

Destrominator · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Inside Men

As Finna roamed through the alleyways of a bustling city, she met with two guards blocking a large metal door. She wore a long white robe with a white hood. The guards were in all black suits and seemed to be bullet proof.

She walked up and showed them a fake badge. They stepped aside and let her walk in, they then went in after her.

"Aye, we have the stuff right?" One of the guards asked Finna. He had long brown hair which he tied into a bun behind him.

"Obviously. Lee wouldn't have sent us in if we weren't prepared." Finna said.

"Are you sure? Because the last few stunts he pulled he has almost died multiple times." The other guard said. He had short black hair which was slicked back and shunned in the light.

"Look, Louryan." She said while pointing to the one with the hair bun, "If you don't feel comfortable, you can leave. You too Kequan."

"Fine, let's just go." Louryan groaned as they continued deeper into the building.

They soon reached a tall set of stairs. They cascaded down into an abyss of darkness. They then began descending the stairs. After a few minutes of walking, they finally made it to the bottom. And when they did, they were met with an auction house-like interior. There were hundreds of long seats descending down to a platform. It was like a theater but for terrorists.

Finna, Louryan, and Kequan sat down in the top row. The entire place was already filled to the brim with people in white robes. The signature color of the cult. Then a man dressed in a black robe walked out. But under his hood, he hid his face with a black mask. His eyes were sharp white out triangles. He then began to speak.

"Children of God. May we begin our prayer to the holy Lord." He announced with a deep and commanding voice.

He then began to say in a loud bellowing voice. "The god of the rising sun, and the devil of the setting moon. We devote ourselves as vessels for thee to abide a few more weeks. For we are incapable of resurrecting our lords in our current situation. Please forgive us, and let us lend a sacrifice for you to consume." Two hybrid women were then dragged out with their mouths and eyes covered. One was a fox, and the other a dolphin. There was a strange white mucus that covered their legs and chest. Their clothes were ripped and were practically naked. Finna slightly gagged at the realization of what they had done.

The cult wasn't just a bunch of insanely powerful racists. No, they were murderers, terrorists, and rapists. These poor women have done nothing wrong, yet they violate them like animals. Vile disgusting creatures made by the devil himself. But just then, black gas emerged from the women's mouths and eyes. The gas accumulated above them and soon vanished. Fear was struck inside Finna, Louryan, and Kequan. This was no magic trick. No hybrid could've done that. What if, there were gods.

"No, how is it possible." Louryan said while shaking.

"It can't be possible." Finna said while widening her eyes and gritting her teeth.

"Fucking hell." Kequan whispered.

A man in all black then arose from the ground. A black mist constantly writhed off of him. His eyes were bright red, and there were blood red horns on his head. His hair went to the floor, and his presence was intense. He then stared at Kequan. Then he vanished.

"Boy." The man said as he appeared in front of Kequan, his voice was reverberant and deep. "Girl, and you too boy." He said while pointing to Finna and Louryan. He grabbed Finna by the throat and lifted her up.

"You fucker!" She squealed as she writhed in pain.

"You are no children of mine. I will end you all personally." He says while squeezing her neck tighter.

But then the doors next to them flung open. Ash then poured out. Jimmy and Lee then stepped out of the smoke. The demon dropped Finna and started approaching them. Lee pulled out a gun and shot him. It hit, but did nothing.

"I see. You really are a demon." Lee said. Lee held his hand upwards and started to blast the ceiling. But before he could, the demon flung towards him and stabbed him through the chest. He feels something constraining his heart, and then sees his heart on the floor before passing out.

The darkness of space. The void that would consume the world. Nothing. Nothing existed. Nowhere. No when. And no how. Just nothing. Until a spark of energy and elements blasted into reality creating the world.

As Lee floated through a void. He tried looking around but could see nothing. He tried moving but he could feel nothing. He tried speaking but he could hear nothing. Then, light engulfed the area around him. He was sitting down, and was completely naked. He looked around just to see nothing. It was an endless void of light. Not white or any color, light. He started to roam around, until he encountered a man in an all white suite. His hair was long, almost going down to his shoulders. His hair was darker than black, it was devoid of light. His eyes were dull. But Lee couldn't really make out a face. He saw a person, but one he'd never seen before. Every few seconds it would warp and change. But still looked familiar. Then, the man started to speak.

"Live. Live on. Be grateful. Please Lee. Do it for us."

Lee then awoke on a stretcher. He started rustling around and fell off. He grabbed his head and held it tight. He couldn't believe what he had seen.

"How the..." A paramedic whispered.

"How is he alive?" Another one asked. Lee stared at them with confusion. Even he didn't know how he had survived. He started frantically walking back in fourth, but soon decided to try and find the others. Lee reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone and called Diana.

As Diana sat solemnly in a hospital, her phone started to ring. The one calling was a shock. Lee had called her. She hesitated for a bit, but eventually picked up the phone.

"H-hello?" She asked timidly.

"Diana?" Lee asked.

"But how... I thought your heart was ripped out." She said.

"Me too. But tell me where you are. And explain what happened to me." Lee told her.

As Lee sat down in front of his team. He contemplated if he should tell them what he saw.

"And after the demon grabbed your heart. The walls started collapsing because of an explosion you made before 'dying'." Finna said.

"I don't know how I would say this. This probably isn't even possible. But I was in an endless void. It was like the beginning of the universe. But then I was in a wide area of light. Not even white, just pure light. And I had found a man dressed in all white. And he said to me, 'Live. Live on. Be grateful. Please Lee. Do it for us'." Lee told them.

"I mean, if demons are real, why wouldn't deities like that exist?" Mohammed said.

"Yeah, you're right. But still something bugs me about it. I felt like I recognized him. It felt like I knew him. His face looked familiar yet was a complete stranger at the same time." Lee continued.

"Well, whatever happened, we're glad that you're back with us." Keller said while almost in tears of sorrow and happiness.

"Yeah, me too." Lee said softly.