
6 – Crazy

“ARE you going to be alright, Princess?”

Yna smiled at her friend before nodding.

“I’m really sorry, William.”

She glanced at his bruised cheek. Her good friend touched his jaw. He was not able to hide his grimace.

“This will be as good as new by tomorrow. By the way, she has a great hook.”

She followed him until he was out the door. The sentinels were waiting outside to accompany him down.

Yna took a deep breath before she went back to the kitchen of the penthouse. She needs lengthy patience to face the person who made a scene on the ground floor of the hotel a while ago.

The culprit was standing beside the sink.

Yna stood in front of the kitchen island. She watched the handsome woman wash her hands.

H faced her while drying her hands with the paper towels. She was unsmiling. Her gray orbs were blazing with restricted anger.

Yna meets her accusing eyes.

“Two weeks, Ynara. Just two weeks and you’re clinging to that guy.”

She sighed. She pulled a chair and just continue watching the tall woman. She did not say a word.

“Are you not going to ask if I am alright?”

“No. Are you done? Please leave.” The princess said in a calm manner.

“Really? Is that your boy toy?”

Yna blinked her eyes as she stared at the tall woman. If this is a different circumstance she would laugh. The smirking H that she knew weeks ago was quite different from the person that was standing before her.

The tall woman in front of her is looking at her with a dagger in her eyes. Gone was the playful smirk that was always present on her lips. Annoyance was obvious in every word that came out of her mouth.

The H in front of her appeared to be a dejected woman. Scorned.

“What do you want from me?” Yna asked instead of answering the allegations that the androgynous woman was throwing her way.

She was never charged with such a manner in her life. Her patience is nearing its end.

“I don’t know!” H said in a higher voice. She combed her short hair with her fingers in frustration.

She sighed again. Yna understands where H is coming from. That was the only thing that kept her on her toes.

The longing, the need, and the possessiveness were the manifestations of the mating bond. As a human, H did not know how to handle it. Adding to the fire was her being a jerk and a womanizer.

H stood up. She cut the short distance between them.

Before Yna could utter a word, H yanked her towards her body. The tall woman put her hand on the back of Yna’s head before capturing her lips.

The handsome woman invaded her mouth with fervor. She moaned when their tongue touched.

“I miss you,” H muttered when their lips parted. “Where have you been the last two weeks, babe?”

The ache was apparent in the tall woman’s tone. H finally calmed down.

“I was working.” She responded almost in a whisper. Her mind is still clouded with the kiss they shared.

“I was waiting for you.”

The gray-eyed woman was already composed. Though, sadness was still shadowing her eyes.

“Did you stay here the whole time?”

H nodded. She pecked her lips again. “Who’s that guy, babe?”

“He’s a friend. We went to the same Uni together.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat when she felt her finger stroke the exposed skin on her back. It made her shiver. The touch on her skin made her want to close her eyes and indulge in it.

“He kissed you.”

The tall woman put a space between them but never let go of her completely. She obtained a few sheets of paper towels and brushed them on Yna’s face. The part where William kissed her as a gesture before leaving.

“He’s not courting you, right?” H asked but her hand was still brushing Yna’s cheek with the paper towel.

“He’s just a friend,” Yna responded. Her face is heated with the friction from the brushing of the paper towel on her cheeks.

“Good because you’re mine.”

She stopped cleaning her cheek and pulled her again. H kissed her full on the mouth.

‘This woman can kiss.’ Yna thought to herself.

She grabbed H’s shoulders when she felt herself being lifted. Their lips were still connected, she found her ass sitting on top of the kitchen counter with H in between her legs.

“Are we good?” Yna asked when their lips parted again. She was a little breathless.

“Yes. No touching another guy, alright?”

Yna frowned. H answer her unasked question with a brief kiss.

“I realized that I’m crazy for you, babe.”

“This is not a one-night thing, right?”


