

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The golden girl

[My name is Jayden, Jayden Allegra Hunter and I was born with a golden spoon. Being born into the Hunter family I was given everything ranging from clothes, toys, sweets, everything a kid would want.

Amongst my extended family, I was known with another name 'the child genius' their words weren't exaggerated because from my academics, the piano or even karate I was good at everything that was thrown at me, although the truth was I disliked all those things. 

As a consequence to my natural gifts, a sense of inferiority slowly started to creep-in in the minds of those around me 'Rich, smart, pretty, talented.' I was definition of perfect in the mind of others.

Slowly but surely my peers were starting to distance themselves, inferiority and jealousy inevitable. By the time I turned fourteen I had no friends and worse of it all, my parents had gotten a divorce, my only solace being the world of fiction from different genres.

Not long after, me and my mom moved to Silvermist from the city we formerly resided in, all my life I was mostly home schooled mainly because of the 'child genius' status I carried amongst my family. So it came as a shock when I was enrolled at Silvermist High.

As usual, making friends was a daunting task due to my newfound introverted nature but I didn't need to worry about approaching them because they all approached me themselves, somehow somewhere my status and achievements were leaked.

You'd guess I'd be ecstatic about this new development, but I was quite the opposite. You see, being around so many people from a young age inadvertently granted me the skill of reading the intentions of a person based on their mannerisms, facial expressions and body language. As a result of this, I had immediately realized that they simply wanted to be friends due to my background, other stayed away probably intimidated by me or the people who were trying to get my attention aka 'the popular kids'.

I pretended not to know their intentions, tried to be normal while their true intentions which was constantly revealed to me on a daily basis kept on eating me from deep within.

Just as I was about to withdraw into my anti-social lifestyle, my eyes caught an unfamiliar face amongst the other classmates. He was a black haired teen who sat at the extreme end of the class, he carried an aloof expression as he propped his chin with his hands while looking out the window. 

But what really caught my attention wasn't his look of disinterest despite the ongoing class, or his attractive looks, it was the fact I wasn't able to get any read on this person! His name was Xavier Heller also known as the school's loner.

Fast forward into a few months later and we became the closest of friends, I had other friends but I was well aware they were only superficial my only real friend was my best friend.

Not long after we became close friends, I had finally accomplished my long time goal of saving enough money to buy a building I'll use to start my own cosplay studio. I was so excited to show it to Xavier that I couldn't stop talking about the various plans I had for it on our way there.

Everything was normal until we were confronted by two muggers at an alleyway.

Before they could act, Xavier ran straight into action fighting off the two men with speed and combat prowess I hadn't realized he possessed, for a split second it made me wonder why he always gets beaten up by Dylan.

Just when I thought we were in the clear, tragedy struck as the scene of Xavier being stabbed played before me, but I didn't get enough time to be shocked as I bore witness to the even more shocking scene of the injury closing up leaving no scar behind after he removed the dagger.

I had later found out that day that Xavier wasn't human anymore, ultimately turning what I thought was reality out of the window.

Fast forward again a couple weeks later, I'm now inflicted with several injuries all over and my best friend's fangs in my neck drawing the blood out of me unsparingly, as he pushed me closer and closer to death's embrace.

The odd part was even at the brink of death, all I could think about was the expression he gave right before he fully lost control. Like I've mentioned earlier, I've always had the unnatural talent of reading people's emotions or intentions.

Even the most aloof people I had come across were like an open book to my gaze, the only exception to this was if I decide not to actively read a person or someone like Xavier who I can't get any reading from.

If I'm to be honest with myself I had only became friends with him at first purely out of curiosity, I hadn't expected him to actually be my first genuine friend because I just wanted to see if getting closer to him will help me finally get a read on him which obviously proved impossible. At least until the night of the full moon where he lost control and despite his actions I could only get one emotion from him.


 Thinking back now, I think I've felt something like that before back when he saved the mother daughter duo from a fire, it was only brief and because of what was happening currently I hadn't really paid attention. If I remember correctly, he said something about 'forgetting something important'.

I reminisced about these series of events in my life because seeing the hurdles we've been through this past month had made me realize that chances are that things might only get worse.

I also ended up asking questions to which I honestly wasn't even sure of the answers myself like 'will the events at the full moon put a dent in our friendship?', 'why did he feel grief those two times?', and finally the question which haunted me the most, 'despite what we have faced together, is Xavier still hiding something from me?']




Jayden closed her journal before getting up from her bed to answer the door.

"Young miss, the mistress has summoned you to her study." Gareth the Hunter family head butler informed her in an English accent.

A few moments later, Jayden walked into her mother's study, her mother in question was seen engaged in a conversation with a person who Jayden immediately dismissed as a maid mainly due to the outfit she wore.

'She's excited, why?' Jayden questioned internally after taking a quick read at her mother.

"Jayden I'm glad you're here, remember how you repeatedly asked to resume going to school?" Jennifer who noticed Jayden's presence spoke. "After multiple considerations, I have decided you'll now be going to school with your very own bodyguard." She revealed.

Displeasure was immediately riddled on Jayden's face after hearing this.

"Why the hell do you think I'll want to be followed around by some middle aged creep in school?" Jayden replied almost in a yelling tone, to which Jennifer simply smiled in response.

After waiting about a dozen seconds for her impulsive daughter to calm down, she finally continued. 

"I took the liberty of hiring a skilled mercenary at your age range, because I predicted this kind of reaction from you. Also, it's paramount that she'll always be able to protect you, that is why she'll be attending the same school as you." Jennifer explained.

'She? Don't tell me…' Jayden gazed at the red haired girl who stood beside her mother.

"Introduce yourself." Jennifer instructed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you young miss, my name is Jade Crimson." She greeted with a curt bow.

'Wait… why can't I

read her?' Jayden questioned internally.