

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Going Viral

Theo watched the security footage with utter disbelief plastered all over his face, he just couldn't belief what he was seeing. The same could be said for Angy as she carried the same expression on her face.

'The chief needs to see this; from the looks of it he probably is a vigilante or worse a mercenary. If the gangs in this city really are hiring mercenaries then things are about to start spiraling out of control.' Theo thought before glancing at the security footage again.

'Hopefully, this would be enough to make him act but first I need to make sure no one else sees this, to prevent funny ideas.'

"We'll be confiscating this footage, please hand it over."

 Angy declared finally speaking for the first time since she entered the store, making the Theo surprised and the store owner frown for obvious reasons.

Moments later Theo and Angy drove away in their cruiser after taking the security footage with them, leaving behind an aggrieved store owner.

"Haa…well it can't be helped, it's a good thing I made a copy before calling the cops." He said bringing out his phone which contained a copy of the video from the security footage.

"I'm gonna be famous!" he said excitedly.


"Mom I'm home, I'm ordering pizza" 

Xavier announced immediately after entering his house, truth be told he was still feeling hungry. 

"She left an hour ago Xavier." Jayden replied while sitting on a couch watching TV.

"Oh it seems you're all better." Xavier said, pleasantly surprised.

"I came here to find you but your mom said you weren't back from school yet, so I had to wait, you sure did take your time though."

"Well… I decided to take a stroll after school." Xavier lied through his teeth; he couldn't let Jayden find out about what happened at school and on his way back no matter what.

"Oh, okay for a minute there I thought the reason you weren't picking calls and showing up late was because you were busy fighting off an armed gunman at a grocery shop."

Xavier: (●__●)

Jayden: ಠ ೧ ಠ

"How did you know?" Xavier asked in a defeated tone.

"Dude, seriously? You're all over the internet!" Jayden grabbed her phone before shoving it at his face which displayed the scene of him taking down the thug.

"Don't get me wrong, it was awesome I didn't even know you can do moves like that but next time make sure a video of you doing it doesn't go viral at least. Luckily you were wearing that face mask if not we would have been toast."

'Next time?' Xavier said inwardly

He immediately decided to scroll down to see the comments section and was honestly surprised by it.

[Big_Daddy_Store_Owner (Subscribe)]


[Comments: 598]

[Psychedelic_steps: Holy shit! Did that guy just crush a dessert eagle with his bare hands?!]

[Omni_King345: Damn I thought these videos where fake but this one looks legit]

[Lotus89: You think he's a vigilante?]

[OrcKing: Definitely staged lol]

[Leviathan: I'm I tripping or did that guy's eyes just glow?]

[Darksaber45: These videos are every where now.]

Some seemed to think he was a Meta human similar to the one Jayden had shown him, while others thought it was all staged but Xavier was honestly just glad that apparently nobody seemed to know who he was.

"Now let's talk about the other thing." Jayden suddenly said grabbing Xavier's attention.

"What other thing?" Xavier said nervously as a strong feeling dread overtook him 

"Don't play dumb, I leave you for a few days and you almost expose your secret to the whole school. Haa… whatever, all's well that ends well." She said with a tired expression.

"Let's get pizza." he said with an apologetic expression. 


(A week later)

[18 Days: 8 hours: 9 minutes: 48 seconds- Till full moon]


Xavier looked once again at the countdown on his phone which made him sigh as a result. He was currently taking some books from his locker while Jayden discussed about the plans she made for the building she bought. But he honestly wasn't paying attention. 

A week had past and the arrival of the full moon was looming over his head and he still had no idea on how to handle it. To make matters worse he had to spend an entire week grounded at home since he's mom inevitably found out about his suspension.

And finally to add a cherry to the problem Sunday, although staying indoors for a week had helped him get better control of his senses that didn't stop the time to time glances and whispers he was getting. Obviously the school hadn't forgotten what went down last week.

'Please if there is a higher power out there, cut me some slack will you?'

(A/N: Not happening bruv)

"OI, earth to Xavier!" Jayden called out to him with a face filled with injustice, after realizing that he had not been listening to her. She had noticed that this had been reoccurring for the past few days, where Xavier would subconsciously get lost in his thought.

Her gaze fell on Xavier's phone which was still displaying the countdown; honestly she would admit that she was at lost at what to do. 


(Several hours later…)


The school bell rang several hours later signaling the end of classes that day. Xavier and Jayden were now seen together on her motorcycle as she sped through city missing the other vehicles by small margins as she navigated.

Jayden had suddenly slowed down before stopping completely as Xavier looked around with curiosity. Jayden hadn't really told him where they were going only that he should come with her which he did.

Looking around, Xavier realized they were in an abandoned skateboard/ Parkour park. Judging from the multiple chips on the concrete floor and puddles that indicated that the place was prone to flooding when it rains, it was probably abandoned after being deemed unsafe.

"What are we doing here?" He asked his interest clearly piqued.

"You see Xavier, all we've been doing lately is focusing on the bad since you got your powers I think it's high time we get to know the perks of what you can really do." She said with a grin.