
Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail

Story of: Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail Does Fairy Tail have a fairy tail? This is a magical guild, and its name is Fairy Tail. Everyone in the guild must abide by three rules when leaving the guild: Article 1: Information that is detrimental to Fairy Tail will be used for life. Can't talk about it to others. Article 2: You cannot contact past clients without authorization to obtain personal benefits from them. Article 3: Even if the path is different, you must live strong. You must not despise your own life, and never forget your cherished companions in the past! After the protagonist travels to the world of Fairy Tail, he integrates into this big family in this world. The process of becoming stronger with your guild partners step by step.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 47

It's been some time since Wendy and Ulu joined the guild.

Chen Zhe also sorted out his abilities during this time.

There has been a new change in his own Manifestation Arc ability, and the previous Manifestation Arc cannot have an effect on his body.

After the change of the three forces of reversal power and absolute freezing, magic guide elf power. His body now has the power to change.

Every part of the body can be randomized into ice cubes, just like Jubia. The body can turn into water.

Wendy struggled with what kind of task to choose as the first one.

Gray pushed open the door of the guild and walked in.

"Naz, a man who has seen the dragon with his own eyes has come to a nearby town."

"What! Message from the dragon. Gagiru and Wendy's gazes also focused for a moment.

Naz: "The dragon you said ... Is it Iguniru, maybe Grandigne or Medalikana?

Gray: "I don't know about that."

Gagiru: "So did you meet the man who said he had seen the dragon?"

"No, I just heard the news in the city that a triumphant man named Daphne told everyone that she had seen dragons, and not only before, she also said that she had only recently met."

"Really, are these all true?"

"I guess it's worth at least checking out, Naz. Right in a hotel in the Badlands to the west. "

Then let's go together, Wendy, Gagiru, do you want to go together."

"I'm not going, it must be fake news anyway."

"I'm not sure, look how you know, Gagiru."

Gagiru: "Over-believing and rushing to confirm, I don't know how many times I have been deceived by fake news."

As long as the topic of dragons is mentioned, it will definitely be attractive, so it will be used, you better learn to be smart. Impulsive fire dragon. "

You obviously want to meet Medalikana, right?"

"What happened after I saw him, he was a selfish guy who disappeared in front of me without permission. I don't care. "

Wendy, let's go, hopefully it'll be Grandigne, Charlulu."

In Magnolia's cake shop, Chen Zhe and Elusha were choosing cakes, "Please send this cake to the guild." The

cake shop owner: "I really have a good eye, and today I chose a very cute cake." It's based on that person's feelings.

"Because the guild has a lovely newcomer, I wanted to give her a taste." What do you think, Chen Zhe. Isn't it cute.

Chen Zhe: "Please make a larger cake and send it to our guild."

Elusa: "That's pretty much it, but can you send fifty over?"

Cake shop owner: "Is it that fifty new people came?"

Elusa: "That's not it, the remaining forty-nine are my own food."

Chen Zhe: "Elusha really deserves to be Elusa."

Thank... Thank you for your patronage.

"Elusa, this cake Wendy will definitely like it."

After Elusha and Chen Zhe returned to the Fairy Tail Guild, everyone was no longer there at this time.

"Hey! Gagiru, Wendy, where did she go. Naz is no longer there.

Chen Zhe: "What! They heard about the dragon and went over there together? I guess this doesn't seem to be good news. "

We'll have to hurry, Elusa, someone should be using this to their disadvantage.

Wright Inn.

Natsu finally finds the so-called Daphne who has seen the dragon.

"Here you go... Is there something you want to ask me? Please come in, hurry up please come in.

Wendy and Natsu were both brought into the room by this Daphne.

The door closes, and Daphne says she's a well-traveled evangelist. And then to Natsu they advertised a lot of goods.

Naz: "Stop! We are here to find you with questions. I wanted to ask about the dragon.

"Did you come to ask about the dragon?" No problem. My products are absolutely okay even if they are eaten by dragons, suitable for old and young women and children, people, animals and ghosts.

"I'm a dragon slayer and I'm looking for a dragon that disappeared without a trace seven years ago.

The name is Iguniru, and she is also looking for the sky dragon Grandine.

I don't know which dragon you saw and when.

"About the thing I saw the dragon, it was for business."

"Nonsense... Sure enough, it was said by Gagiru.

Xia Lulu: "I knew that this would be the case."

Just as Natsu was about to leave, he opened the door to find that the place was shrouded in magic.

At this time, Gray's breath appeared here, it turns out that you and Daphne have known each other for a long time. What magic are you falling for Gray. Why do you want to do it.

"It's long overdue, Natsu."

"You hurry up and avoid Wendy, let me wake up Gray." This guy is serious. "

[Ice Assault Gun] [Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

"Gray, what the hell is going on with you kid

" "I'm going to show my true skills to come to Natsu." Just as Gray said this, he took off his coat.

Harpy: "That's right."

Under the magical onslaught of Natsu and Gray, the room was filled with water mist.

"This is Gray, and it's not an impostor, he came to me on his own initiative and said that he wanted to have a duel with you."

"What are you talking about Gray, what Silent City."

Gray and Natsu fought evenly matched, and Charlulu and everyone did not know why Gray did this.

Harpy: "Gray and Daphne really have a leg, what if Jubia knows about this and doesn't know what to do?" Love~

""Come on... It is not in vain, you will not be able to escape this building. "

Just watch obediently, this is the illusory hotel I made, the hidden magic that can hide all people and things.

Wendy and Harpy and Charlotte were already able to see Elusha and Chen Zhe outside the window inside the hotel.

Harpy and Wendy banged the hotel window. But neither Elusha nor Chen Zhe could hear the slightest sound.

Elusha and Chen Zhe's conversation

"should be here, but where there are any hotels here, it is obviously a wasteland."

"Are we in the wrong place, Chen Zhe."

Chen Zhe put his mouth next to Elusha's ear, "Elusa, I found out where Wendy and Natsu are."

"It should be hidden magic, I already smell magic, I will use the reversal magic array to reverse all the nearby magic into magic, you are far away from me."

Chen Zhe and Elusha pretended not to find anything to leave. But after leaving not far away, Chen Zhe teleported back here.

The power of reversal was turned on, and a house slowly appeared in the clearing.