

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Skill Set

"All we've been doing lately is focusing on the bad since you got your powers I think it's high time we get to know the perks of what you are." She said with a grin.

"The perks of what I am?" Xavier asked surprised.

"Yeah think about it, we know you're strong really strong but how strong? The same goes for your speed too. You can hear people whispering from at least twenty feet away, tell what I had for breakfasts last Tuesday… don't you want to know if you could do more?" Jayden said enthusiastically

Seeing that Xavier was giving it some thought she pushed further "Besides if we figure out everything you can do, maybe we'll be able to prepare for the full moon."

Xavier had honestly been curious about what other things he was capable of, but the opportunity had never shown itself. He honestly couldn't refute her words because she was right at this point they might just throw all they know about werewolves from fiction out the window.

"Fine let's do this." Xavier declared with a determined expression.



The sound of Xavier's fist connecting to concrete was heard as his fist smashed through the concrete blocks stacked in front of him. He was currently wearing a black track suit with white stripes at the sides which Jayden had prepared beforehand.

"That's enough Xavier!" Jayden yelled, as she was standing a dozen feet away from him for safety reasons.

"So, how was that?" Xavier asked after walking back to Jayden's position.

"Well as impressive as that was, the objective was to find out the other cool stuff you'll be able to do." 

"So, show me."


"You know the thing." Jayden said while gesturing her hands in semi grabbing motion.

Xavier was starting to think his friend had finally lost it due to too much excitement.

"I mean your werewolf claws!" She finally spoke up after realizing Xavier didn't understand causing her cheeks to turn rosy due to embarrassment.

"Oh, you could have just said so you know. But just one slight problem… I don't know how to, I've never done it before."

Jayden: (눈‸눈)

Xavier: ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

Jayden and Xavier proceeded to test other abilities like speed, partial transformation, and self-regeneration.

"So… what am I doing again?" Xavier asked nervously.

They were currently opposite each other on the top edge of a 20ft wide and 10ft deep skateboard pit. 

"Judging by how fast you run, you should be able to reach impressive heights with a single bound." Jayden said with an evil grin.

"Um… I don't know about this." Xavier replied nervously.

"Come on don't be a big baby besides, if you fall you'll always just heal like before… at least I hope so."

Xavier sighed as he was starting to think Jayden was some kind of evil mad scientist and him, the test monkey used for the crazy experiments.


"Here goes nothing!"

Xavier leaped forward crossing the distance of 20 feet in an instant but just as he was about to land on the opposite end, his feet slipped causing him to fall back first directly towards the pit. Jayden had reached out to grab him but had failed.

"What the..."

Xavier had closed his eyes to mentally prepare himself for a world of pain, but he quickly opened them after hearing Jayden's remark and realizing his body had stopped moving.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was both of his feet stuck horizontally to the side of the pit as he stood in place. Curious and astonished, he took a step upwards and was surprised to see he could move freely on the wall while standing, shocking Jayden even more.

Xavier was quick to notice that he wasn't feeling dizzy or light headed in his current position in fact, it felt like how he normally would while standing upright if anything, his current position felt more comfortable.

"That's awesome Xavier!" Jayden suddenly remarked causing him to lose focus ultimately causing him to fall face flat.



"So how did I do?" Xavier asked Jayden as they walked back home.

Unfortunately Jayden's bike had run out of gas and they hadn't come across any gas station yet.

"Well see for yourself." She said while handing him her tablet which she used to take notes.

[Xavier's Abilities and skill set:]

[Heightened strength (could easily smash through concrete blocks with a single punch)]

[Heightened Speed (Kept up with my motorcycle at top speed, while running (about is 60mph to 75mph.)]

[Regeneration (Healed instantly to small laceration made on his palm.)]

[Senses (Enhanced hearing, smell and vision.)]

[Reflexes (Due to heightened senses, he possesses near perfect hand-eye coordination with enhanced cognition.]

[Static friction manipulation? (Was able to ignore the pull of gravity while in contact with a surface.)]

[Remark: Need bigger chains.]

"So what does this mean?" Xavier asked curiously as he pointed at the remark.

"So far everything you've done is nothing like werewolves of fiction; I figured I'll need stronger restraints to keep you in place on the full moon." Jayden explained.


Xavier was about to comment but was disrupted by the sudden crowd they had stumbled upon.

"What's going on?" Jayden asked a random bystander 

"Seems like a gang group had opened fire while evading the cops, unfortunately a stray bullet had hit a gas tank and caused an explosion." He said while looking at the firefighters struggle with the fire in the middle of the road.

"I… I think I hear a heartbeat, There's someone stuck in there!" Xavier said with a horrified expression.

"I think the cops said something about a kid being in a car when the fire started." The bystander said, seemingly not hearing Xavier's ridiculous claim.

"Come on Xavier, I don't think I can watch this any longer anymore." Jayden spoke already walking away. She had already taken a couple of steps away from the scene only to realize that Xavier wasn't following behind her.

Xavier was frozen in place as flashes of distant memory had flooded through his mind. 

"Xavier, come on let's go!" Jayden called out to him.

He was about to turn and walk away when…

"Mo- mom, help me…" 

Xavier heard the little girl's plea for help which caused him to stop in his tracks. With gritted teeth, Xavier inserted his hand into his pocket and pulled out a facemask and immediately put in on. 

Before Jayden could realize what he was about to do, Xavier had already ran towards the fire at breakneck speeds.

"Hey you can't be here!" Theo who was trying to keep the crowd at bay and away from the fire yelled at Xavier who was running to his direction.

Ignoring the blonde haired cop, Xavier immediately jumped forward along with the momentum of his dash. Theo's and every one watching had their eyes and mouth wide open as they witnessed Xavier fly over the group of firefighters, cops and the raging fire with a single jump.


The sound of Xavier landing resounded a slight crack appeared on the ground where he landed. Xavier panted for breath, his eyes glowing bright crimson red as he stood surrounded by flames.