
Episode 2

(The episode opens with Brian holding a beer and is walking drunken to the house)

(Kanisha dragging a body by her mouth)

Brian (drunk): Don't judge, me

Kanisha (muffled): Drunkie

Brian (drunk): You have no right, I can stop anytime I want

Kanisha (muffled): Uh huh

Brian (drunk): I can, I mean (destroys the beer bottle)it

(Kanisha eats the flesh off the body)

Brian (drunk): Whoa! (Throws up)

(Kanisha drags the body away)

Brian: That's much better, but (throws up again) Nevermind I was wrong

(The screen shows Kanisha eating a rib cage in the living room)

Meg: Isn't this weird, that she is eating a rib cage from an unknown skeleton?

Peter: Meg, she's just being an animal

Meg: But that was a live human

Lois: Meg, it wasn't anybody important otherwise we should've shown her face

Meg: Oh, forget it (walks away)

Stewie (walks in the living room) (holding a script): Kanisha, what do you think about my musical

(Kanisha gets up and flips through the pages, then gives it to Stewie)

Stewie: We'll? Pretty good

Kanisha: Yeah, and I can help you get the cast

Stewie: Really? Oh my gosh, are you just pulling my leg?

Kanisha: No, all these people owe me a favor

Brian (as he opened the door): Ah hah

(Kanisha jumped like a cat and landed on the ceiling)

Stewie: Oh, Brian you shouldn't done that

Brian: Don't care because I am going to expose this one of being a liar, there is no way you know all those people and that one of Stewie's musicals is good

Stewie: Hey!

(Kanisha comes down and fights with Brian)

(Brian's fur is ripped)

Brian: I still don't believe it

Kanisha: Fine, I'll prove it (wraps her tail around Brian and lifts him up)

Brian: How are you so strong?

Kanisha: Are you kidding me, your body is mostly alcohol, it's like lifting a prostitute

Brian: Alright, just takes me to the Glee cast

Stewie: Wait, (gets on Kanisha's back) I want to meet them too

Kanisha (sighs): Fine, but don't ask any questions

(The screen switches to Kanisha landing by the coffee shop)

Brian: They hang out at a coffee shop.

Kanisha: Yes, they are really intuned with their characters

Stewie: So, should we call them by their characters' names or their real names

Kanisha: Characters

(Kanisha opens the door to the coffee shop)

A voice: Kanisha, you are back

Kanisha: Sup, Blaine, hey where's Kurt?

Blaine: Getting more coffee

Kurt (holding coffee): Hey, is that Kanisha, I thought the last I had seen of you was our third reunion

Kanisha: I would've been for the other reunions, but I was dating

Brian: You mean eating

Kanisha (covers Brian's mouth): Yeah, that's my story

Mercedes: Kanisha, you need to get married

Kanisha: You know I can't, Jerry broke my heart, I just can't trust men, sorry Blaine, Kurt, Sam, (surprised) Rory, is that you I thought you weren't coming back

Rory: I had to, I missed everybody

Kanisha: Dating anybody

Rory: Ironically no, but I am working as a bartender so I hear other people's stories

Kanisha: Well, you want to date me

Rory: What about your boyfriends?

Kanisha: Yeah, it seem we didn't click

(The screen shows A man who has curly black hair, white skin, wearing a green suit and Kanisha are eating at the restaurant)

Kanisha: I'm sorry, I have to dump you

The man (surprised): What? (Sad) but, I thought you were going to eat me, I was planned to scream in fear

Kanisha: And I would've loved that, but you see you aren't as cute or funny as I thought, I'm not filling it

The man: Please, Kanisha I can change

Kanisha: Sorry, I can't do this, thanks for dinner

The man (gets on Kanisha's leg): Please, I already sold my house and faked my death so my family won't miss me

Kanisha: Yikes, this is sad, but I can't help you (eyes widened)

(A man who has flowing blonde hair, white skin, wearing a black suit and shoes)

The man: Hi, cutie

Kanisha: (throws the first man out of the window) (walks away) Hey, handsome do you have a girlfriend?

(The cutaway ends)

(The screen shows Kanisha showing the script to the crew)

Rachael: Fine, we can do this

Stewie: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I can't wait

Sam: So, director or dancer or both

Stewie: Both

Mercedes: Cool

(The screen switches to people sitting on the auditorium)

(The curtain lifts up)

(Stewie and the glee crew appears on the stage)

Lois: Oh, look it's Stewie

Peter: And The whole cast of glee, even the ones that were kicked off because they weren't that popular

(Piano is playing)

The glee crew (sang): The genius, the fool, the girl

The cream of my genius

The bomb of a girl

It is all wrapped up in your perfect frame

Rachel (sang): I never knew that I

Could be in love with a genius

Everybody (on stage): It was right then you drew me close

It was pure genius, your love was beyond strange

You are genius

You are a genius

Kurt (sang):

This wonderful genius

This wonderful genius

Took it in between some hearts

Wound down with some guitar strings

Stewie (sang):

I remember when I saw you on Tuesday

And my heart it just jumped up

Everybody (on stage):

It was right then you drew me close

It was pure genius, your love was beyond strange

You are genius

You are a genius

Stewie (sang):

Man is a genius, working with his hands

And sometimes we fail, oh the defeat

Everybody (on stage):

It was right then you drew me close

It was pure geniu, your love was beyond strange

You are genius

You are a genius

(The screen shows everybody leaving the auditorium)

Lois: That was lovely

Stewie: Thank you, Kanisha

Kanisha: Thanks, Rory let's go

(Rory comes out of the auditorium)

Brian: I'm sorry, Kanisha, you are kind person and Stewie it wasn't a bad musical

Stewie: Oh my gosh, you admit my musicals are good

Brian: Well, this one was

Peter: Now, Brian don't be a rude

Rory: So, Kanisha, want to go to a nice restaurant?

Kanisha (gets on Rory's back): Yes

(Kanisha and Rory walk off)

Brian: Is she going to tell him what will happen after the date?

Meg: At the last minute

(The screen shows Kanisha drawing Rory's leg and the rest of the body is gone and covered in blood with her mouth)

Stewie (opens the window): So, how did it go?

Kanisha:(let's go of the leg) It was beautiful

Stewie: I meant to say you gave me a wonderful day and I let you some FBI agents

Kanisha: Oh, thank you, I am hungry, I'll be right there

Stewie: Sure, it was lonely to not have you sleeping in here

(Kanisha smiles and eats the rest of the body)

(The screen shows Kanisha sleeping Stewie's bed)

(Stewie is sleeping as well)

(Brian smiles as he sees Kanisha and Stewie sleeping)

(Episode ends)