
Fanfiction Recommendations


Monsterb620 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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633 Chs

Chronicles of Deku by Malnouished Child (MHA)

*Someone asked for MHA fanfic, so I looked through my backup recommendations and found this. Warning, I haven't read this story in a while*

Latest update: January 12, 2024

Summary:Izuku Midoriya was having one of the worst days of his life. He's been bullied, attacked, and told to give up on his dream by his hero. Dejected, Midoriya walks through the woods until he finds a strange hole. A hole that contains an...Object. Now, Izuku has powers he only dreamed of. But can he keep them in check long enough to be a Hero? (Inspired by Chronicle)


Word count:99k


100 Chapter 1: Issue 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All copyrighted material is owned by their respective holders

Izuku Midoriya wasn't having the best of days.

It started when he was outed in class that he was applying for UA, the most premier Hero school in Japan. That wouldn't be so bad if his friend (and to some, that term was loosely used) Kacchan, who also applied, demeaned Izuku and everyone else in class. No, Izuku was once again reminded he was Quirkless. Only 20% of the world had the same genetic status as those back in ancient history. The rest had genetic mutations that granted them superpowers, called Quirks. Ever since the rise of Quirks, the costumed heroes and villains leapt from the pages of comic books and manga to real life. It was basically nearly every kids' dream to be a Hero, and Izuku had that dream since forever.

He didn't like being reminded he had a disadvantage against everyone else.

What made matters worse was after school. Kacchan and some of his friends cornered Izuku where nobody could see them. Kacchan told Izuku that the boy should give up on his dream, burnt Izuku's notebook full of Hero information, and suggested that Izuku dive off a roof if he wanted a Quirk.

That was a pretty big damper on his day. Sure, Kacchan would always get a little bit too forceful with his explosions, but this was probably the worst he got. Kacchan wouldn't be serious about telling Izuku to kill himself. Was he?

So, Izuku's day was already in the gutter, carrying home a nearly charred notebook and more feelings of self-doubt when it got worse. Izuku got attacked by a Villain. Some sort of sludge man that tried to take over Izuku's body. The kid almost thought he would die. Fortunately, Izuku was saved a Hero.

Not just any Hero, but All Might! The Symbol of Peace and Izuku's idol since day one. After stammering a thanks and getting All Might to sign his notebook (Izuku will treasure that forever), All Might made his leave before Izuku could ask the Hero something important. After grabbing onto the Hero's leg and scaring the ever-living crap out of both of them, the Hero landed on a rooftop with Izuku safe and in tow.

While trying to ask All Might a question, Izuku discovered that the man wasn't always the mountain of physical prowess as seen on TV. Turns out the Hero had hurt himself during a fight, leaving his true form shrunken and skinny. After promising to never tell anyone he saw this, Izuku asked All Might an important question.

Could someone without a Quirk be a Hero?

All Might said no.

Izuku felt shattered emotionally. The world around him dulled as his idol told him his dream was unreachable. He may have heard All Might recommending being a police officer or a rescue worker if he wanted to help people but it was just background noise. He was done. Even his hero, the man who saved everybody with a smile, told Izuku the same thing everyone else did:

"You can't be a Hero without a Quirk".

All Might helped Izuku down off the roof before disappearing into the crowd. Izuku muttered some sort of thanks, or did he? He didn't really pay attention. His body just moved on its own as he slowly walked on his way.

Izuku knew he didn't want to go home. He just wanted to be left alone. To process everything. It felt like his life was one long, bad joke. The boy with a dream being put down by everyone around him, even his idols. Probably went on longer than it needed to be. But unlike all those old movies, there was nothing Izuku to do fix that, to prove them wrong. He couldn't train his body to peak physical conditions. He lived with his mom on a middle-class salary thanks to his dad working overseas. Izuku was smart, but not smart enough to make the kinds of gadgets to keep up with other people with Quirks. Sure, maybe if he put his mind to it, but Izuku didn't really think of that.

By now, his sad trek had brought him to the woods outside of Musutafu. How long was he out there for, who knows? Izuku dragged himself along semi-observant to his surroundings. What was he going to do with his life? Would he still try and chase after his dream of becoming a Hero? A role determined by genetic chance and some stupid toe joint? Or…did he want to take that dive? No! He wouldn't go that far. Would he?

Izuku's spiraling train of thought stopped as he felt himself trip over something and fell face first onto the ground. After a few seconds of rubbing off the pain, he turned to see that he tripped over a small rock jutting out of the ground.

How pathetic could he be? Tripping over random rocks in the woods? Like a worthless Deku. That was Kacchan's nickname for Izuku ever since the boy learned of the other's Quirklessness. It was always a name to hurt Izuku, yet the body tried to look past the negative connotations and focus on the fact his "friend" gave him a nickname. He was a fool.

As Izuku started to get up, he noticed it. A hole in the ground. It didn't look manmade but didn't seem natural. Peering down it only led to darkness. But there was something else Izuku noticed.

A sound. A hum or a buzzing deep inside the hole. Izuku had to lay on his stomach to hear it.

Izuku stood up and looked back where he came from. He should really tell somebody about this. This could be something big, like an artifact or some underground ruins. But as Izuku turned to face the hole, it called to him. Calling him to go down and see.

Izuku gulped as he stared down the dark entrance. Fortunately, there were ledges formed out of the rocks Izuku could climb down. He took his time, as he was never the most athletic kid in school. By the time he got the bottom, he knew he needed light to continue. Luckily, Izuku always kept his phone on him. Turning the flashlight setting on, Izuku went through the cavern's corridors.

