

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Growing changes

(A/N: This chapter is in Xavier's POV (first person), so please don't get confused it has a purpose to the plot everything will get back to normal after this chapter.)

[4Days: 16Hours: 5Minutes: 22Secounds to full moon]

I glanced at the countdown displayed on the screen of my smart phone as a feeling of impending disaster loomed over my head. To be honest I was starting to like having my powers lately and sometimes even got skeptical about the werewolf thing.

'Maybe I developed superpowers after getting bit and I wasn't a werewolf.'

That was my line of thinking even if I didn't want to admit it. But what if I really was a werewolf? What if on the full moon I lose control and hurt innocents or worse, the people I care about? The recent events two days ago had hit me with a hard truth.

'I wasn't human and I had no idea how to go about it.'

It's been two days since the G.E.E.K incident and ever since then, things have changed drastically. Jayden's been absent ever since then, at some point I actually tried going to the Hunter mansion once but was stopped by the heavy security stationed there for obvious reasons.

Jayden was the only person I could talk to about this kind of stuff and maybe possibly help in finding answers to the weird thing going on with me lately, like why my powers were unstable? Or why I felt no remorse or problem in fatally harming some of the mercenaries but most importantly why those armed men tried to kidnap her? There was certainly more to it than meets the eye than simply asking for a ransom.

'They could have done that in the building and make their escape after.' I mused.


The school bell rang as I closed my locker to head for my class.

"Hey Heller!" Dylan yelled my name in a haughty tone.

'Sigh, what does this idiot wants.'

"I heard your nerd friend was kidnapped, apparently she's supposed to be from a rich family of sorts, I guess that'll explain why you're friends with her." Dylan stated rudely with a light chuckle.

"Shut it Dylan, I'm not in the mood go find someone else to bother." Obviously not in the mood for unnecessary bickering, I stated with a frown shoving him out of my way.

My enhanced hearing had picked up some disappointed groans and sighs, obviously Dylan wasn't the only one looking for some form of reaction whatsoever from me.

I honestly have more important things to worry about than kicking Dylan's butt.

'Can't believe I think that.'

As usual class felt longer than it should have, but today even felt way longer as I was left to my thoughts barely able to focus on the class itself.


The closing bell rang indicating the end of the school day as I quickly found my way out of the school premises. Normally I'd either be heading over to Jayden's Cosplay studio or go on a round of free running over Silver Mist's rooftops but neither were an option. The first for obvious reasons which made me almost curse at my lack of a social life well, almost. The other reason being…

[There's a feeling of insecurity in the air since the hostage and kidnapping incident a couple days ago at the G.E.E.K convention although citizens are concerned about their safety, we're all still in a state of awe at the mysterious individual now known with the alias 'Blood-Onyx'. witnesses reveals seeing the mask vigilante chase after and battling the vehicles of the armed assailants weaponless alongside many other superhuman feats.

At this point, it's safe to say our local hero is here to fight against crime and most definitely possess the skills and abilities to undertake it but the pressing question remains, what is the true identity of Blood-Onyx?]

I stopped to listen to the news report from the TV screen at the café I had stopped for a coffee.

Jayden had given out the alias 'Blood-Onyx' to the authorities adapted from the outfit just like I instructed right before I left in a bid to clear any form of suspicion aimed at her and it seemed to work perfectly.

'No one allied with him will sell him out…' that was the line of thinking I tried to induce, although revealing this had it downsides…

[Top Trending Topics.]

[1. #Blood-Onyx]

[2. #G.E.E.Kshooting]

[3. #EXO-AI]

[4. #Deadfool3]

[5. #....]

Blood-Onyx was trending online and rightfully so, a masked super powered vigilante was just too absurd for a usually quiet city like Silver Mist.

[Mom: Hey honey, just checking if you're home from school.]

[You: Just went to get a coffee, I'll be home soon mom.]

[Mom: Please be careful on your way back, I'll be home from work in a couple hours.]

[Mom: Stay out of trouble, mom loves you.]

[You: Love you too mom.]

My mom had gotten a bit over protective this past few days and I don't really blame her though, just makes me wonder what will be her reaction if she knew I was the 'Blood-Onyx', was shot in the head and exposed to multiple bodily trauma.

'She'll most definitely have a heart attack.'

Fortunately all my injuries had completely healed up before she arrived home from work and heard about the incident. Despite that, she was still heavily concerned and worried.

'Glad I hid this well.'

My eyes fell on the scar mark on my arm clearly left behind by the stab wound I got from fighting of the kidnapper's leader I had another at the spot where I was shot at my shoulder. This wouldn't have been out of place except from the fact that my healed injuries don't normally leave behind scars. 

I had only noticed them while taking a shower, this combined with the issues with my powers and my drastic change in my emotions made me realize a lot was currently going on with my new body and I had no idea what to do and this unnerved me.

"Sigh…" I let out a deep sigh before covering up the scar with my sleeve.

'I see changes in myself and wonder if I'm losing the essence of who I once was. With every new experience, I feel fragments of my old self slipping away.' I paid for the coffee before exiting the café.

"At least things seemed to be peaceful for the most part." I said out loud reassuring myself.

Little did I know this was just the calm before the storm.

(A/N: make sure to read creator's thoughts)




we're halfway through the first arc! (Bite of the moon's curse) please leave a comment on what you think the remainder of this arc will entail or what you'll like to see or not in this novel... it'll be much appreciated make sure to support.

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