. It's like she doesn't want to lose her master again. Drop by dropping tears falling to Heri's shoulder. Of course, Heri also feels her sentiment. He caressed her hair back without a word. Suddenly he feels that he is no longer alone.

After she was satisfied, she dragged her master to their new home.

"Master, this is our new home." She opened the door and dragged him inside.

"How do you know that this is our home?" he asked. He felt weird. There is no one surrounding, how could she know that this is their home?

"When I came here, a lot of information suddenly flooded my head. It includes Masters real appearances and real name." She answered. At first she was really afraid of the sudden information that flooded her mind. But after she knows that all of this is the property of her master, she becomes at ease.

"So, like that." Heri nodded.

"Master, I already tidied up in your room three days ago. I clean it everyday!" Ning'er said. She behave like little girl seeking adult love.

Heri nods his head and ruffle Ning'er hair. Inside his room, He just see one man bed and one set study desk. Very simple but neat. Heri very love it.

Then Heri tell Ning'er to guide him to another room. This small house actually has complete function as home. Including bath room, several bed room, one living room, one kitchen, terrace, and garden. The design is casual and simple, adapted from new Europe style.

When he look at kitchen and nothing inside, he asks Ning'er, "What you eat until now?"

"I just eat some fruit, Master. I can life for 7 days without foods and still healthy."

"Are all silver ranked warrior like that?" He asked.

"Right, Master." Ning'er answered.

Heri nods, then he asked his Buddy, 'Buddy, how can I back to the real world? Can I bring Ning'er out?'

[Just tell me Host, I will transfer you to the last coordinate Host entered the gate. Host also can bring Ning'er outside. It just need Host permission, and I will transfer Host and slaves.]

'Then how much time I spend on the real world?'

[Just 5 days.]

'Then every month is same as 5 days in the real world?'

[No, one month in the fantasy world is the same as two days in the real world. 5 days is includes a program upgrade.]

'Okay, the last question. When will the gate open again?'

[In 2 days, Host.]

'Oh... Then why I still understand what Ning'er says?'

[It's Host ability. Host is a quick learner, right?]

"Master, are you daydreaming?" Ning'er worried with her master silently.

Heri smiles at her and says, "No. I just figured it out to bring you to the real world. Do you want to come?"

"En, of course!"

Then Heri made his Buddy transfer them to Heri's world.

[Ding! Portal to the real world will open in 3... 2... 1 open!]

For instance, the two of them came to the last hotel room. The room was already tidied up and the door was already locked from outside. Thankfully, it's just on the second floor. He and Ning'er just need to jump from the window.

Before they jump out, Heri warns Ning 'er about the difference in their language with her. She just nods with it. She seems not bothered about it. Then they go to a gold and jewel shop. On the road, Ning'er otherworldly beauty makes every man and woman look at her. Heri felt proud with his achievement to get Ning'er as his slave.

He once again admits that Ning'er is very beautiful, like an angel descending into the mortal world. But she's still a kid! She's just 12 or 13 years old right now. Because Heri's strong belief in God before, he's really still a virgin and has some good morals. Until now he still treats the girl courteously. Why? He misses his mom very much.

Arriving at a gold and jewel shop, he and Ning'er enter the shop.

"Good afternoon, sir and madam. What can I do for you?" The shopkeeper greeted them politely.

"I want to meet your manager. Can you notify your manager?" Heri asked.

"Em, what do you want, sir? Has Mister had an appointment before?" the shop keeper asked politely. He is really professional.

"No, but your manager will miss a big deal if your manager does not come out. Trust me."

After pondering for a while, the shop keeper nods and says, "Please wait a bit. I will notify manager."

When the sop keeper goes inside, Heri turns his head and says, "He is very professional. If some unprofessional personnel look at me with my shabby clothes, that personnel will surely chase me. You must learn about it. It's very important."

"Yes, Master." Ning'er nodded.

First volume 2 chapter.

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