

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs


As they descended down into the city, guards posted around had zero clue of their presence. They were silent as mice, and dangerous as vipers. A slow mission, ending with an extravaganza. One for the history books, a stunt so mad that only someone suicidal would pull off. With a heat resistant suit and a parachute, Lee could be the one.

As Jimmy climbed to the top of a cell tower, he spotted 5 guards in and around the others. It was his job to take care of them while they went in. Zyion sets traps around the area, which then Jimmy would kill. Jimmy checked the wind speed, direction, and the air pressure. He adjusted his scope and angle accordingly. Then he shot the first one. Out like a light. Then the other, and eventually had eliminated all 5 guards.

As they swoop the area, Finna notices that there were 10 guards in their vicinity. She signaled for a flash bang, Mohammed slowly stepped up and threw one into the room. They quickly got against the wall and covered their ears. When it was over, they pushed in and killed all of them. They had silenced assault rifles with a red laser. The cult did not have as much funding as the BHPA, nowhere close to the same amount of funding.

Some others noticed the commotion and pushed inside of the building. When they entered the door, a claymore exploded and would kill them. Regular traps were set by Zyion, but explosive traps were wet by demolition expert Diana.

Keller and the others then moved up the building where they would call in an airstrike from Lee. When they made it to the roof, there were 3 guards posted up. They shot them in the back of the head and got ready for the signal.

The Boeing-C17 that was circling around them then went down to pick them up. A few cult members ran up to the roof and began shooting at them as they tried to climb into the plane. Keller got hit in the left arm and nearly fell off. Finna grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her up.

Meanwhile, Lee swooped in with the fighter jet and obliterated the cult members shooting at them. He ascended up to the sky and began raining down bullets on the buildings surrounding the tower.

As Jimmy watched in awe, Lee was getting awfully close. So he jumped and deployed his parachute with a white light to make sure Lee didn't shoot him.

When the city was completely destroyed, all that was left was the building in the center. Lee then started dive bombing towards the tower.

Inside the tower, the polar bear stood at the window watching as his men were slaughtered. From behind him, a woman dressed in an all white dress walked in with folders and a laptop.

"Mr. Ferguson! We need to leave! Our men are being killed at an alarming rate! They're even using outdated technology. Don't you think it's time to retreat?" She told him.

"Ms. Hoover, do you know why I stand here awaiting his arrival?" Ferguson asked.

"No, but you may tell me after we leave!" She frustratedly said.

"Well, Ms. Hoover, I will let you know now that this is nothing short of revenge. I killed his parents with a plane crash. And so he will do the same to me. Isn't it ironic?" Ferguson continued.

"Cool, now let's go!" She begged as she pulled down his shirt.

"The thing I lured him with will now kill me. I know I cannot match the wrath of a jet. No one could. Well, other than a tardigrade that is."

Lee blasted through the building, he, Ferguson, and Ms. Hoover all went flying out of the building. Lee deployed his parachute which Ferguson and Ms. Hoover fell into. This slowed their descent a little, but nothing too major. They then fell into a pool of murky water.

Lee frantically escaped from the pool and tried to leave, but Ferguson called to him.

"Brave soldier! Kill me like the warrior you are!" Ferguson demanded.

"A man of honor does not appeal to that of a man of shame. I have all right to end you right here. But I choose not to out of pity!" Lee told him scornfully.

"I see, then you have no honor. In that case, let us battle it out till the very end!" Ferguson announced loudly.

Lee reached behind him and pulled out his pistol. He shot Ferguson in the shoulders, knees, wrists, and liver. Making sure to snap every tendon so that he wouldn't move. Ferguson fell back and grit his teeth in pain.

"Intelligence is your strong point. But why be smart when you can have all the power in the world!" Ferguson said. Lee raised his fist and slammed it into his head.

"I have all the strength I need. I have all the intelligence I need. I just need to better my ability to act upon them." Lee hovered his palm over Ferguson's face and began blasting him with the bombardier beetle. Explosion after explosion, Ferguson's face became more unrecognizable.

Ms. Hoover dragged herself out of the water and saw the horrific sight. Lee glanced at her and shot her in the shoulder with his left hand.

After a few minutes, Lee removed his hand from Ferguson's face.

"Ugh, augh. H-H." Ferguson couldn't say anything. Lee brought the gun to Ferguson's forehead and shot him dead. Lee got up and limped over to Ms. Hoover.

"No, stay back. You monster! Stay back!" She cried horrifically.

"No." Lee said in a deep menacing voice. He lifted the chamber and...


A few weeks later, Lee was walking around the base. He then stumbled across the rabbit hybrid that he had saved a few years ago.

"Oh! Hello, I never really got to thank you." She said.

"Eh, it's nothing. I never got your name." Lee mentioned.

"Oh, my name?" She said awkwardly, "my name is Anastasia."

"Well, hello and good to see you again." Lee held out his hand and they shook hands.

Lee walked away and Anastasia stared at him while blushing intensely.

Lee then returned to his room and sat down at his desk. He opened his laptop and began watching something on a streaming platform. It was a man playing extremely old games. The games looked extremely difficult and the man kept getting angrier and angrier.

"He." Lee chuckled when the man died in the game.

"Ack hum!" Someone sternly groaned behind him.

Lee shut his laptop and turned around quickly.

"Yes? What is it?" Lee asked awkwardly.

"Lee, we've found sightings of cult activity on the east coast." Diana told him.

"Wait, isn't that where most cities are still operational?" He asked.

"Yes, that's why this is urgent. If we don't stop them in time, they could destroy hundreds of buildings and kill thousands of people." Diana said.

"Okay, get everyone ready." Lee told her.


As Lee exited the plane. His long hair swayed in the wind. His eyes glistened. He had cargo pants and a muscle shirt with a brown leather jacket over top it.

He walked down the stairs and stood next to Jimmy who had sunglasses and a long sleeve shirt on. His legs boasted baggy jeans and a gun holster.

"Did the others already arrive?" Lee asked him.

"Yeah, Finna has already infiltrated their hideout and will soon attend one of their meetings." Jimmy told him.

"Alright, let's go!"