
Fairy Tail: The Strongest Fairy

Zack Smasher has no memories due to God being too late to deal with him. To apologize his wrongdoing, God had decided to summon him to random world, with random powers along with a Status to see other’s and his own status. (Not in leveling, but more like ranking and training kind) With the powers of Gravity Magic, Growth Rate and Gura Gura no Mi devil fruit powers, Zack who only 13-year-old now, set off into his journey to become the strongest, why? Because of God telling him he should build a harem, he should have power, and unlimited stamina and money to earn that. Of course, God was joking since that the norm for people like Zack in their fanfics… but, Zack has no memories, and his mental age because of waiting so long became that of a child… believed that was his mission from God… He is a harem seeking MC, who has no clue what’s a harem is. (Will learn what it is later on)

AnimeDamon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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91 Chs

Fairy 53: The Lost Girl III

Seeing the leader of their attackers, not only landed onto the ground, but also pointed his huge sword towards Zack and Visli's way. Zack slowly put Visli, who still in his arm, down, and shielded her with his body, by placing the young girl behind him.

Using his System, Zack scanned their status of the three wizards in cloaks and judged their strength. The one with the sword, is a A-Class Wizard, while the Ice Wizard, is B-Class Wizard, whose stats are nearly about to reach the standard of a A-Class Wizard himself. (AN: Quick reminder, A-Cass and B-Class Wizards has C- ~ C++ Stats in their status)

'They're not S-Class… but what about the others, that Shadow Wizard calling…? Not to mention, fighting in a town, is not ideal… should I get the guards' attention? No… the chance of Black Rivers finding us, through their eyes, might be higher. Wise thing to do…' Zack thought, as he looked at the nervous little girl behind him.

"Don't worry, as long I am here, no one will lay a finger on you." Zack went with a gentle smile, as he patted the soft green hair of the little girl behind him. But not once, hid his grassy green eyes left the sword welding wizard before him.

"This is the last time, I am going to tell you… give us the girl, and a quick painless death awaits… don't make this into a painful end, boy." Went the sword welding wizard. As he shows an evil grin on his face, not hiding his clear killing intent and bloodlust that could be felt, from sword welding wizard, as he spins the huge sword, that even longer then Nightfall in his sword form.

Of course, Zack is no fool. He knows this wizard with the sword, as bigger then his own body. Is only doing this to get Zack's attention, while the Ice Wizard, who he can now sense behind him, is trying to find an opening to take Visli away from him, when he is not paying any attention to her.

Shame, none of these two Wizards, knew that Zack is capable of sensing those with magical power. As it is useless to form this kind of surprise attack to him, when his magical senses are this good.

Taking a deep breath, as Zack made his move, as he used his Gravity Magic without notice or warning. Only to reduce the level gravity around him and Visli, before pulling the force of gravity above the duo, man and child, into the air, as they both quickly floated above the town of Foglia.

"Eh? Ehhh!?" Visli's eyes widen in fear and shock, as one moment she was facing the same people, that cause all of her trouble. And fear to be recaptured by them yet again. But next thing she knew, she is floating within the air, as she begins to panic, with fear of falling back to the ground.

However, Visli soon calm herself, when she felt she is beginning hugged, by the caster, who casted them into the air.

"Sorry for scaring you Vis, but I cannot fight in town, and get others uninvolved who not related to this. That why we going to pull us away from here."

When Zack said that, and gently patted Visli's head. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks. She never really been this close, with the other sex of her gender. The only male she been this close with, was her own father. However, due own special background of her family, she never gain or allowed much contact with the male gender.

Which is why she felt both shy, and for some reason, comfortable being held by Zack, this stranger. And turn her gaze towards the two wizards, who having their mouths nearly dropped to the ground, seeing Visli and Zack just flew within the air, in matter of seconds.

"Wizard…?" Went the Ice Wizard, blankly staring at the duo in the air.

"That is not important! It took us the whole day to look for her! Damn it! Don't let them go!" shouted the sword welding wizard.

On the other hand, still in the air, Visli looked at Zack with her green eyes, as for some reason felt wary what Zack just said.

"Mister Zack… what do you mean by 'pull' us away?" For some reason, Visli felt like something bad going to happened. However, Zack didn't answer her, and just show a simple show, that only increases the little girl's doubts. Before Zack cast of layer of gravity like protection around Visli, before he begin to use his Gravity Magic once again, only to pull themselves towards gravity itself, causing the duo to rapidly blast off forward into the air, with the pull of gravity itself.

"Huh…? Whaa!?" Visli yelled in fright, as she grabbed hold onto Zack more tightly then before. As the two fly away from her pursuers.

While Visli beginning to doubt Zack is aiming to kill her, instead of saving her. The man in question went into deep thoughts, as he flew away from the town of Foglia.

'Even if wiser to fight outside the town… but having a child with me, still risky. Least the target is not Vottes… but I hope she wouldn't be mad at me… when she wakes up.' Zack thought, as the child and wizard duo zoomed within the air. As the only the sound of the air breaking, and a child screaming could only been heard, throughout the town.




While Zack and Visli zoomed out of Foglia. Back in the inn, in the room that Zack and Vottes shares with two beds on each side. Lies a sleeping Vottes, who suddenly opened her light pink eyes, and yawned, and lift her upper body in a sleepy state.

Vottes with her unfocused eyes, looked around the inn room, and noticed that Zack is not in his bed. However, as her body still has alcohol in her system. Made Vottes too exhausted to care to pay closer attention to her surroundings. And yawn once more and rub her eyes.

