

getne 1

At mayte o garden

Kevin is helping Kaning to collect stuff

Kevin :- Alright, the last bouquet of miss Lita's order. My back hurts. (Stretching)

Kaning :- Speak like an old man. Thank you very much. Without you, I would've been in a tough spot.

Kevin :- No problem. I had a free day anyway. My pleasure. (Both smiled at each other) I should Go. (He starts to leave) On second thought, I'm starving. Do you have anything to eat before I go?

Kaning :- Let me check

After Some time 

Kaning :- Here's some yoghurt to calm your stomach.

Kavin :- Kapuna khab, So this is the kind of food you eat. No Wonder you're so small. (Teasingly)

Kaning :- You tease me about being small again.

Kavin :- I'm not teasing you. I'm praising you for being in shape. It's good that you take good care of yourself. 

Kaning blushed

While eating some yoghurt is put on her nose and Kevin laughs seeing her

Kaning :- What are you laughing at?

Kavin :- Can I take back what I just said? How did you get yoghurt on your nose, Chipmunk?

Kavin Clean the yogurt 

Kaning :- Lita was really something, huh? I never thought she'd buy every flower in the shop.

Kavin :- True, Thyme's mom was such a conniver having Thyme engaged to Lita.

Kaning :- For me, I think It's strange that thyme's mom did that. Lita doesn't seem like the kind of girl she likes.

Kavin :- No, The Empiccas are the perfect fit for the Paramaanantras. Most importantly, haven't you noticed Lita has a lot of things in common with Gorya? Thyme's mom is smarter than you think. Even we don't know how to deal with her.

Kaning :- I'm beginning to worry about Gorya. Let me call her.


Scene 2

Amily Ordered Ice cream at her home for both of them and there Mj tells her about his adventure with Lita. 

Amily (Laughed) :- This girl has guts, No other girl can make You and Kev roam around her finger.

Mj :- I would have done that for you (Slowly)

Amily just smiled

Mj :- What do you think about thyme's mom's sudden encounter with these engagements?

Amily :- T's and Lita's engagement is purely for business purposes, but I can't able to understand her intention with mine and R's engagement. Our families are already in alliance there is no advantage for her, or anyone else behind our engagement.

Mj :- Maybe this is just a distraction so that we are stuck with both of you and don't meddle with Thyme's and Lita's engagement.

Amily :- I hope this is her only intention behind our engagement. I don't want to damage my friendship due to any business profit.

Mj :- By the way, Are you really going to marry Ren (concerned)

Amily :- To be honest I don't feel any loss in that I have known R from childhood. he cares for me, and I care for him too, We trust each other. That is what we need in a relationship right?

Mj Slowly nodded, he dont know why but amily getting married to Ren hurt him. 


Scene 3

Kaning calls gorya, she got to know about Thyme and Lita at Gorya's home and their drama.

Both kaning and Kavin went worried listening to the childish fight between Lita and Thyme.


Scene 4

Next Morning 

Lita left Gorya's home just then gorya saw thyme was checking something on his phone

Gorya :- You haven't won any argument with her, Feeling down, huh? (Teesingly)

Thyme :- How's Lita?

Gorya :- She's sweet, She's down-to-earth and very nice. I'm glad to be her friend.

Thyme :- But I do prefer this kind of life.

Gorya :- What do you mean? (Thyme suddenly hug her) Hey, what are you doing?

She is trying to free herself but thyme again pulls her

Thyme :- I may be gone for a while. I've got something I need to do. It's... very hard to explain. All I ask is, no matter what happens, Please wait for me, Gorya.

Gorya see him confused

Thyme :- Be patient.

Saying this thyme leave  


Scene 5

Everyone heard news about Billionaire Death. F4 boys along with Amily and Lita know how this news gonna affect their lives and they are prepared but Maira, Kaning and Gorya have no idea what's going to happen now.


Scene 6

At mayte o garden 

Kavin :- Chipmunk, do you have lots of flowers for garlands? I think a big order is coming in.


Scene 7

Ren Calls Maira

Ren :- Maira, Can you go to Uncle Ga's shop? I believe they need your help with some work.


