

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The full moon (4): Not a werewolf

[A/N: unedited chapters bare with me.]

[The full moon is out.]

The bright milky colored circle in the sky shone, dimly illuminating the night of silver mist, but to a specific duo this caused a sense of worry as they both waited for the changes which were about to occur on Xavier's restrained body.

'Here it comes.'

'Don't lose it man.'

Both teenagers thought simultaneously, the moment which they've been prepping for finally came.


But to their utter disappointment, nothing seemed to be happening as Xavier lay still waiting for the transformation that would never occur.

This left him confused, because he felt nothing not even the fast beating heart, heightened senses or violent urges as of when he was in school, he just felt… normal.

"Sigh… Xavier…" Jayden voiced out.

"I… I don't think anything's going to happen." She stated with a voice clearly filled with worry which contradicted with her statement which was supposed to be good news.

A few minutes after waiting, they exited the basement after Jayden released Xavier from his restraint, he stood up still examining his body for any form of change only to find nothing.

"Why do you think this happened?" Xavier asked still confused with what was going on.

"I don't know, but I've had my suspicions about this about this ever since G.E.E.K." Jayden replied causing Xavier to raise an eyebrow. "Suspicious about what exactly?" he asked, his interest piqued.

"Xavier, I think you might not be werewolf." Jayden revealed to Xavier who now carried a shocked expression.

This was getting even more confusing for him, as it was already obvious he wasn't normal and he was sure his abilities surfaced after that werewolf attacked which only begs the question…

"If I'm not a werewolf, then what am I?" he questioned with curiosity.

"A few days back, I crossed referenced the skills and abilities I've seen you possess with that of supernatural beings of myths, I wasn't sure as I might have been thinking into it too much at that time but the result of my research were…"

Jayden paused taking a deep breath as she gathered the courage to continue which only made Xavier more anxious. "And the result was that you might be a-"


Jayden was interrupted by the sound of multiple loud sirens from the police cars which sped past the building heading towards…

'The gang war!' Xavier thought.

Reaching out to his jacket, he pulled out his mask which he now carried around on him in case of emergencies.

"I need to check the situation out there and see if there's any way I can help, we can-"

"Go." Jayden quickly replied.

He gave a short nod before putting it on and swiftly leaving, using Jayden's bike to get there.


Jayden released a deep sigh after seeing Xavier gradually disappearing figure through the window. After averting her eyes, she proceeded to take a seat taking a look once again at the article she was reading with an uncommon title.



Ashtray district was a popular business district among the younger generations. It was more specifically, a gambling and red light district. This entire district was the territory of the Night owl gang and as their name implied, most of the activities, operations, and businesses carried out by them where mostly done at night.

As the night sky arrived, Ashtray became bustling as multiple businesses opened, ranging from casinos to restaurants and even brothels. The bright and vibrant lights from the street and business illuminated the night sky as crowds of people engaged in various activities the district had to offer. At least that was the case until half an hour ago before the Night owl's sworn enemies, the Blaze hounds attacked.

The formerly bustling business district was now filled with chaos as the two rivalry gangs duked it out right there in Ashtray district. The streets were now littered with bloodied and battered bodies of gang members from both sides, various business structures fell victim to Molotov arson as they burned with intense flames while the law enforcement could only watch and try their best to bring the damages to a minimum.

The battle had finally reached a stalemate, as a group of over ten individuals from both sides faced each other these were the main forces of both gangs more specifically 'elite members'. Each of them wielded makeshift weapons of their choice ranging from metal pipes, to chains or baseball bat wooden or metal. Surprisingly, not a single one of them wielded a gun as it was an unspoken rule not to bring ammunitions in a gang war.

'The sooner I take them all out the better.' Xavier thought as he ran through the street of Ashtray district. He had managed to take down a dozen gang members from both sides immediately he arrived at the district and was aiming for the main force.

Xavier from a distance noticed a cluster of gang members from both side ready to clash at each other at any given moment already. Realizing they were only about roughly twenty individuals present, he made the hard decision of confronting them, any more and he would have had no choice but to wait for them to fight and reduce their numbers themselves. But now he could keep any further damages from happening and prevent anymore property damage which most likely housed a few civilians in hiding.

"Hey!" Xavier yelled grabbing their attention and before anyone there could react, a body was seen flying through the air crashing hard on a gang member knocking them out cold.

"This ends now!" he yelled aggressively after shocking them by what he had just done.

"Hey, isn't it that freak from the news?"

"Yeah you're right!"

"I heard he's been taking down gang members in their territories!"

"He's probably here to do the same!"

"Get him!"

Surprisingly, the two gangs had temporary called a truce in an attempt to take him down and they had no qualms in doing this as they came at him as a united force.

'Paranoid much' Xavier thought.

The first gang member to reach him quickly swung a metal pipe he held at Xavier without any form of hesitation, but Xavier was swift enough to evade the strike before landing a heavy punch at his gut knocking out the wind out of him.

Before the gangster fell on the floor Xavier grabbed the metal pipe in his possession, quickly using it to block the sneak attack from an incoming attack from a baseball bat wielding gang member. 

He ultimately was able to make quick work of them as he proceeded to wield both the metal pipe and bat on both hands respectively as he faced the sixteen or so remaining gangsters.

"Come at me." He stated with confidence, although he only said that to agitate them because in reality after that short exchange, Xavier could tell he was getting weaker.

"Just like when Jayden was kidnapped." Xavier thought although he didn't have time to dwell on it since the gangsters were already rushing at him.




A few minutes after intense fighting, huffs and pants were heard from Xavier who now stood in the middle of the battered and unconscious bodies of the gangsters, being the only one left standing from the original group of twenty. 

 He came out victorious in the fight but at a great cost, his body was now riddled with multiple grievous injuries, a metal rod seemed to be lodged in deep within his shoulder, and his body was now covered in deep cut and stab wounds ultimately drenching him in his own blood obviously the gang members hadn't gone down easy.



His heartbeat resumed its dreadful fast paced beating as once again, his bloodlust rose…