"Zack…? Is it taking a dump…? Ahh… too tired… to care…" If Vottes was in her normal state. She will have noticed the bet sheets on her beloved Zack's bed, hasn't been used. However, the Vottes who still has alcohol in her body. Is too lazy and tired to care about such noticeable things in her room.

And went back to sleep. Not knowing, not only has her sweetheart has left the Town of Foglia, but also without her.




Shortly after, Zack landed onto the ground, in the middle of some forest. And let go of the little girl, that seems to spin few times, before she stopped herself from spinning.

"You alright, Vis?" Zack went with worry. Seeing the little girl on her knees, taking deep breaths.

"I am fine mister Zack… I am alright… a little dizzy…" Visli went with a smile.

"Yeah… sorry about that." Zack went with a wryly smile.

"The one who should apologize isn't mister Zack… but I. I had brought you into my troubles, I hope you forgive me… for putting you into unnecessary troubles, for stranger like me." When Visli said that Zack's eyes widen in shock, as he looked at the matured 11 or 10-year-old before him.

After all, these are not the words a normal child of her age, should say. And this is the first time, Zack faced such a matured child, that speak like an adult. Which is why cannot stopped himself from laughing out loud, that made the little girl before him worried of Zack's sudden outburst of laughter.

"Mister Zack…?" Visli went with worry.

"Sorry, sorry, it doesn't matter to me, Vis, if you are a stranger to me. There is no way, I am going to sit back, and watch a child, innocent or not, to be taken away by bad people. So, don't worry about it." When Zack said that, out of habits, Zack went and begin to roughly pat Visli's green hair.

Visli on the other hand, became stunned from Zack's honesty and bravely he has shown in such short time they met. As her green eyes stared at the grin on his face and feels his long fingers gently and yet roughly ratting her head. And cannot stop a slight blush to form on her cheeks, as she is not used to such behaviour. And looked at Zack full of curiosity burning inside her.

Zack looked at the little girl, with slight flushed cheeks, and staring at him blankly with a titled head. And recall about the three men in dark hoods.

"Say Visli, may I ask, why you being chased down?" No matter how Zack thought about it. It is not normal for a group of wizards, be they Dark Wizards or not. To be that ruthless when chasing a little girl. In fact, everything about this Visli who hiding her identity for some reason, don't seems like your normal lost child.

Visli on the other hand, closed her eyes in deep thought for a dozen of seconds. Before she nodded her head. Knowing the man might be a stranger, however he already put himself in danger for him. Least she could do, is to tell the truth about herself.

"True to be told… my real name is not Visli… I didn't mean to deceive you, mister… it just…" Visli went unable to tell the rest.

"No need to be upset about that, I already know that Vis's name isn't Visli." Zack simply said, which startled the little girl before him.

"Y-You already knew…? I thought I hidden it well." Visli sighed with shame.

"You don't have to tell me who you are if you don't want to. But least tell me why they are chasing you… unless it relates to who you are Vis." Zack said with a gentle smile and voice.

"It does… I am afraid… However, it is unfair to not tell my savour who they had saved. Therefore, I will tell mister everything. It is unfair for my savour to remain in the dark, especially when my savour gets forcedly involved in this matter, that has nothing to do with you."  Visli went with an aura of strong will, a noble-like air surrounded Visli when she said that. Making it still unbelievable the one that said that, is just a child herself.

{Now I recall. She reminds me of those children from high rank nobility or royalty. Most children from those kinds of places, are normally brought up as adults. Or sometimes children could be born as a natural ruler. She has the air of a ruler, even if she still a child herself. She even been brought up strictly, or she has good role models around her. She going to be a great character, when she fully grows up.}

Nightfall, went with a sage-like voice, giving its honest option on the girl known as Visli. And Zack himself, cannot help to nod his head in agreement, when he heard his usual perverted sword's option.

"Don't worry about it. This is my choice; you don't need to feel guilty of anything." Zack went with a grin, making Visli smiled when she heard, and saw that smile, full of such confidence.

"Then I am more then happy to hear that, Mister, no, maybe I should call you, who has such a good heart, like a knight, as Sir Zack Smasher, of course, I don't have the power to greet knighthoods yet. But as the first Princess of the Fiore Kingdom, Hisui Fiore, the only child of King Toma E. Fiore. Heir to the throne of Kingdom Fiore. I want to see thank for saving me, my knight in shining armour."

When Hisui said that, she held the ends of her skirt, under he robes, and slightly bow her body, like a princess will greet others in a formal way.

Of course, Zack Smasher looked at Visli or not Hisui Fiore, with a titled head. Wondering why is her family name called the same as the Kingdom? Of course, Makarov and the others, did inform Zack of basic knowledge about Toma E. Fiore, the king of Fiore, where Fairy Tail, and Zack belong to.

But it not the king that made Zack confuse. Not it is Hisui herself, as he blinks his eyes in confusion. Before he said something, that not only made Hisui, but even Nightfall to fell to the ground.

"Say Vis, no, Hisui. What's a princess?" Zack asked with a smile.


"…Sir Zack…?"

Both child and sword said confusedly in union.


Sorry for the delay... or the fact there only be two chapters this week. I seems to caught some kind of cold. Or some kind of bug, that made it hard for me to write anything, since my head felt like it going to rip apart.

Still haven't got rid of it yet, so, yeah... hope I get well soon... since it took me days... days... to rewrite and proofread this single chapter.

Hope nothing else happens, or I get rid of this bug that been doing my head in for the past days.

Like always, thanks for reading... and sorry for the delay.