
Eye of the Circle

There are many of us that humans are unaware of, mainly because we want it that way or because they haven't figured out why some people are different. Blessed with immortality the power we carry is extraordinary and that is why we keep away. We're in plain sight but still hidden away, hidden among you. Our leaders? The supreme beings, the big four, more powerful than any other species. Warlocks, Vampires, Lycans and Witches. Alyra, her twin brother Xander and the rest of our circle have passed through millennium upon millennium of life itself. A powerful force among a cirlce that is not to be trifled with. The last thing you want to do is offend us but how can you offend someone you've never met? No one has ever seen the faces of this powerful circle but the names still springs respect for the deeds we have done. Sage, Ito and Lila have been searching for someone for centuries and every time they find her, she slips right out of their hands. Sage was cursed with pain of watching his mate die over and over again and what's worse is that she doesn't ever know who she is to him before she dies. He finally realized that it's better to stay away but when he doesn't look for her, the curse brings her to him but why does this year 2019 seems to be different and he doesn't know why but he can feel it that something changed. But who in our circle doesn't know that Alyra trapped the curse temporarily in a loop hole in her past life? That's how she died and this reincarnation is her turn to find out who has the guts to curse her and Catolium Special School seems just about the right place to begin. But let's not forget trapping the curse doesn't trap the witch who created it. Trouble is heading somewhere and it very much starts with C.

Qyeen Sullivan · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Chapter 4



You can hear them struggling and yelling but it was no use. When Xander grabbed Max, Dyon tried to grab him back.

"Don't move" I whispered as I moved in front of him. My words are absolute. I'm surely going to miss its use to me.

"What are you doing to him?! Let him go!" Max voice is very loud as it echoed through the forest.

"She's trying to help him" Xander hissed at him.

"You are very loyal to your friend, I respect that but I have seen your comings for 50 days and I am not the enemy. This is going to hurt but I hope you're grateful" when I grabbed his head in my palms, he started shaking a little.

"Do not fear me. It will only make this worse" I laughed lightly

"Caphius! "I yelled at the top of my voice

There was a silence before the wind picked up, swirling around the forest. A bird's cry echoed through the forest loud and ear-piercing, only there was no bird.

A creature with the body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle. Talons sharp as the wind in place of a lions feet. Standing proudly at sixteen feet with feathers as dark as the night was my demon. His beak sharp enough to sink fear into you by looking at it only.

Oh this was no bird, this was the most confident griffin you've ever seen. The only way to communicate with our demons are through the mind and this lovely creature just happens to love it.

《-Alyra-》he greeted nuzzling his head towards me. His tail swaying side to side and he locked his attention on me.

《-Caphius, I need your help-》I smiled while petting his head.

《-At your service-》he nudged me before rising to his full height.

Dyon and Max were frozen in fear. When a creature this big appears next you it tends to happen, supernatural or not.

The faia, a chord visible to only the witch and their demon. It's like a fuel joint. It allows us to pull more power from them for more advanced spells.....like this one being a level two spell. A witch's eyes signal when the faia has been connected. They turn a vibrant blue almost glowing that tells others magic is at use.

I find the most comfort in my magic, it calms me yet makes me feel so... powerful. I smiled at him before closing my eyes to start the chant.

"Dotminues Acicutas Beligium Agrak"

Judging by the grunt I heard his face is most likely contorted in pain.

"Acicutas Beligium Agrak Dotminues"

"Stop it!! You're hurting him!" Max screamed in panic.

"Stop talking!" Xander hissed at him. He immediately shut up, well not by choice. Got to love the power of the voice.

"Beligium Agrak Dotminues Acicutas"

Almost done.

"Agrak Dotminues Acicutas Beligium!!"

A scream. From Dyon's mouth.

《-the spell is complete-》Caphius informed me.

《-thank you dear. You can leave now, I'm sure Xiyarah is waiting on you-》I teased him.

《-goodbye Alyra-》he disappeared into the skies just as I started laughing loudly. He hates to admit it but I know he's fond of Xiyarah. His little episode of embarrassment just proves me right.


Oh right, the boy on the floor. I offered him my hand but Max pushed it out of the way before he could take it.

"Are you okay?" He was checking Dyon from head to toe for bruises or marks of violence.

"Fine" he croaked out. Max froze his search before his eyes shot up to Dyon's widened eyes. Both of them seem to be shocked a lot today.

"I'm....fine. I'm....okay" he whispered

"Lovely, your voice is will be fully healed after a warm meal and a few hours" I clapped

"Max" Dyon's eyes clouded over as he touched his throat probably not believing it was him who just spoke.

"You can speak?" Max's eyes were bulging out of his sockets.

"Max" he spoke again.

His voice is a little scratchy now but it'll heal soon.

Max's wide eyes went to me finally putting the pieces together. Dyon first got up before kneeling in front of me.

"Thank.....you" he croaked out. He nudged Max who also went to his knees silently thanking me.

"No, I should thank you for coming for to me. A sketchy job like that anyone would have ditched but I guess you heard my calling because you still came." I smiled at him.

"Up now" Xander finally took his time to meet up with us. He helped them up from their knees.

"My name is Alyra" I smiled before pointing to my brother.

"That is my twin brother Xander and we are now a family. As I have said we knew you were coming and we have waited. We are now a family. We protect each other and we look out for each other the same. Come, there is clothes and food inside. Xander help them to some food. They will need the energy for the transformation tonight."

"What do you mean?" Max was confused....yet curious.

"There are many evil people in this world and you have a few who used their age and size to beat you down but let me tell you, revenge is a dish best served cold" I'm sure by the shivers that just went through them my smile is bone chilling, just how I want it.

"Transformation?" Max asked

"Yes." Xander answered him.

After tonight you'll no longer be human."

"Alyra is going to change you into a supernatural" Xander smiled at them.