
Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail

Story of: Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail Does Fairy Tail have a fairy tail? This is a magical guild, and its name is Fairy Tail. Everyone in the guild must abide by three rules when leaving the guild: Article 1: Information that is detrimental to Fairy Tail will be used for life. Can't talk about it to others. Article 2: You cannot contact past clients without authorization to obtain personal benefits from them. Article 3: Even if the path is different, you must live strong. You must not despise your own life, and never forget your cherished companions in the past! After the protagonist travels to the world of Fairy Tail, he integrates into this big family in this world. The process of becoming stronger with your guild partners step by step.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Chapter 48

Daphne: "What! Why is my magic failing? Hurry up and attack the artificial lifeforms," Daphne also panicked.

A green magic array appeared on the ground, and two masked enemies appeared.

Wendy: "Is that one out there your accomplice?"

Elusa: [Dress-up Knight] "What is your purpose, tell me your purpose." "

Artificial lifeforms have also transformed into two swords.

Daphne: "You see, this is the artificial lifeform I collected, which can be used to imitate attribute attacks against opponents, which is a treasure I bought from Nishioji." It's convenient for me to do research.

"In addition to investigating Naz Doragnir, I also plan to collect information on the various Magi of Fairy Tail."

Wendy: "What are you doing this for?"

"I'm doing this for my research, and I'm going to make it."

The battle between Natsu and Gray in the Unreal Hotel comes to an end, and Natsu is victorious. However, it is frozen by Gray's sneak attack, resulting in Natsu being captured by Daphne.

"It's hard to catch Nazdor Ragnir, you can't waste it."

Wendy, Charlotte: "Is this what you're really for?"

"That's right, that's the end of my research."

At this time, Natsu, who fell into the magic array, saw an eggshell underground: "Dragon egg!" "

Suddenly, something came to mind, and after Natsu joined Fairy Tail, he came out to find Iguuniru, passing through a silent town on the way.

There are many figures on the walls of the city, and when Natsu was there, he promised people to get them out, but then forgot about it.

The magic array that Natsu sank into was actually the energy core of the artificial dragon created by Daphne.

A huge artificial dragon appeared here, and Natsu was squeezed into energy power in the artificial dragon's body.

Wendy, Harpy, Charlotte they were all excluded from the dragon's body.

Gray, on the other hand, stood on top of the dragon's head.

Elusa: "Gray, if you really betray Fairy Tail, there will be bitterness."

"If you have anything to ask, ask Natsu what he forgot, actually..."

Daphne: "My years of hard work have finally paid off." I finally finished my creation, Fire Dragon Knight. It all relies on the Dragon Slayer Wizard as a source of energy. Natsu

: "It's by absorbing my magic to keep it going."

Elusha: "Magic is the life of the magic guide, quickly hand over Natsu, and if you suck it like this, Natsu will be it."

Xia Lulu: "I once heard of a crazy dangerous scientist who was crazy about dragons and tried to create artificial dragons, could it be... That person is you. "

It's so sad to say that I'm Daphne, a genius scientist." I'm going to squeeze his magic dry.

"I had a long way before I was successful.

The first step started by making and hatching the eggs of artificial dragons, although the town I lived in was the best place to gather information.

All the inhabitants, including me, everyone will use stealth magic, and the artificial dragon will not feel their presence and cannot fight them. So this kind of town that can't collect experimental information doesn't work for me.

In the end, I blocked them all in hidden magic, and I couldn't lift them again.

Those people who can't detect and hide by artificial dragons are naturally disposed of by me.

Naz: "It turns out that the town I went to at that time was the town where she was experimenting."

After that, I tried to experiment, and finally I found that in order to urge artificial dragons, I must use the power of dragon slaying wizards.

Chen Zhe: "Then you are doomed to failure, you just built an artificial dragon, but there are two more who can use dragon killing magic here today."

"Ahahaha, you mean the people present, then I will capture all of you, they are all of great research value, and they will become my experimental objects." Two more experimental products can be obtained.

"Come, Nazdor Ragnir, you fire dragon, work hard until you die, in order to satisfy my personal ambitions." Burn me out. "

Natsu's magic is frantically squeezed in the body of the artificial dragon.

What kind of ambition do you have and what are you doing for when you do such a thing.

"My ambition, of course, is to create the ultimate perfect Fire Dragon Knight. After all, this is just an experiment, just use it for testing. In

the distance, Ulu and Leon drove the magic guide four-wheeled vehicle over.

Leon: "Gray, you kid actually dares to break into such a big disaster, this is not your brat's style, just let me take you back to the guild to see what happened to your brat."

"Ulu, just stay here and watch my progress during your absence, I must be your apprentice better than Gray." [Ice Vulture] [Ice Tiger]

just these two moves hit Gray, now it's too late to turn back Oh Gray, the guild leader already knows about this, let's take you back to the guild.

The president said that after hearing your words personally, how to deal with this matter.

The artificial dragon flew in the direction of Magnolia after absorbing Natsu's magic.

Chen Zhe: "It's on fire, everyone, you go to the guild first to notify everyone of emergency evacuation, and I will stop this artificial dragon."

"Then this place will be handed over to you Chen Zhe, I will lead everyone of Fairy Tail back to protect everyone in Magnolia."

In the distance, the Fairy Tail Guild was already able to see this huge dragon.

"That's what Gray called an artificial dragon, go and inform the guild leader."

Daphne: "It's such a beautiful city, just the thought of destroying this beautiful town is exciting."

"Naz Doragnir, you can see all this there, so you can watch and enjoy this scene there."

Within the magic crystal of the energy core, Natsu faintly heard a sound.

"Little friend... We are residents who live in this town. What are you? "

I'm the Magi of Fairy Tail, Natsu, the Dragon Slayer Magister."

"What, you mean you're a dragon slayer."

"Why are you making such a fuss."

"Natsu, Natsu of the Dragon Slayer, please help remove this magic.

There is a guy who manipulates dragons, defeating him can save us, I will put my hope in you and wait patiently for you to save us.

"I remembered that I promised the people of that town at that time." Natsu burst out with magic in his body.

"Drip! Drip! Drip, "Monitoring Nazdor Ragnir's force exceeded the measured metrics." If it goes on like this, it will exceed the load of the Fire Dragon Knight.

At this time, the fire dragon knight had begun to jump indiscriminately under the load of mana, and Daphne increased the transmission of mana, and suppressed it to stabilize the mana.

Don't try to escape my control, and obediently squeeze all my magic out of it.