
CHAPTER 41: A New Day

Kitsune's Point Of View

The night passed by so fast. The Queen let us use the Guest room to rest for this time as an act of hospitality. Thus, morning came and now we were on our way to the Dining Hall to eat breakfast. "Oh so you're finally here, Good Morning". The Queen greeted at us as she was sitting at the chair facing the door with great smile. "Good Morning Your Highness!". We greeted her back. "You may sit and eat with us". She ordered so we obeyed without delay. "Thank you your Highness". The Guildmaster says after sitting. "Oh don't be modest, so how was your sleep?". She asked that Eugene immediately answered. "I have a very comfortable sleep last night Your Highness". Eugene replied at The Queen.

"That's good to hear, so we must eat then before the Food becomes cold". The Queen said with her genuine invitation. "Is it really okay Your Highness?". I said since that would be a very bad behavior to just eat like that. ". Yes, you may eat as you like". She replied at me. "Then, I'll eat with my hearts content". I replied to her. Thus, we eat breakfast as we chat with each other. Then, after eating we roam around the castle with the Queen's permission given to us as we escort the Princess. Even though we wanted not to cause trouble, we can't really avoid such things. When gossips that topics us began as we proceed walking.

"Why would Her Highness and Princess Luna let Adventurers freely roam around the Castle?". A maid asked her colleagues as quitely as possible. "I don't know but that means she trust them". One of her colleagues says. "Oh the two of you didn't know, Something happened yesterday?". A Aged gentle Woman said to them. "Yes, we didn't, It's our Day-Off yesterday, What happened Mrs.Head Maid". One of the two made said. "Yesterday, it was said that Duke Scumbach tried to poison and assassinate the Queen and Princess and the Princess was stabbed while undercovered roaming the commoner realm". The Head Maid said to them. "Eh, that's horrible, but what happened then?". The Younger Maid asked.

"Fortunately, that Adventurers Saw her and that boy over there can Use Advance Healing Magic and so he healed the Princess". The Head Maid stated. "Amazing, so what happened next?". The Older Maid asked. " They rushed here to stop that Scum in his plan, and then upon being caught that Duke ate a forbidden artifact and became an Ogre and then died". The Head Maid said to them. "He deserved it, thst Arrogant Bastard, So how did he die?". The Younger Maid asked again. "Well I didn't know the details but he was killed by Her Highness herself". The Head Maid said as a end to her story. So we statrted walking again but then a troublesome Knight appeared. Which is also listening to the conversation between those Maids and looked at us with a belittling look in his eyes.

"Heh, what's so great about them, these kids haven't even killed a Monster for sure". He said so proudly. "This Girl don't even has Mana, why would they hire her! She's useless". He said insulting Eugene as the Knight pointed at her.Upon hearing that, Valerie was ready to take her daggers to swifly silence him. But I stopped her. "Let her do the beating". I said that stopped her upon seeing Eugene clenching her fists. "What did you say?". Eugene asked him with a serious voice that is also cold at the same time.

Eugene's Point Of View

As I said those words he then chuckles. "I said you're useless". He said and so I look at him with emotionless look. "What's happening here?". The Queen says that I didn't even knew she came with the Knight Commander. "Your Highness, May you please allow these two to have a match?". Zero asked the Queen. "I can, but tell me the reason". She said. "Well you see Your Highness, That Knight was underestimating Eugene so giving them a match would be best, what's your Opinion Your Highness?". Zero asked that made the Queen smile. "Interesting! I allow that I would like to also witness her prowess, Any objection Thorus?". She said. "None Your Highness". The Commander said. "Eh, but is it fine with Eugene?". The Princess stated with concern "Don't worry, she's fine". Kitsune said to her with confidence. And so we walked to the Center that thus all the personnel gathers to see us fight.

"Hah! That's good for you". He said to me but I remained silent so he pulled out his sword but I didn't. "Won't you use your sword?, you sure dumb". He said. "That's unnecessary, I only takeit out if I intend to kill". I said as I close my eyes and gathers my Ki. "Begin!!!". The Knight Commander announced but I remained in my composure that made them murmur. "Hey, hey, is she out of her mind". The crowd begin to utter doubtful words. "Well whatever". He said as I sensed him move and opened my eyes as I form a stance emphasizing my elbows and knees. "Sword Style: Slash". He uttered as he swung his sword attacking me as I evade it by docking. As I slide a kick to his knee out balancing him. And strking his chest.

Making him move back, as I stand again. So he attacked me with straightforward slash. Hopedully, I evaded it by vertically flipping. Using my right hand as support I kick him in the face that shakes his head. Thus giving me the chance to stand firm. As soon as he recovered. "Sword Style: Spinning Slasher". He said as he spin himself with his sword vut I bend my body at a very low state that make him unable to cut me. Upon stopping I stand back again and punch his face five times in a row. Making him bleed and so he spit some blood from his lips. Anddecided to attack me with his full force. That made me instantly threw a Round Kick as I unconciously release electricity upon that moment. Kicking his Face and slamming him to the Ground. As those who have seen the fight became shocked intently looking at me.