
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 20 Chapters ahead, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

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161. Militia Recruitment and Training PT.2

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As the sun began to set over Sanctuary, casting long shadows and bathing the settlement in golden light, Sico felt a renewed sense of determination. The training was about to get much more intense, preparing the recruits for the realities of the world outside—their resolve, skills, and unity tested under the most authentic conditions they could safely provide.

The next morning, Sico assigned MacCready, a skilled marksman and tactician known for his proficiency in handling dangerous situations, the task of leading a small militia team. Their mission was two-fold: locate a suitable site for the high-intensity live training simulation involving feral ghouls and capture a few of these unpredictable creatures to be used in the exercise.

Before the team departed, Sico met with MacCready and his team to outline the objectives and emphasize the importance of the mission.

Sico: "MacCready, I'm entrusting you with a critical task. We need a location that's secluded enough to control the exercise without external interference, but it should also have the structural complexity to simulate real-world urban combat conditions."

MacCready: "Understood, boss. I know a few places that might fit the bill. We'll survey each site thoroughly and pick the best one for the job."

Sico: "Also, the part about capturing the ghouls—handle it with extreme caution. Use non-lethal methods as much as possible. We need them alive but subdued. I want a full safety assessment and containment strategy in place before you bring any back."

MacCready: "Got it. We'll use containment traps and sedatives. I'll make sure the team keeps a safe distance until we're sure they can't break loose."

With their instructions clear, MacCready and his team equipped themselves with the necessary gear, including reinforced containment cages, sedatives, and protective suits designed to withstand minor ghoul scratches and bites. The team left Sanctuary by mid-morning, heading towards an area known for its abandoned urban structures which could potentially serve as an ideal training ground.

After several hours of scouting, MacCready identified an abandoned industrial park on the outskirts of a derelict town. The area featured several dilapidated buildings, empty warehouses, and a network of fenced-off open spaces that could effectively simulate an urban combat zone. He sent images and initial reports back to Sico for approval.

Meanwhile, the team set up traps in known ghoul hotspots, using bait and remote sedation methods to capture the creatures without causing harm. The operation required patience and precision, as the ghouls were quick and unpredictable. By late afternoon, the team successfully captured a small number of ghouls, ensuring each was securely contained for transport back to Sanctuary.

Upon receiving MacCready's updates and reviewing the proposed site, Sico approved the location and prepared for the next phase of setting up the training grounds. He also coordinated with the medical team and additional security forces to be on standby during the live training sessions, ensuring that all safety protocols were rigorously followed.

As the captured ghouls were transported back to Sanctuary under heavy guard, Sico met with Preston to finalize the training schedules and safety briefings for the recruits. They planned detailed scenarios that would test various aspects of the training they had undergone, from tactical team maneuvers and hostile engagement to emergency medical response and extraction procedures.

The preparations for the live simulation were meticulous, as Sico and Preston understood the risks involved. However, they were confident that this intense, realistic experience was essential for preparing the recruits for the harsh realities outside Sanctuary's walls, turning them into capable and dependable Minutemen ready to face the Commonwealth's challenges.

With the location approved and the feral ghouls securely transported and contained, the next steps involved rigorous planning and setup for the live training simulation. Sico and Preston, along with a specialized team, headed to the selected industrial park to begin preparations.

Upon arrival, the area was cordoned off with additional security checkpoints to ensure no unauthorized entry or exit. Sico oversaw the establishment of multiple observation posts around the perimeter, equipped with communications equipment to maintain contact with all teams during the simulation.

Preston spearheaded the layout of the training course within the industrial park. He mapped out various scenarios, including ambush sites, defensive positions, and areas for medical triage exercises. These settings were designed to be as realistic as possible, giving the recruits a taste of urban warfare and quick-response situations.

Sico: "Preston, make sure each scenario has a clear objective and emergency exits. Safety is our top priority, even in controlled chaos."

Preston: "Absolutely, Sico. I've also arranged for multiple dry runs with the trainers before we involve the recruits. We need to ensure every move is calculated and secure."

The medical teams were stationed strategically around the training zone, with quick-response units ready to intervene at a moment's notice. Sico insisted on a full briefing for the medical staff, emphasizing the potential risks involved and the importance of swift medical care.

Sico: "Each medical unit must be equipped with anti-radiation treatments, emergency trauma kits, and sedatives. I don't take any chances with ghoul scratches or more serious injuries."

Then the containment units for the ghouls were double-checked for integrity and functionality. Each ghoul was kept sedated but in a state that could be carefully controlled to simulate a live encounter. Remote-operated gates and reinforced nets were installed to manage and direct the movement of the ghouls during the simulation.

As night fell, Sico gathered the instructors for a final review meeting. They went through every detail of the simulation, from the deployment of ghouls to evacuation procedures.

Sico: "Tomorrow, we test not just the physical prowess of our recruits, but their mental acuity under pressure. This exercise will teach them about unpredictability and teamwork under fire. Let's ensure it's a lesson they all learn safely."

The following morning, the recruits were briefed on what to expect and the rules of engagement. Tension was high but so was determination as they donned their gear and checked their weapons at the armory. Non-lethal ammunition was distributed to prevent real harm, though the impact would still mimic combat scenarios closely.

As the recruits lined up at the starting point, Sico delivered a few last words of encouragement.

Sico: "Today, you will face challenges that mimic the harsh realities of the Commonwealth. Trust your training, trust your teammates, and keep your heads on a swivel. We do this together, and everyone comes out safer and stronger for it."