Scene 8

Thyme went back to his home

Thyme's mom Assistant (On-call) :- Mr. Thyme is back


Scene 9

Gorya's Pov :- Have you ever noticed? Sometimes you watch the news that you don't understand What it's about.

Kaning's Pov :- All you know is that it should be important, But you don't feel any connection to it.

Maira's Pov :- But you know that piece of news, may not seem important to you and only matters to only 1% of the population

Trio's Pov :- But that 1% group may have a significant impact on you, even if you don't realize it.

The trio are at Billionaire's funeral they are organizing the event

Maira :- This doesn't feel like a funeral

Kevin :- Come on, let me help. (Helps them) For craftwork like this one, people can tell if you're distracted.

Kaning :- Khod tode kha

Kevin smiled

Kevin :- Do your best work, Pay attention to every detail. Do you have any idea who the guests are? If anyone here is impressed with your work, It will definitely be good for your business.

Gorya :- On a day like this, do we still have to think about business?

Kevin (chuckle) :- You do, especially on a day like this. A funeral may be a ceremony to remember a deceased person. But with Pakorn's death, change is coming. This game of how this country is run is about to change, especially for real estate people like Thyme. Understand Gorya? You must learn how to look at the big picture. Although it may be so unfamiliar at first, you need to be able to understand it.

Guest Arrived

Kevin came with his family followed by Mj Then Amily and Ren Together came and at last, it was Thyme and Lita 

They come and give homage to dead people. It is a funeral for everyone but for our trio girls, it's like a show, and show stoppers are Thyme and Lita.

Maira Pov :- You may be standing where you can see everything, and hear everything, but it doesn't help you understand anything at all. 

Kaning Pov :- And it makes you feel even more like You're in a completely different world from them. 

Gorya Pov :- I kept thinking thyme would never understand my world. Standing here, I realize I don't understand thyme's world. 

Trio Pov :- I can't imagine a single sentence those people are saying. I never knew the iceberg would be this huge.


Scene 10

Thyme sees lita uncomfortable standing so she excuses themself from everyone and takes her to sit on chair. Kevin, Mj are already sitting there 

Thyme :- Have a seat.

Mj :- What's up, My Lady? Aao! Are you unwell? Get some rest if you need to. (Teasingly)

Lita :- It's been a long time, since I last wore high heels, Your Grace. So my damn feet hurt. Want to see (Pulled her heels) The smell is pretty ripe.

Kevin :- Dad, I think we should go see Ren's Father.

Mj :- Allow me to help

Thyme smiled


Scene 11

Maira came out of the funeral for fresh air. Ren See her followed her

Ren :-  You've never been to this type of ceremony, Have you?

Maira :- Yeah Everyone seems to know each other.

Ren :- Rich people in Thailand account for only 1%. It's no surprise they know each other.

Maira :- So it's a surprise that I know you guys. It's like we're in different worlds.

Ren :- (Come near her) We may look like we are from different worlds, but we are still humans and moreover we are friends. Being Elite means, that sometimes you have to follow a specific path, doesn't mean you are different.


Scene 12

Amily went near Lita

Amily :- Swadi kha Khun lita, We haven't got a chance to meet each other, but I can see you manage to meddle with my friends very well.

Lita :- Should I take it as a compliment or a complaint 

Amily (chuckle) :- It's a Complement Khun, After all you are going to join the family.

Lita :- Chai! Weird thing, I never expect to meet you like this. we met twice and always tragedy happens 

Amily :- Life is a tragedy khun. (Smiled at thyme) 

Lita :- Btw Where is your Fiance? We need to follow our role.

Amily :- Ou! Maybe he went to get some fresh air. you go and do your duties, we will join you soon.

Thyme :- Ai! Wait Amy I need to talk to you both 

Both look at him


Scene 13

Alternate scene 

Maira -> Ren and Thyme -> Amily -> Lita

Maira :- P'ren Anything can't be done about this engagement? It's affecting you all including Gorya.

Thyme :- The duties you are talking about... I am not ok. You're not going to agree to this engagement, are you?

