

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

New threats

"How long is this going to keep up?" Jayden asked Jennifer while glancing at the multiple security guards at the premises from her window.

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked while typing away at her laptop.

It had been two days since the incidents over at G.E.E.K ever since then, the hunter mansion has been flooded with heavy security protocols preventing anyone from going in or out without Jennifer's permission.

"You know what I mean, I can't keep skipping school!" Jayden spoke exasperated.

"What? You were almost kidnapped, I'm pretty sure your school would understand why you've been absent, besides we're rich we can pretty much do whatever." Jennifer replied before taking a sip of red wine.

"Mom!" Jayden obviously flabbergasted at her mother's irresponsible choice of words.

Jennifer: ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Jayden wasn't simply worried about school, she was aware what the following days would entail.

'The full moon'

Almost as if flooding the premises with heavy security wasn't enough, her mother had restricted her from using the internet and being the teenager she was, this was akin to torture to Jayden. Plus she was concerned about Xavier, although she was aware he was capable of healing, the injuries he sustained back there were just too gruesome.

'Besides he saved my life…' she thought solemnly

"At least let me use the internet for a bit." Jayden asked her mother with a pleading gaze.

"Whoever hired those mercenaries to kidnap you might still be monitoring us, till my guys over at Hunter industries confirm that we're in the clear, they'll be no internet for now." Jennifer explained to which Jayden replied to with fake puppy eyes.

"Sigh…" finally noticing the oddly compelling expression on her daughter's face, Jennifer finally relented with a smile.

"Fine, you have ten minutes tops." Jennifer spoke while putting on her reading glasses.

"Thanks mom, I love you!" Jayden said happily immediately running upstairs.


Just as Jayden departed, Jennifer's phone rang. Seeing who was calling, her face turned serious as she picked the call.

"Hello?" she said in a dark tone.

[Good morning Miss Hunter, lovely day isn't it?] The voice altered from the other end spoke.

"Cut the crap, I know you guys were behind my daughter's attempted kidnapping." Jennifer asked, her voice brimming with anger.

[Oh my, ever so impatient I see… well it's true we had a hand in the events a few days ago but as you know, due to some unforeseen anomalies, we weren't able to surprise you like we intended.

Nevertheless, you know what we are capable of and no amount of anomalies would be able to stop us next time.]

"If you hurt my family I'll-"

[You know we will do more than hurt, how did that saying go again? Ah yes, 'to whom the gods destroy, they plunge into madness first…']

"Fine you win, no need for threats you guys are already threatening as it is. What do you want?"

[Tch you're no fun, I'm quite sure you know what we want but I'll just say it… we want 'project Templar']

"It isn't even finished yet, what use do you have with that." Jennifer answered a bit shaken up.

[Oh we are very much aware about that, but do not fret we are more than ready to fund for all you need for its completion all we want is the results…]

"As long you don't pull that stunt earlier."

[You have our word.]

"Fine." Jennifer agreed in a defeated voice.

[The Dark Guild awaits results.] The persons stated before disconnecting the call.

"Sigh…" Jennifer released a sigh before rubbing her temples in exhaustion.


Meanwhile, Jayden rushed straight to her room before picking her laptop and seating on her bed.


Jayden quickly logged into a website on her laptop.

Something's been bothering the young teen since she got back home a few days ago.

"How did Xavier survive a bullet to the head?"

Truth be told, she was honestly glad her supernatural friend was alive and kicking but she couldn't just shake the mystery of how he was alive.

She had just logged into a new popular website which was like an encyclopedia for mythical or supernatural creatures. She was well aware that the info they might have about werewolf might not correlate with reality but it was still worth a try if she could get a clue.

[Can a werewolf survive a bullet to the head?] Jayden typed away at the search bar.

[Of course! Werewolves are capable of surviving physical trauma to fatal parts of the body thanks to the regeneration although, the feat of surviving damage to the brain is only accomplishable by older werewolves (I.e. it cannot be done by newly turned younger werewolves who haven't evolved.)]

Jayden: !!!

[Here are some abilities and physical characteristics of werewolves :

 Superhuman strength and speed

Acute senses (especially sense of smell)

Night and infrared vision

Razor sharp claws and teeth

Shape shifting (werewolf, wolf, and human forms)

Enhanced regeneration]

Jayden couldn't help but gulp in response to the information she had just read from the website, the scary part was that she was seeing abilities and characteristics she was certain Xavier didn't possess.

Finally gathering the resolve, she typed away again.

[Skills and abilities of a…]

[Certainly! These are the skills and abilities of a…]

"Son of a..!"


(In an unknown location somewhere else outside Silver mist…)

Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting a somber glow on the plush red carpet now smeared with dark, drying blood. Slot machines and poker tables stood eerily still, their usual clinks and clatters replaced by an oppressive silence.

The bodies of defeated gang members lay scattered across the floor, their lifeless eyes staring into the void. The air was thick with the metallic scent of violence, mingling with the faint odor of cigarette smoke and spilled whiskey.

In the center of this macabre scene stood four individuals, the perpetrators of the massacre. Their leader Viktor, was a tall man with a thug like appearance. His brown hair was scattered and roughed out, and his leather jacket which surprisingly bore only a few specks of blood.

He sighed deeply, his icy blue eyes reflecting an almost palpable ennui as he surveyed the carnage with detached indifference.

"Another gang another pointless fight." Viktor muttered his voice low and smooth, devoid of any emotion.

He glanced at his companions, each lost in their own post-battle rituals. To his right, Raven wiped her bloodied clawed hands with her handkerchief, her eyes holding a flicker of dissatisfaction.

"They didn't even put up a decent challenge." She remarked, her tone flat. "It's almost insulting."

Across the room, Felix rummaged through the pockets of the fallen, looking for anything of value.

The last of the quartet, Jade, leaned against a blackjack table, her boots propped up on the polished surface. She lazily twirled a lock of her crimson hair around her finger in silence, seemed to be lost in her own world.

Viktor ran a hand through his rough hair, his gaze drifting to the massive chandelier above.

"Even the thrill of the fight has been drained by our proficiency."

"Is this all there is?" Viktor wondered out loud.

Almost like an answer from above, a TV which seemed to be affected by static finally stabilized as a news report was displayed on it.

[There's a feeling of insecurity in the air of Silver mist since the kidnapping incident…]

To which Viktor responded with a small smirk on his face.

'Silver Mist eh? I was there a month ago to 'vent' on the last fullmoon.'

"Pack your bags fellas, seems like fun things are happening in Silver Mist." Viktor declared his irises glowing red with power, too which the entire crew reciprocated with yellow glowing eyes of their own.