
Fanfic Ideas ...

These are some fanfiction ideas I thought of..... some are draft(DF), some I'm developing (Dev), some abondend (Ab) Everyone is welcomed to expand/devlop/continue the drafts (DF) or abondend (Ab) ones. you can check their status in list... *make sure to send link in chat of your fanfictions, if you do expand on them.

Castor_Med0 · Livres et littérature
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7 Chs

Life Simulator System (4)

Chapter 4: Shadows Beneath the Moonlight


The moon hung high in the sky, casting its pale silver glow over the Xiao Clan estate. Stars dotted the night like scattered jewels, a serene yet deceptive backdrop for the night's impending drama.

Xiao Long stood at the edge of the back mountain, his sharp eyes reflecting the moon's light as he surveyed the estate below. The chill of the night air mingled with the distant chirping of insects, creating a deceptive tranquility. His mind, however, was anything but calm. The Life Simulator had unveiled a pivotal moment approaching, one that could shift the balance of power to his advantage.

Descending the mountain path with urgency, Xiao Long's thoughts raced. "Tonight is the night Xiao Yan will attempt to meet Gu Xun'er," he reminded himself. He had observed this scenario through countless simulations. The stakes were high; Xiao Yan's actions could set off a chain reaction that might reshape their fates.

"I must handle this with precision. Too much interference, and I risk exposing myself or alerting Ling Ying," Xiao Long considered. Ling Ying, the vigilant protector of Gu Xun'er, was no ordinary opponent. The Dou King's senses were acute, and Xiao Long had no desire to cross him—at least not yet.


The Xiao Clan's backyard was a domain of exclusivity, with courtyards separated by high stone walls and meticulously manicured gardens. Xiao Long moved with practiced stealth, evading the gaze of any patrolling night watchmen. Each step was measured to ensure he remained unseen.

Approaching Xiao Yan's courtyard, he slowed, slipping into a shadowed alcove. "I must wait. Confronting him prematurely would jeopardize the plan," Xiao Long thought. The knowledge of Xiao Yan's intentions had led him to set up his own intricate scheme. Tonight, he would need to navigate the delicate balance between action and invisibility.

Hiding in the shadows, Xiao Long suppressed his Dou Qi to the minimum—a technique he had honed with painstaking effort. It was essential for avoiding detection by cultivators more powerful than himself.

A small wooden door creaked open. A shadowy figure emerged—Xiao Yan. His movements were cautious but filled with a palpable excitement, an eagerness that revealed his disregard for the potential consequences.

"Just as predicted... he's heading toward her courtyard," Xiao Long mused, maintaining a safe distance. He resisted the urge to act immediately. "Evidence is crucial. A person must be caught in the act to ensure no escape."


Xiao Yan approached the stone wall surrounding Gu Xun'er's courtyard, his breath steady and his eyes gleaming with the thrill of defying rules. He began to scale the wall with an eagerness that bordered on recklessness, oblivious to the danger.

Xiao Long watched from his hidden vantage point, a smile playing at his lips as he observed his cousin's clumsy ascent. "Now's the time." With a burst of Dou Qi, Xiao Long leapt from the shadows, his voice slicing through the quiet of the night.

"Who dares to sneak around in the dead of night!?"

The sudden shout sent Xiao Yan into a frantic panic. His grip faltered, and he fell to the ground with a resounding thud, a groan of pain escaping his lips. His heart raced as he scrambled to his feet, eyes wide with terror.

The commotion roused Gu Xun'er from her sleep, a faint light spilling from her courtyard and illuminating the wall. Ling Ying, the ever-watchful protector, must have sensed the disturbance, but Xiao Long knew the Dou King would not act hastily. His trap formations were still active, providing Xiao Long with a narrow window to implement his plan.

Feigning confusion, Xiao Long stepped into view, his eyes narrowing with calculated scrutiny. "Cousin, what brings you to this part of the estate at such an hour? Climbing over the wall into a woman's courtyard—are you engaged in something... inappropriate?"

Xiao Yan's face drained of color, panic seeping into his voice as he stammered, "I... I wasn't doing anything!"

"Oh?" Xiao Long raised an eyebrow, his tone sharp yet tinged with mock curiosity. "Then why would you sneak out and climb into someone else's courtyard? Especially when Xiao Xun'er is here. You wouldn't be attempting something improper, would you?"

Embarrassment and fear clouded Xiao Yan's expression. He could offer no explanation that would alleviate his predicament. Xiao Long's manipulation was succeeding.