Yna grabbed her bruised knuckle before H could draw a smirk. She gripped it harder. The tall woman screamed in surprise but Yna never let go.

“I’m just kidding, babe.” The discomfort was visible on her face when she said that. “You have a good grip, Princess.”

She let go of H's hand. She beamed at the tall woman as if nothing happened.

“The high emotions that you felt when you saw me with William, mine can surpass it. I’m not kidding.” Yna said as she straightened the lapel of H’s shirt. “And I don’t do threats.”

She found the tall woman standing before her watching her intently. She caressed the lips that kissed her many times before.

“Princess, you’re hot when you do that.”

Her muddy brown eyes meet H’s eyes. Those grays bare no playfulness. She saw the need. Perhaps, lust.

They were about to kiss again when she heard footsteps inside the penthouse. The lips that were supposed to land on hers, touched her cheek instead.

“I should have come two minutes later. I would have witnessed a better show.”

Yna pressed her face on H’s almost flat chest in embarrassment upon hearing her sister. She felt better when H enclosed her in between her arms.

“I’m Amarillo. I’m her eldest sister.”

“Hello, I’m H.” She waved her hand since Amar was a little far.

“This is Henrietta? Aki gave her no justice. She is no girl.” Amar uttered in surprise.

“A girl? You wound me, woman.”

“Shut up!” Yna whispered as pulled her shirt.

“You look handsome though. No wonder our little Yna is smitten.”

“Who’s handsome?” Said another voice.

Egoistic that she is, H put her hand up as a tall, Caucasian man entered the threshold.

“You should have told the whole gang to come over, Amar. This would have been a reunion.”

“Actually, the parents were waiting for you. We’re here to fetch you. Dinner at home.” Her sister beamed at her. “By the way, this is my beloved, Paulo.”

“Hello, Princess.”

Yna nodded at him. Amar already told her that she was going to fetch her mate at the airport today. They met in Korea. At the hospital where Amar was working as an intern.

H helped her down. However, their hands remained intertwined. The handsome woman introduced herself to Paulo when they approached him.

Amar stands beside Yna as H and Paulo converse. She found her sister checking out her mate.

“Nice catch, sis. She has muscles in all the right places.”

Paulo glanced at them. He might have heard his beloved. Amar grins at him.

“Are we leaving now?” Yna asked her sister before the assessment of her mate continues.

“Yes. The car is waiting downstairs. Aki is home by now.”

Yna tagged H’s hand. The tall woman turned to her after excusing from Paulo.

“You should go now.”

“I’m not coming?”

Amarillo chuckled beside her. H is looking at her with her puppy eyes.

“It’s not going to work on me.”

“But, babe. You haven’t treated my booboos yet.” The tall woman protested as she showed her bruised knuckle. “Your friend’s face was harder than it looks.”

“What happened?” Amar asked like the gossip girl that she was.

“She punched William.”

“Damn! I should have come earlier.”

“That guy kissed her!”

“William kissed you?”

Amar and H almost said together.

Yna dragged H towards the door instead of answering her sister. They went outside. H turned to her with a sad face.

“I’ll see you soon.”

“But I want to meet your parents.”

“We're not there yet.”

“But we're dating!”

She stared at her eyes. “Are we?”

The tall woman capped her face between her palms. “We are,” H confirmed, meeting her eyes.

Yna sighed. “Alright.”

H smirked at her before kissing her lips. “Come on. Tell Amarillo that we’re leaving.” She said in a happy tune.

“No! You’re not coming with us.”


She pulled her mate and squeezes her palm softly.

“Not this time, H. Soon.”

Sadness passed her eyes but H immediately covered it with a smile.

“Okay. Can I see you tomorrow?”

“I have my whole day fully booked tomorrow.”



“I’ll see you soon, babe.”

H kissed her again before walking away. Yna remained on her feet as she watched her mate enter the elevator.

Apprehension was still on her mind but she hopes that this compromise would work and bring them together like mates do.