
The wall

Hi guys,

I couldn't write yesterday as I had work yesterday..I know you people might get disappointed..How about making you laugh?

Please tell your command after reading chapter..I laughed hard while writing..I want to know if you also felt the same..

May be one person get angry on me...(◔‿◔)(◠‿・)

But my reply for that person is

Take it easy dude..hehee.. ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯¯\(◉‿◉)/¯¯\(◉‿◉)/¯


Sound of beating eggs , sound of spatulla striking the meat , sound created by knife which sliced a carrot into many thin pieces added to it the sudden rising up of flames from burner due to rough toss of pan indicate the busy kitchen is more busy than regular days..

More than 10 senior chef along with their 6 junior chef each are cooking something in the vast kitchen guided by their executive chef..

Sheela , " Raven the dish is completed. Please check once before I show it to the executive chef"