Xiao Long crossed his arms and leaned in slightly, his voice calm but laden with veiled threats. "Your father might not appreciate this. Even as the Clan Head's son, you have boundaries."


As Xiao Yan floundered for words, a desperate idea flickered in his mind. "You're accusing me? What about you? What were you doing here in the middle of the night? Aren't you sneaking around as well? Maybe I should be asking you what you're up to!"

Xiao Long almost laughed at the audacity but maintained a neutral expression. "So he's trying to deflect."

Still, Xiao Long played along. "Oh, come now, cousin. I wasn't the one climbing over walls. But if you're so curious, I was out in the back mountains, cultivating. The solitude there is quite serene."

Xiao Yan, cornered and desperate, refused to concede.

At that moment, a flicker of light from Gu Xun'er's courtyard cast a soft glow over the surroundings. A gentle, ethereal voice called out, "Is someone there?"

Xiao Long glanced upward, noting the light's reflection. He decided to make one final strategic move. "It seems your little escapade has stirred quite a reaction. Shall we explain everything to Gu Xun'er, or would you prefer I keep this incident discreet?"

Xiao Yan's face turned ashen, and he quickly shook his head. "No! Don't tell her. I'll... I'll go back."

Xiao Long's internal satisfaction was palpable. "Very well." He nodded slowly, watching as Xiao Yan hurried back to his courtyard. The night had granted Xiao Long a tactical victory, but he knew this was only the beginning.


Unbeknownst to Xiao Yan, Ling Ying had detected something amiss earlier that night. From his hidden vantage point, Ling Ying had set subtle traps around Gu Xun'er's courtyard—designed to catch genuine threats but not minor disturbances.

Ling Ying, a Dou King-level expert, had sensed a faint stir earlier near the Xiao Clan's borders. His instincts had urged him to investigate, but he remained near his charge. He trusted the courtyard's defenses, believing Xiao Yan posed no real danger.

Ling Ying's gaze remained vigilant over Gu Xun'er's surroundings as he tracked the disturbance on the outskirts. Xiao Long's swift actions ensured he remained undetected—for now.


With Xiao Yan dispatched, Xiao Long knew he had limited time. Ling Ying could return at any moment.

He slipped into Gu Xun'er's courtyard, moving with the utmost stealth. The room was dimly lit by the flickering glow of a single candle, revealing Gu Xun'er lying unconscious on her bed. Her body trembled, her breathing labored as her internal Dou Qi surged uncontrollably, threatening catastrophic damage.

Xiao Long's eyes narrowed with recognition. Qi Deviation, a critical condition. Gu Xun'er's attempt to suppress her bloodline flame had destabilized her Dou Qi, leading to this dangerous state. Her father, Gu Yuan, had sent her to seek the key to the Ancient Tuo She Gu Di's tomb and shield her from internal conflicts. However, her suppression had backfired, putting her in peril.

Kneeling beside her, Xiao Long placed his hands on specific acupuncture points, his touch precise. He guided her turbulent Dou Qi away from critical areas, his fingers moving with deliberate care.

He then began channeling a portion of his own Dou Qi into her body. Though weaker, his Dou Qi was calm and stable, providing the necessary balance to calm her chaotic energy. Xiao Long used a subtle massage technique, his hands moving over her body with both soothing and exploitative intent. He folded her body with practiced ease, ensuring her energy flow stabilized.


Hours passed, and Gu Xun'er's condition improved. Her breathing steadied, and her energy regained balance under Xiao Long's careful manipulation.

Xiao Long's gaze lingered on Gu Xun'er's form, noting her well-developed physique. He allowed his eyes to explore her body, indulging in the forbidden pleasure of her vulnerability. His touch became more intimate, lingering over her form with a dark satisfaction.

As Gu Xun'er's eyes fluttered open, confusion and gratitude mingled in her gaze. "Where… am I?" she asked, her voice weak yet steady, her eyes meeting his with a blend of confusion and dawning recognition, imprinting his charming face into her soul.

Xiao Long, his hands still resting gently on her arm, offered a reassuring smile while concealing a lecherous smirk. "You're safe now. Rest. You had a... bit of a crisis, but everything is under control."

Gu Xun'er's eyes closed again, her breathing calming as she drifted back into a more restful sleep. Xiao Long remained by her side, his mind already plotting the next moves. The night's events had shifted their fates, but the true story was just beginning.


Chapter end