
Chapter 184: Who of the two are you really dating ?

He swore.

Alyssa went back in confusion. She didn't know how she was going to explain this to Gladys. For Derrick's case, She didn't care about that anymore because right now she only cared about Calcel.

She got her phone and rung Calcel. He was in his Office when his phone rung.

" Calcel, I have something to tell you. Can we meet later in the evening ? " She asked.

" It's okay. " He said and ended the call because he was a little busy.

That evening, Calcel was about to leave the Office when he Ronnie came in.

" Sir, Mr Yates called and he wishes to meet you right now. " Ronnie said.

Calcel checked on his wrist watch which was showing 5:15pm.

" Okay , Let's go and meet him right now. " Calcel responded and walked with Ronnie.


Alyssa waited from her apartment but Calcel was not coming. She wanted to tell him everything about Gladys and Derrick before Derrick did anything stupid.

' why isn't he here yet ? ' She became impatient when Calcel was not arriving and checked on her phone that was showing 8pm already..


Calcel had gone to meet Yates who was one of his clients and a friend to the family. They were talking from an expensive bar.

" Calcel, I am sorry that I had to meet you emergently. " Yates apologized.

" Its fine. What is it that you wanted to talk about ? "

" It's business of course. There's away my clients like using the cocoa products. So i was wondering if I could talk to you personally to add something new. You know I am one of your best clients and I always buy in large quantities. "

" Well, I know that Sir. Tell me in details." Said Calcel.

Yates begun explaining while Calcel listen and took note of what he was saying as he also checked on the time then and after. By the time Yates finished it was already 10pm.

" Thank you Mr Wong for listening to me. " He finally said.

" It was nice talking to you. I will eventually put your work into action. " Calcel said when Yates smiled and after they parted.

Calcel had left his phone in the car to avoid interruptions. When he checked he found there four missed calls from Marvis.

' Marvis, I am so sorry. I was busy. Lets talk tomorrow. '

He sent her a voice note and then drove back home.


Alyssa had slept off from the couch as she was waiting for Calcel to visit her. When she woke up today she found herself there and got up.

On checking her phone, It was already 11am.

" My God ! " She screamed and hurried to have her shower so that she could dress up fast and then head to the Media house.

When she arrived she opened the door in rush because she didn't want to miss her morning video shoot. Her work was always to make different adverts for different companies that Hopkinsville media was working with.

She had just walked three steps to the building when suddenly a crowd of reporters and her fans swamed around her.

" She's here, Here she is..."

They screamed as more came running towards her.sometimes they always came to take short interviews from her which she was used to but today they were very many here.

" Marvis you bitch, How could you dump your Old lover for another man ? " The first girl from the fan team came forward and threw to her an egg which got broken from her face.

Alyssa couldn't believe this.

" How dare you ? " Other two or three girls came and also did the same.

" What are you guys talking about ! What did I do wrong this time round ? " Alyssa asked after they had smashed on her row eggs and made her look filthy right now .

" Everyone saw the video when your old lover was proposing to you. And now we heard that you are getting married to Calcel Wong. How could you do that ? " One of the calm reporters asked.

" Let me have a look ! " She asked and the reporter gave her the phone.

The exact video Derrick had showed her and after it was another video of just yesterday when Alyssa was telling Derrick that she is getting married to Calcel.

' So Derrick took another video to blackmail me. How could I be so careless like that ? '

She thought but the people around her were making noise.

" Tell us the truth !....what really happened ? Who of the two are you dating ? ...And who are you marrying " Different reportere asked.

" Isn't it obvious. Because she became a celebrity she dumped her old lover and seduced Calcel Wong because he comes from a rich family. " One of the young reporters declared.

" We hate you ! You are heartless !!!! " They begun shouting and throwing at her different things.

Inside Mr Hopkinsville's Office...

One of the guards rushed inside and found Hopkinsville there. He was seated and reading through news.

" Sir, The reporters are here again for Marvis. " He declared.

" What do they want this time round ? " He asked getting up.

" I hear that a video of her being proposed to by an old lover leaked. " The guard reported.

" What are you waiting for , Hurry up and send guards to make a way for her ! " He commanded .

" Yes sir. " The guard made a bow and left.

Mr Hopkinsville also followed him to go to witnesses what was happening.

The guards and a few workers from the Media came to push them away and made a way for Alyssa to enter but she was all stinking of the eggs and other stuff they had hit on her.


When Calcel came back from his morning meeting he noticed the way the workers gave him a weird look and he could see them gossip and murmur.

' What's wrong with them ! '

He wondered but didn't mind about it . He had just entered his Office when Ronnie knocked and came in.

" Sir, There are reporters outside demanding to talk to you. " He declared.