With a signal from Sico, the simulation began. Monitors flickered to life as observation teams tracked each recruit's progress through the course. Through controlled releases, the ghouls entered the scenario in phases, testing the recruits' ability to adapt and respond to threats as they worked towards the objectives.

As the simulation unfolded, the industrial park transformed into a chaotic urban battlefield. The recruits, adrenaline pumping, moved in tight formations, their tactical movements closely mirroring the scenarios they had trained for in the weeks leading up to today. Echoes of simulated gunfire and shouts filled the air, creating a sense of urgency that pushed the recruits to their limits.

Sico, monitoring from an observation post, communicated frequently with Preston and the team leaders, ensuring that all moving parts of the exercise were functioning as planned. His eyes flicked between monitors, tracking each unit's progress through the course.

The first encounter with the ghouls tested the recruits' reaction time and combat readiness. As the gates opened and the ghouls staggered into the training zone, some recruits hesitated, their training battling against instinctual fear. However, under the guidance of their instructors, they quickly regrouped and engaged the threats effectively, using the non-lethal rounds to "neutralize" the ghouls. The scenario was designed not only to test their combat skills but also to enforce the importance of maintaining composure under pressure.

As the recruits advanced to the ambush sites, they encountered more complex situations. Preston had designed these scenarios to mimic potential real-life encounters, complete with surprise elements and the need for rapid decision-making. In one instance, a team had to navigate through a smoke-filled building to rescue hostages represented by dummies. Here, communication and teamwork were crucial, as visibility was severely limited and the sounds of ghoul groans echoed ominously through the haze.

Meanwhile, at the medical triage exercise area, another group of recruits faced a different kind of challenge. After a simulated explosion, they had to assess and treat injuries, ranging from minor cuts to severe radiation exposure, quickly and efficiently. The medical teams watched closely, ready to step in if necessary, but largely they observed the recruits handle the scenarios with increasing competence.

As the day progressed, fatigue set in, but the intensity of the simulation did not wane. Sico's voice crackled over the radio, offering guidance and reminders to keep safety protocols at the forefront. His leadership ensured that the exercise maintained its educational purpose without veering into recklessness.

As the final scenario approached, all teams were called to converge on a central location for a last stand against a large horde of ghouls. This was the culmination of the day's events, designed to test the endurance and collective strength of the recruits. As they set up defensive positions and prepared for the onslaught, the camaraderie and teamwork they had built over the course of the training shone through.

The ghouls were released, and the air was thick with the sounds of simulated gunfire and coordinated shouts. The recruits, now moving with a synchronicity that could only be forged in the heat of shared adversity, worked together to "eliminate" the threat. Watching from the sidelines, both Sico and Preston felt a surge of pride; the recruits had embraced the chaos, turning it into a controlled dance of strategy and strength.

As the simulation ended and the recruits regrouped, exhausted but exhilarated, Sico addressed the group once more.

Sico: "You've shown today that you are capable of facing the uncertainties of the field with bravery and intelligence. Remember these lessons as you move forward."

The debriefing that followed was thorough, with each recruit reflecting on their actions and receiving constructive feedback from the instructors. The training was deemed a success, not only in testing the physical and mental abilities of the recruits but in solidifying a team dynamic crucial for real-world operations.

As the debriefing concluded, the recruits and instructors began the process of cleaning up the industrial park and dismantling the temporary structures that had supported their training simulation. Equipment was carefully stowed, communication gear was turned off, and safety checks were made to ensure that the area was left secure. The ghouls, still sedated, were safely transported back to their containment facilities, ensuring no threat lingered.

Exhausted but filled with a new sense of competence and camaraderie, the team boarded the transport vehicles for the journey back to Sanctuary. The ride was filled with a mixture of relief and animated recaps of the day's events, with recruits and instructors alike sharing moments of fear, triumph, and humor.

Upon arrival at Sanctuary, Sico and Preston gathered everyone for a brief closing ceremony. The recruits stood in formation, their postures reflecting the fatigue of a long day but also the pride of having completed their intense training.

Sico: "Today was a testament to your resilience and your ability to adapt and overcome in unpredictable situations, the skills you've honed here are just the beginning of what you will need to survive and thrive out there."

Preston: "Remember, the bonds you've formed today, the trust you've built, carry that with you. In the field, it's your team that watches your back. You've done excellent work, and I look forward to seeing how each of you applies these lessons in the real world."

The recruits saluted their instructors, a gesture of deep respect and acknowledgement of the hard-earned lessons of the day. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over Sanctuary, the newcomers dispersed, some to write letters home, others to rest and recover, but all moved forward changed by the experience.

The training had not only equipped them with the necessary skills for combat and survival but had also woven them into the broader fabric of the community at Sanctuary. They were no longer just recruits; they were defenders, ready to stand guard over their new home and its inhabitants.

As night fell, the quiet peace of Sanctuary was a stark contrast to the day's controlled chaos. Lights flickered on in the homes and common areas where people gathered to share meals and stories. Sico and Preston, now alone, reviewed the day's events one last time.

Sico: "Good work today, Preston, let's keep pushing. The threats aren't going to wait for us to be ready."

Preston nodded, his mind already on ways to improve the next training session.

Preston: "Absolutely, Sico. We'll debrief fully tomorrow and start planning. There's no time to lose."

As they parted ways, each felt a quiet confidence in the future. The newcomers, now fully integrated into the fabric of Sanctuary's defense forces, were a sign of hope, a promise that they could not only survive the harsh realities outside their walls but could thrive and protect their sanctuary against all odds. The lights of Sanctuary glowed warmly in the encroaching darkness, a beacon of safety in the wild wasteland.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -

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