
7 – Bare Naked

‘PRINCESS, your guest is here.’

‘Thank you.’

Yna cut off the link when she heard that from the sentinel.

She checked the food on the table. Earlier, she called room service for dinner.

She took a deep breath when she heard the warning knock. She walked slowly towards the door even if she wanted to run there in excitement.

It has been more than twenty-four hours since she last saw her.

Smile ready, she opened the door. Her mate smiled back when their eyes meet.

“Hi, babe.”

Her hello was muffled when H covered her mouth with hers. Her hands were caged in between them as the tall woman pulled her closer.

“I miss you, Ynara.”

“And I miss you, too.”

Yna pulled her inside. Hands together, they proceed to the dining table.

The smaller woman smiled when H pulled a chair for her before she settled in another one.

“You cook?”

She chuckled. “No. I called room service.”

“Smart woman.”

They talked about trivial things as they ate dinner. H was a good conversationalist but she was also an inborn flirt. Smirk was always present in her lips whenever she speaks anything sensual.

Yna placed the two cups of coffee on top of the table. They moved towards the living room after dinner.

“Would you like to watch the news?”


H pulled her so that she could sit beside her. The tall woman surrounds her arm in her shoulder.

“Are you not going to ask me what I do for a living?”

Yna shook her head. Her eyes were on their hands. H is playing with her fingers on her lap.

“You knew?”


“What else do you know?”

“I want to meet him.”

The handsome woman stopped playing with her digits. She grabbed the cup using her free hand and sipped the coffee slowly. She did not utter a single word even after she placed the cup down.

H seemed to be in deep thought.

‘Princess, we found two guys hanging nearby your guest’s car.’

Yna closed her eyes and leaned her back on the chaise.

‘Apprehend them. Ask them what they want.’

‘Yes, Your Highness.’

Her attention went back to the silent woman beside her.

“Where’s the father?” Yna asked, breaking the silence.

The woman beside her laughed. “Are we really going to talk about this on our first date?”

“Do you want to know about him?”

“Of course not! That asshole has no right to my child.”

Yna watched the emotions that registered on the face of her mate. The loathing was clear. Made her wonder about the conception of the child.

“Is he the reason why you left the military?”

H stared at her for a while before shaking her head. “You’re something else, Princess.”

“I get that a lot.”

Yna reached for her coffee. She sipped the lukewarm caffeine. She drank half of it before returning the cup on top of the table. Beside where H’s was.

“You had me investigated, huh.”

She nodded. “I have great intel officers.”

“And I found nothing on you. I wasted money on those idiots.”

She gazed at the now serious-looking woman. H met her eyes. Her gray orbs were observing her intently.

“Tell me what happened five years ago, Capt. Mercier.” Yna pushed again.

“Why is your bio hidden from the public?”

“Because there are things that the public should not know.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s for you to discover. Soon, H.”

Yna pulled her feet up the chaise. She faced her mate and put her chin above her knees.

“You’re not going stop without me baring my soul to you, right?”

She beamed at the tall woman. “Your soul is mine to keep.”

“You got a sweet mouth, Princess. But it’s sweeter when used not for talking about subliminal matters.”

The tall woman caressed her face before reaching for her mouth. Yna countered with the same passion. However, she pushed her before they could forget the matter at hand.

“Why can’t you be just any other woman, babe? Is my charm not enough?”

“It’s overwhelming, actually. The mere sight of you could send me overdrive.”

H mouth went ajar at her response. A smirk was back on her lips. However, Yna put her one palm up between them before H could kiss her again.

“But I am also known for my one-track mind. Your charms won’t work on me, Captain.”

Yna tapped the tip of H’s nose with her index finger. The other woman blinked at the gesture.

H sat back with disappointment. She sighed before glancing at Yna with a sad face. “Can I get a kiss after this?”

“I will piece your heart back with my own. We’ll heal together.”

The tall woman looks at her intently. “How can you say the right words at the right time? And why do I believe you?”

“Because I mean them, H."

Her mate huffed and rest her back on the couch. She heaved a sigh. H looked at the ceiling.

“I just came home from my third tour overseas. I was newly promoted to Captain then. The troop wants to have a drink like we always do before we went on our separate ways.”

Yna reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers. H did not glance her way but squeezed her hand.

“I was wasted like I never did in my entire life. I trusted my brothers to protect my six. I woke up the next day with a splitting headache, naked and alone in a cheap brothel.”

H turned to her with a sad smile. Her gray eyes were laced with anger and disappointment.

“We were given a three-week vacation before our troop will be sent to God knows where. However, I sent my voluntary dismissal three days after I got my promotion. My reason was mental incapacity. PTSD.”

The tall woman held her hand between her two larger ones.

“Nearly two months later, I found out I was pregnant. I was devastated. But my child is innocent.”

Yna beamed at her. “He’s a great boy. He got his looks from you.”

“Thank God for that.” They both chuckled. “Are you not going to ask me how I end up with my line of work?”

“It was accidental. You went to the Casino one day and you end up winning bucks of money. You withdraw your trust fund and used it to help the gamblers for a price.” Yna responded.

“Well done, Princess.”

“In fact, right this moment, two of your ‘friends’ were held captive by two of my men. They were checking your car while you were opening your soul to me.”


A frown marred the tall woman’s handsome face at the news.

“I wonder how much money you make a night.”

“Are we talking about money now?”


Her mate smirked at her before pulling her hand. Yna ended up on H’s lap and hovering at the tall woman. “I deserve a kiss, Princess.”

It was Yna who initiated the kiss this time. She opened her mouth to allow their tongues to play. A moan escaped her mouth when H started caressing the exposed skin on her lower back.

“Would you mind if I stay the night, babe?” H whispered when she showered butterfly kisses on her neck.

“I won’t but you need to shower first.”

“Eager, are we?”

“No. But your clothes stink of another woman.”

The tall woman stopped kissing her neck. Yna was pushed a little. H looked at her in the eyes. The question reflects on her grays.

“I smell a woman’s perfume on your clothes.”

H pulled her coat to her nose with her other hand while the other remained on her waist. “What perfume? Are you accusing me of cheating on you on our first date together?”

Yna cupped her mate’s face with her hands. She giggled at the frown on her mate’s face. She pecked her lips.

“I’m not accusing you. I just say that I smell another woman’s perfume. I didn’t say that you kissed or have sex with another woman.”

“How did you even smell that? Tell me, are you a military dog?”

Yna gave her mate a sly look. What she said was closer to home but she could be subtle.

“Are we going to have sex after the shower?”

“No. I don’t do sex on a first date.”


Yna laughed out loud. She was still sitting on her mate’s lap while looking at the frustrated woman.