

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The full moon (5): Jayden plight

[A/N: Don't worry this is the last of the full moon series. There will be one more chapter later today, and three more tomorrow let's go! (Unedited chapters please bare with me.)]

Lately Jayden had this ominous feeling deep within which she couldn't get rid of, it didn't help after she read the information she uncovered online concerning what Xavier might potentially be.

(A few days ago…)

A few days ago recently after the G.E.E.K incident, Jayden was seen typing away at her laptop in her room, trying get to the bottom of how Xavier would have possibly survived a bullet to his head.

[What are the abilities or characteristics of werewolves?]

[These may include:

Superhuman strength and speed, acute senses (especially sense of smell), night and infrared vision, razor sharp claws and teeth, shape shifting (wolf and human form), a thick hide for defense, and enhanced regeneration]

"I don't think Xavier possesses these abilities not counting strength, speed, and senses." Jayden mused as she read through the information.

"Under the probability he isn't a werewolf, then maybe…' she resumed typing again with a different prompt in mind.

[What are the skills and abilities of a vampire?]

[Certainly! These are the abilities and characteristics of a vampire…

Superhuman strength and speed, acute senses (especially sense of hearing), night vision, fangs (used for extracting blood from prey), shape shifting, enhanced regeneration (vampires are considered immortal due to the high vitality and tenacity they possess.), swift and gravity defying movements.]


(Back to present…)

Jayden had been reading articles about vampires ever since then, it'll perfectly explain why the full moon had no effect on him and the power he possessed.

She didn't really care if he was a werewolf or vampire to her both were just as bad in her opinion what worried her most was

'How did a bite from a werewolf turn him into a vampire, is that even a thing?" Jayden mumbled out the question that was now bugging her.


The sound of the door swinging open resounded in the quiet building, making Jayden aware of Xavier's return.

"Oh Xavier, you're back…" she said approaching the figure that just entered. 

"Xavier what happened!?" Jayden exclaimed finally noticing Xavier who was limping towards her.

Observing him closely only made her realize the severity of the injuries he had sustained she noticed the metal bar lodged in his shoulder, his body covered with multiple stab wounds and worst of it all they didn't seem to be healing as a trail of blood followed behind him.

Jayden was completely exasperated at the sheer amount of injuries her best friend had somehow managed to sustain in an hour. 

She immediately rushed at him without hesitation, but stopped abruptly when she was only a couple steps away from reaching him.

'Something's not right.' She thought as she realized he hadn't said a word since he returned not even a groan of pain despite the horrible injuries on his body, combined with the fact that his eyes were still glowing.

Being a lot more closer to him made her spot some details she hadn't when she stood farther from him.

Under his eyelids were multiple small black veins which extended all the way to his cheek bones, his usually pale complexion was now abnormally ashen and a little sickly. 

"Xavier… are you okay?" Jayden asked taking a single step back her guard now up against the unmoving figure standing in front of her.

"Haaaaaaa…." Xavier released a long breath out visible steam escaping his mouth. He raised his head his glowing eyes finally meeting Jayden's his expression being that of someone who was struggling.

"R…ru-ru." A few incoherent words were said by him inadvertently revealing visible fangs among his teeth.

"What was that?" Jayden asked already taking several steps backwards.

Raising his head and looking at her even more intently, he finally spoke.


That was the indication she needed as she immediately made a break for it in the opposite direction.

'He's lost control, I need to find a way to-'


Before she could even finish her train of thought, she had abruptly rolled to the side narrowly dodging a mannequin that was flung at her.

Not giving her a chance take any other action, he pounced at her colliding with her as they both rolled on the floor finally stopping with Xavier being on top of her. He carried a crazed expression as his glowing eyes stared at her intently.

He opened his mouth wide ready to take a large bite as his fangs were displayed in their full glory.

'Sorry but this might hurt a little.'


Just before he could bite her, Xavier felt a jolt of electricity run through his body stopping him in his tracks. Jayden had pulled out a portable taser which her mother insisted she always carry with her whenever she was out.

'Thanks mom…'

Jayden was feeling Xavier's strong hold on her body weakening and was ready to push him away, when she felt a hard punch to her gut causing her to gasp for air.

Before she could understand what happened, her body was already flying through the air finally slamming on a nearby wall and falling to the ground.

Unfortunately for her, he didn't seem intent with just that as he grabbed her firmly his fingers digging into her skin before throwing her again, only this time she landed on a wooden furniture breaking it to pieces.

This was more than enough to send her out of commission as blood leaked from the side of her nostril and mouth, her body already forceful shutting itself down.

Xavier's figure loomed over her, he was about to continue his onslaught but was immediately stopped in his tracks by the irresistible smell of Jayden's blood. He immediately rushed at her quickly holding her neck which carried the pulse of blood in it waiting to be liberated by him.


He bit into her neck roughly, as the crimson nectar his body yearned for was released into his mouth like a dam which was broken.


His heartbeat quickened even more, urging him to take deeper bites ultimately drawing out more blood.

After a few more minutes of feeding, Xavier eyes slowly receded back to normal, his ashen skin back to its pale complexion and his fangs finally retracting alongside the vein markings under his eyes. But with the transformation reverting, along came his sanity.

"Jayden!" he screamed in horror.