It was damp and claustrophobic. Izuku stepped in puddles of water that soaked his shoes and socks. The air felt scarce, as if this place was hidden from the rest of the world for so long. He had to go sideways to get through some passages. Izuku constantly felt the worrying fear that he was lost in this maze of rock. But the noise always accompanied him. He had to just keep following it. As the humming and buzzing got louder and louder, he knew he was close.

Finally, after minutes of searching, Izuku entered a wider area and discovered It. This…Object took up most of the room. It seemed embedded in the walls. There was still enough room to face it from the front and to the sides but that was it. It was so bizarre. Its base was made of rock, yet glowing blue crystals shone out of it, facing Izuku. What was stranger was inside of the crystals; there was some sort of organic vine-like thing inside the crystals. The buzzing Izuku heard from up top and all throughout the caverns was perfectly clear to hear. It sounded more than buzzing. It sounded like...singing.

"What…are you?" Izuku asked. He took cautious steps towards it. The singing lowered in intensity becoming more of a soft tune. Izuku was in touching distance of it.

"Where did you come from?"

Izuku reached out his hand towards the crystal. The vines trapped inside moved closer in sync with Izuku's hand. As soon as he made contact, the whole crystalline structure turned into a cool yellow.

Izuku started to mumble to himself. Was this thing heat-sensitive? Did it have other properties? What would it do if exposed to other Quirks?

Izuku smiled at his own discovery. And then…

Pain! Screaming! The buzzing turned into a shrill symphony of cries! It burned into Izuku's head, and he screamed. He couldn't hear it over the noise, the scream! Izuku brought his hands to his head as he screamed in pain. It didn't stop! Why wouldn't it stop?!

He felt something warm stream down his face. Was it blood? Was it his blood? Was he bleeding?! Izuku couldn't tell because his head felt like it was on fire, and everything hurt! He tried to escape but he couldn't focus because he was in so much pain. The cave glowed a violent red that made everything worse.

Please! Somebody help! Somebody help me!

He couldn't get out! He couldn't find his way out.

He couldn't - He couldn't - Help…

Inko Midoriya didn't sleep well last night.

Her son, Izuku, stayed out way longer than he usually did. She was sure that her son might have seen some Hero fight on his way home and got distracted. But what if he got hurt? Her friend, Mitsuki, her son got caught up in a Villain attack that afternoon. Poor Katsuki was attacked by a sludge Villain. Luckily, All Might swooped in to save the day. Inko knew Izuku and Katsuki were friends, so she watched the news over and over again to see if her son was in the crowd.

He was not there. And as evening turned to night, she made dinner for two and only ate one. She almost forgot to even eat. She sat there on the couch, waiting for some sign that Izuku was okay. Where was her son? Where was her baby?

It was already late when she went to her room. She was already in her bed when she heard the sound of someone coming in. Using an improvised weapon, she held unto her cooking utensil like it was a lifeline. The flashlight she dug out illuminated the dark living room of their apartment. She followed the noise to see that the bathroom light was on.

The door to Izuku's room was open. Pushing it ever so slightly, she opened to see the darkened room. Even at night, the amount of All Might memorabilia was ever present. Inko moved her light over to the bed.

Her prayers were answered. Izuku was alright. He was sleeping soundly in his bed. She was caught between emotions. Relieved that he was safe, rightfully worried where he had been, and fighting the urge to huge her son in order to not wake him up.

As stealthily as she could, she backed out of the room and closed the door behind her. She let out a sigh of relief. Her baby boy was okay. Lowering the utensil, she checked on the bathroom. The mirror and the sink told her nothing, but when she looked down, she almost gasped.

The trash bin was filled with numerous bloody tissues. All were caked in blood; some had long dried, some still looked fresh. And on the floor was Izuku's school uniform. A good portion of the top was soaked with dried blood. Some of the stains were smeared, as if someone tried to wipe them off and didn't do a good job at it.

Inko wanted to rush back in her son's room, wake him up, and have him explain what the hell happened to him. Why did he come home so late and why was there so much blood everywhere? She steeled her breathing.

Think, she told herself, think.

She couldn't get answers now, so late at night. Izuku would be groggy and confused and would be trying to comfort his crying mother because she know the waterworks would start as soon as she started asking questions.

Inko took a deep breath in and then out. Tomorrow. They'll wait till tomorrow morning to talk about it. As soon as she saw him, she would ask her questions.

The morning came, and Inko barely slept a wink. Her mind raced around all the possibilities of what could have happened last night. Did he get attacked? Was he kidnapped? How did he get so much blood on his uniform? Did he get in a fight?

Inko was at her kitchen workplace. Seemed Izuku was still asleep. Luckily, there was no school for the weekend so they had enough time to talk. Still, the anticipation made her tense, made her jumpy. So, when she heard a door slam behind, she turned so fast she forgot the rest of the ingredients on her right side and sent them flying across the room.

Now, Inko's Quirk was nothing special. It was a mild form of telekinesis that allowed her to attract small objects to herself. While Quirk use in public was illegal besides official registration, Quirk usage within one's own home or property was fine. Inko used her Quirk to help with cooking and other household tasks.

So, when she sees the cluster of food stop and hover in midair, she knew she wasn't the cause of it. Inko looked up to see her son, his hand raised in a grabbing motion, frozen and shaking out of the bathroom doorway. She followed Izuku's movements as his hand guided the food over to the kitchen cabinets and set them down.

Inko looked at her boy, his eyes looking down at his shaking hand. Her boy who used telekinesis to help save their breakfast. Her body, who at the tender age of four was told he would never have a Quirk in his life, used his mind to lift and move food all by himself.

Mother and son looked at each other. Inko held her breath while Izuku was making purposeful ones. Inko could see the start of blood trickling down from her son's nose.

"Mom," Izuku said after what seemed like forever. "We need to talk."