Lita :- Can You do something about it?

Thyme :- I don't know if I can, There must be a way. We're not in love, Neither is Amily and Ren. They can do business all they want. It's got nothing to do with us.

Ren :- For me, this concerns many people. But I get it. The circumstance now is worrisome. What do you think?

Amily :- yes it has nothing to do with us, but for now the situation has changed and it's difficult for us to come out of it with less Damage. We need to wait for the situation to settle before taking any steps.

Maira :- I too believe that everything with get better. Thyme is stubborn. He loves Gorya. He will find a way toward her. and for you and Amy, You both will find a way to deal with it.

Ren :-  For me, What's worrisome isn't thyme's feelings, Now mine or Amy's its about Lita's Feelings. How does Lita really feel about thyme?

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Scene 14

After Funeral Gorya is reading news

Gorya :- I don't get it.

Suddenly Lita came

Lita :- What are you looking at?

Gorya :- You're still here? I thought you'd left.

Lita :- No, My family went with Thyme's family. I guess they're afraid, I'd cause a scene so they left me out of it. So I've been walking around.  Other pavilions have lots of good stuff. There's plenty of food. And Look (Showing money) I won a lot of money.

Gorya :- Whoa! How did you win?

Lita show her cards, Suddenly some one came.

Someone :- There She is. She definitely hid some cards.

Lita : Gorya Run!

They try to catch them but they already run away.


Scene 15

Inside Maira and Kaning are helping in cleaning along with Amily, Ren, Kevin and Mj

Kaning :- P', You all can leave we will manage this.

Kevin :- Funeral is done Chimpunk, Now we don't have to pretend.

Mj :- Chai! We are your Friends, let us help.

Maira :- By the way, Where is P' thyme? Is he gone already?

They look at each other and then sigh 

Ren :- Thyme has to present for some more time.

Kaning and Maira look confused 

Ren :- He went with his and Lita's family. there is some dinner or something.

Amily :- Speaking of thyme, where is Gorya? (Questioning)

Suddenly they heard someone cumming inside laughing

Lita :- I thought we wouldn't have made it. 

Gorya :- You're awesome.

Lita :- I can't do anything in this dress.

Other side

Maira :- They look pretty close.

Kevin :- Chai! Even some day prior, Lita took Gorya with her for shopping and even spent the entire night at her house.

Amily, Mj look at each other and Maira Ren looks at each other.

Kaning :- Should we join them?

They all nodded. and went near her

Gorya :- oi! You all are still here.

Ren :- Chai! Where have you been?

Gorya :- I Just wanted to understand you guys a bit more, So I read up on Khun Pakorn. But it's full of words like index, technocrat, etc.

Others just smiled at her

Lita :- Oh, are you worried about me? 

Mj :- It's no surprise, you didn't understand. We didn't get it either.

Kaning :- Well... Don't you want to understand? It's about to affect your whole life.

Kevin :- we may not understand but knowing it's important enough.

Trio looked confused 

Lita :- My dad used to say one day he would leave the business world and get into politics and make it better. But he also would say politics are not for everyone. It may be about influence and connection.

Maira :- That's why you have to be engaged to P'Thyme?

Lita looked at the others and they signaled her to tell them

Lita :- It may be hard to understand, But if i can support him in any way, I'd love to. I want to see things improve too.

Gorya :- But it's your life.

Lita Signed

Lita :- May I ask you something, three of you?(To kaning, Gorya and Maira) For you, is love so important?

Trio nodded 

Maira :- Yes It is, I can't imagine how can I live with someone I don't love. 

Kaning :- It's our whole life, Khun. No matter for what reason, nobody should be forced to marry someone they don't love.

Lita :- You know.. At first When My family told me about thyme I don't like him, He was just another guy my family introduced to me but when i started to know him. he is kinder, He is childish and now i wanted to know him more, I wanted to be sure as you said Love matters. If someday i have to hand over my business to someone after my Pa leave for Politics now I know Thyme would be perfect. Because I believe that one day I will love thyme. Or maybe i still do

Last statement shock others.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
