
Eye of the Circle

There are many of us that humans are unaware of, mainly because we want it that way or because they haven't figured out why some people are different. Blessed with immortality the power we carry is extraordinary and that is why we keep away. We're in plain sight but still hidden away, hidden among you. Our leaders? The supreme beings, the big four, more powerful than any other species. Warlocks, Vampires, Lycans and Witches. Alyra, her twin brother Xander and the rest of our circle have passed through millennium upon millennium of life itself. A powerful force among a cirlce that is not to be trifled with. The last thing you want to do is offend us but how can you offend someone you've never met? No one has ever seen the faces of this powerful circle but the names still springs respect for the deeds we have done. Sage, Ito and Lila have been searching for someone for centuries and every time they find her, she slips right out of their hands. Sage was cursed with pain of watching his mate die over and over again and what's worse is that she doesn't ever know who she is to him before she dies. He finally realized that it's better to stay away but when he doesn't look for her, the curse brings her to him but why does this year 2019 seems to be different and he doesn't know why but he can feel it that something changed. But who in our circle doesn't know that Alyra trapped the curse temporarily in a loop hole in her past life? That's how she died and this reincarnation is her turn to find out who has the guts to curse her and Catolium Special School seems just about the right place to begin. But let's not forget trapping the curse doesn't trap the witch who created it. Trouble is heading somewhere and it very much starts with C.

Qyeen Sullivan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 5



"I'm still trying to figure out why they were sent to me"

For the last ten minutes I have watched my sister pace the room trying to figure out why she saw Dyon and Max in her visions. We may only be fifteen but we're fifteen now. We're fifteen in this life and let me tell you, we have lived many lives.

My sister has always been the more mature one of us and I prefer it that way. So now she's trying to figure out the purpose of the two boys in the shower downstairs. She never and I mean never doubts her visions whether she knows what they mean or not.

"Think Alyra, think" she kept muttering.

Her head suddenly snapped over to me startling me as well. She suddenly narrowed her eyes into slits before marching towards me.

"What?" I said jumping up from the chair.


"Me?" I asked confused. What about me.

"It's you. It's because of you. How did you not smell them or even feel it when you were holding Max?"

"Feel what?" She really has lost me on this topic. I have no idea what she's talking about.

Her eyes started glowing before she tapped her pointer finger at the side of my head. Immediately my eyes changed color.

Images started flashing of a blue string with ancient carvings of my name being branched of twice. One of the branches was connected to another blue string with my sister's name carved onto it and the other half was further split into two.

Those two branches were connected to two bright strings, a red with Max's name carved into it and a yellow with Dyon's name carved on it. After that, the images disappear before I was watching her.

"My fate is tied....to both of them?" I was shocked in the least.

"Ding ding ding"

"But they're human" I found this impossible to believe.

"Not for long, or have you forgotten our vision? Honestly Xander, you should know how this works"

"When the ritual is complete you'll feel the connection."

Ok. That still doesn't make sense but before I can question her again, I'm pulled back into the vision again.

A school- known as a boarding school on the outside but is actually a school for the specially gifted. Children of the supernatural, gifted and among the top performers. There are many schools for us but this is the number one. Our seals were hidden in the school. There was the principal who was a known friend of ours but there was something else.

Alyra's string was tied to a man there. He looked around the age 20 but his the aura around him is what caught our attention. Before we got anything else out of it, we were snapped back to reality.

"You've got to me kidding me" I groaned

"A school!" She looked very excited. Alyra rarely got excited so this had me intrigued.

"May I know why you're this excited about going to school? We've been many times before."

"Did you not see? He's there! I found him!" she squealed

"Yippy" I deadpanned. There was a sour taste in my mouth.

I always wish for her happiness but I loathe when she finds him. Jealous you may say because she forgets she has a brother whenever she reunites with him.

My sister has loved one man through the many lives she lived and our life before did not end on a great note.

Forced to separate at a young age, she as an Empress died and left her husband and son behind, the cruel thing being that she always dies.

Each and every life we have lived, she has met her fated pair only to meet him without memories of the previous life. So she lives, she falls in love and then she dies only to remember him after she passed.

We don't know what changed but this life she was reborn with all of her memories and I wasn't so we proceeded through this life caution.

Xue Zhang Wei was someone Alyra has been looking for, and for a very long time.

"So we're going back to school?" I took a peak at her.

"We are, but in 2 years. That will give us enough time to train the 2 downstairs" she smiled

"Now, let's get this ritual started" she tapped my shoulders before heading out the room.

Downstairs, Max and Dyon were waiting in the living room for us. Max tapped Zyon when he heard our footsteps.

"I just want you to know that what we are about to do is a forbidden ritual in the supernatural world. It can be quite painful so I ask you, do you want to go through with it?"

They looked at each other before nodding at me.

"My sister created this spell in the 1200's but because only she and I have performed it perfectly, it was labeled as extremely dangerous and therefore banned from ever using." I spoke as I walked passed them.

"It can not only harm the caster but it can also harm the recipient. Changing a human into a supernatural is done by the reaching into the body and pulling your string to the surface. To that you would need a lot of magic to access that far into your body and one wrong move can make your string twist and combust into pieces, killing you, which is why- " I looked back but they were still sitting looking at me.

"This is the part where you get up and follow me" they both scrambled. I rolled my eyes but turned and kept walking.

"When she taps into your string, it connects itself to your fated pair which then activates your supernatural composition."

A cat's voice came from our left. When I looked down my familiar Xiyarah was cuddling my foot.

"Hello my lovely" I reached down my arm so she could climb up. When she did, she sat on my shoulder and observed the two behind me.

《-Xander, are these 2 your fated pairs?-》came Xiyarah's voice in my head.

《-They are, they don't know it yet though, I'll need your help in a while-》I stroked her head.

《-Yes master-》

"I shall remind you, this can be quite painful and you may even faint from the pain but the power that comes when it's done is remarkable. So I ask again, do you still want to go through with it?"


This time Max answered for both of them.

I smirked at them, their final answer registering.

I unlocked the metal doors and pushed them open.

"Let's go then" I smirked.