

hi everyone,

I was busy office work that I couldn't write Chapter yesterday

Since I got less time I couldn't update . Hope you don't mind and please support me as always .

The chapter is not edited

. please apologize me in advance ❤️❤️.

The sun rised clearing the dark clouds in the sky and birds chirrped flocking with their group for their daily activities..

The birds striked their feathers with the window and the girl in couch with just bathrobe woke up from the sleep due to noise created by the birds..

Melanin stretched her hands lazily before getting up from the couch.

" Tic...Tic..Tic" , the clock ticked 7 times indicating 7 in morning..

" How come I slept till 7..I need to check on Henry and need to go for work too god..." muttering to herself Melanin got up from couch and headed to her bedroom..

After doing her morning chores and bath she realised that she forgot to bring dress ..