
Exorcist of the American Nightmares

"Father Yorks, may I ask what is meant by scientific exorcism?" A large group of priests in divine robes at the bottom stared at the man on top of the high platform, their eyes fiery as they asked. Listening to the task released in his ears, the corners of Yorks' mouth rose slightly, and "What do you mean by scientific exorcism? My answer is that we have to utilize the characteristics of modern technology in conjunction with our traditional exorcism methods to exorcise demons ......" "We all know that the evil spirit hates our recitation of the Bible, so we can record our recitation and play it out through audio, tormenting it every day and making it physically ill ......" "The evil spirit hates holy water and holy water will cause it as much damage as fire, if it doesn't come out and does its little tricks to disgust people every day, then we can ask the homeowner's permission to use the showerhead to sweep through the house and irritate it every day, of course this will require a lot of holy water, so roll it up ...... " "If an evil spirit or demonic being descends, we'll just blast it to death with a gun, if the gun doesn't work, then a cannon, if the cannon doesn't work, then a nuke, if the nuke doesn't work, then just wait for it to die ......" "......" Perverts, witches, magic, vampires, werewolves, demons, killers, the main one is a scientific [physical] exorcism ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Films
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253 Chs

Chapter 137: The End

A battle is nothing more than exchanging moves and countering moves, back and forth, blocking and countering.

York also specifically countered the monster's attacks.

For example, the dozens of flesh spikes earlier, he chose to use a holy hand grenade to resolve the situation once and for all.

And for the giant palm from above, seeming to cover the sky and with great impact, he naturally chose a single method.

That is, a single slash, precisely fulfilling his requirement to remove, as the hundreds of corpses have a count, not infinite...

The strong wind swirling around the flesh hand made York's priest robe flutter loudly, his gaze calm, his right hand gripping the knight's sword's handle tightly, with spiritual power spreading over and attaching to the blade.


Exhaling softly, York took a stance, holding the handle with both hands and the blade behind him, then swung.

A simple and direct full slash.

Nothing fancy displayed.

Only a blinding cold light, sweeping past.

The flesh hand, replacing the ceiling, was quickly split from left to right by a straight line, except for the part that was retracted, the rest of the flesh fell beside York, who was standing with his sword, raising a large cloud of invisible dust.

Following was the monster's howl, but it seemed to be at its last breath.

"Still want to retract?"

York's left hand, at some point, held an opened bottle of holy water, which he casually poured over the large piece of flesh.

Puff! Like encountering sulfuric acid, the flesh that just moved a step immediately dried up and wilted.

"It's my turn!"

Having done this, York watched the monster, seemingly intending to retreat, smirked, and charged forward.

Danny's eyes turned blood red, the flesh surrounding it instantly forming spikes, stabbing towards the approaching priest.

However, no matter what, the priest simply and straightforwardly sliced through all the flesh spikes, even accelerating.

In an instant, he was in front of it.

Before it could react.

Danny suddenly realized a large piece of flesh it could no longer feel had been sliced off by that damn priest.


In a rage, it attempted to counterattack, stabbing or slapping, but in the next second, the priest's figure disappeared, and another large piece of flesh was unresponsive.

Only cold light and shadows were seen, no trace of the person, whatever it did was futile, its hard shell was just vulnerable flesh in front of the opponent, easily sliced open.

"Sky's nemesis!"

Danny, for the first time, harbored the thought of fleeing, and it suddenly realized it had very few things it could control.

The perception was full of bright cold light, and in Danny's angry roar, it could only forcefully explode the last layer of flesh around it.


In an instant, spikes burst from its body.

York, sensing this, stopped butchering, standing still and watching Danny, now only covered in its core shell, extending his left hand.

"So, you really have no other tricks left? Since that's the case, there's no need to be so cautious."

[20 spirit points used] 20 spirit points transformed into telekinesis, instantly stopping all the small flesh spikes in front of York under his will.

One by one, the tiny spikes just floated in front of the priest, forming a wall, quite a spectacle.

Seeing this, Danny simply gave up the struggle for control, seizing the opportunity to turn around and run towards a gap, in a bizarre shape.

In the distance, it sensed the presence of many people...

However, a sentence made it feel a strong sense of crisis.

"Thinking of running now? Don't you think it's too late?"

[Exorcio (Exorcism)] [30 magic points used] Puff! Danny looked down at the white giant sword that pierced from its back to its chest, caught off guard by the attached force and stabbed towards the ground.

Watching the exorcism transformer-formed magic giant sword stuck in the ground, with blood continuously flowing out, Danny, in pain, howled, York walked towards it with an expressionless face.

Hearing footsteps, Danny, lying on the ground, began to sense the threat of death, its hands clawing at the giant sword in its chest, trying to stand.

However, York, while walking, the void around him once again produced four swords transformed from ten magic points, quickly stabbing towards Danny's limbs that had just stood up, pinning it firmly in place.

Roar! Danny suddenly turned its head to stare at the priest close by, its face ferocious, roaring.

A gust of wind rose.

York waved his hand to disperse it, stepping on its upper body that was trying to rise, slowly pressing it down.

"This place was never meant for you," looking at those eyes fixed on him, emitting evil, York took out a bottle of holy water from his bag, smiled lightly, and said.

"So, go back where you came from, no, you're already in the present world."

Danny's pupils contracted.

York, unfazed, uncapped the holy water bottle with one hand and poured it over those blood-red eyes, his smile unchanged, continuing.

"Then, die."

Holy water on the body of darkness was like pouring sulfuric acid on flesh, even more so.

Puff puff puff! Danny howled in pain, its flesh being peeled away layer by layer by the holy water, emitting a foul smoke.

Until the holy water bottle was empty, York casually threw the bottle away, continuing to take out the Laine Bauer from the holster and fired all the .50 holy bullets in the empty chamber at those eyes fixed on him.

Bang bang bang bang!

The gunfire echoed in the dark first floor.

And in the ears of everyone outside.

Danny's body, like the demon people before, was cracked by York like molten rock, blasting into fine stones.

The nearly exploding red pupils still stared at him.

"I will not die."

"Oh, you say you won't die just because you say so?" York chuckled, his right hand's knight's sword already swung, delivering the final blow, exploding the head on the verge of bursting.

At the same time, the mental space in his mind, under his imagination, turned into a gigantic white hand that directly grabbed and burst the invading dark mist on the spot.

"At this point, you still want to possess me, thinking my mental power is for nothing?"

York shook his head, putting the Laine Bauer back into the holster, looked back at the ground slowly turning into rock-shaped flesh and the seemingly crumbling building, silently took out the last Bluetooth speaker that was still playing prayers, and walked outside.

The Bluetooth speaker played a new prayer.

"May God forgive you, as you forgive others." "From dust you came, and to dust you shall return."

"May your soul rest in peace in heaven." Just as he walked outside, heading towards the people, York put away his phone, and the mission completion notification echoed in his ears.

"Exorcise the demons in the Reed Apartment Building (Completed)"

"Mission Reward: +27 attribute points (Issued)"


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