

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

The new girl




Turning off his alarm clock, Xavier's eyes flickered open revealing his crimson colored irises which were accompanied with a slight yawn.

"Xav, you need to hurry or you'll be late." Hayley's voice was heard from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed." he mumbled walking straight to the bathroom.

'Not again' he thought looking at his face's reflection on the mirror that exposed his crimson irises.

Two weeks had passed since the full moon and in that time, Xavier had noticed several characteristic changes about himself which finally attributed him as a vampire.

Focusing on his reflection or more specifically his eyes, his irises transitioned from red to their usual pitch black color. "Sigh…" he let out a sigh after thinking about the number of times this had occurred in two weeks.

One of the first changes he noticed was that he now had to actively make his eyes retain their black color or they'll inadvertently turn red. It was essentially different from how his eyes glowed red when he utilizes his powers, since there wasn't any glow in them. Not wasting time to think too much about it, Xavier proceeded to brush his teeth.

'Huh, almost missed a spot.' He thought, as he opened his mouth to reveal his teeth as his set of canines doubled in length ultimately becoming fangs. He had also realized that he could now bring forth and retract his fangs at will.

After taking his bath and putting on clothes, he headed downstairs to have his breakfast. Stepping into the kitchen, he was met with an empty dining table, his breakfast already served on it. 

Not minding his mother's absence since he had already heard her leave for work from his room, he proceeded to take a seat and take his breakfast. 

"There it is again." He mumbled after taking a bite off his waffle, barely tasting the food.

After Xavier had tasted blood, he realized that he wasn't able to properly decipher the taste of any other food he ingested.

Minutes later, Xavier walked out of his home, the rays from the sun touching him as he flinched in response instinctively using his hand to shield the sunlight from touching his face.

'This is just annoying…' he couldn't help but think while taking a peek at the sun through the spacing between his fingers.

One final change and arguably his most hated change was that he discovered that sunlight now irritated him. It was just as it sounded, he had immediately realized that the sun appeared a lot more vivid and brighter from his perspective, made his skin slightly itch and longer exposures gave him sun burns but worst of it all, he had realized he felt weaker under the sun.

"I guess all these are only natural with being a vampire, at least it was better than instant death like he had seen in movies." He knew how big of a bullet he had dodged in that matter, especially because of for an entire month, he had mistaken himself as a werewolf and had paid no heed to the sunlight and it didn't help that he had no reaction while being under it at that time.

"I wonder if garlic is now poisonous to me, it'll really suck if I can't have garlic bread they're my favorite." He mumbled while walking to school, his hoodie over his head as an attempt to shield his face from the sun.


The school bell rang as everyone took their respective seats ready for the class that was about to start. Xavier instinctively glanced at where Jayden once sat before looking away.

He hadn't talked to her since the incident at the last full moon, he just couldn't bring up the courage to do so.

'What do I say to someone who I almost brutally murdered?' Xavier thought frustrated.

"Settle down class, before we go on with our class today, let's welcome back a member of this class who has been absent from school for a while now." Mr. Hank stated while gesturing to the classroom door, causing everyone present to look at it with curiosity.

'It can't be…' Xavier eyes widened.

Walking into the class was a brown haired girl who sported a purple jacket which was unzipped revealing a black t-shirt in the middle alongside a pair of black pants and sneakers.

"Welcome back Miss Hunter." Mr. Hank said as whispers and murmurs immediately followed from the other students.

Amidst the various chatters, Mr. Hank continued speaking immediately silencing the whispers.

"Let's also use this medium to welcome a new member of this class, you can come in and introduce yourself." Mr. Hank stated before informing the new student to enter.

"Hello, my name is Jade Crimson and I'll be in your care." The beautiful redhead walked into the class before giving a brief introduction, instantly captivating the class with her beauty as she walked to her seat which was placed beside Jayden.

"Who is she?"

"We have a new beauty in school!"

"You think she has a boyfriend?"

The whole class's attention was immediately drawn to Jade as multiple whispers and murmurs were heard.

On the other hand, our young vampire whose mind had yet to register Jade's presence had his attention completely focused on Jayden's sudden appearance. He couldn't help but stare at her as his mind ran rampant, noticing Jayden hadn't spared him a glance since she stepped into the class.

'I guess I deserve that much, I almost killed her and worst of it all I didn't even try to contact her ever since.'

"Attention class, with this out of the way let's get on with our lesson." Mr. Hank stated as he resumed the class's lesson.


Several hours later, the school bell rang signaling the end of the class. "Make sure to read pages 18-20 we'll have a pop quiz from there." Mr. Hank announced while the students flooded out of the class earning him some passing groans.

'Now's my chance!' Xavier thought as he quickly approached Jayden before she could leave the classroom.

"Jayden!" he called out to Jayden who was in a conversation with another student, his hand merely inches away from her shoulder.


Before his hand could make contact with Jayden, Xavier felt his arm being grabbed by another stopping him in his tracks. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Jade asked with a slight frown while holding on to his arm.