
Evolving Village

A vllage within a cultivation world, near the demonic creatures' frontier.

Erakel_Spargo · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
112 Chs

V2 C8 Rewards

Ps: Jean isn't the 5th protagonist. Even non-holder can have great importance, sometimes exceeding the holders.

After going through the door, the squadron, which was only about fifteen people, was transported to a devastated place. No corpses were on sight, the trees kneeling while the earth was partly shattered, a bloody odor present.

''At the end of the day, only 15 of us made it out alive, huh?'' Jean hit a tree out of anger.

Of the 15, 12 were from Cleppe, Alain, and Emilie only surviving thanks to the boost they brought.

''I'll check the surrounding, all of you rest. We'll probably stay here a day or two before leaving.''

The majority of them were injured and Cleppe's soldiers needed to reload their uniforms.

Finally having some time Alain looked at his notifications.

[Congratulations! For recruiting a Knight for the first time, the power of your role is increased: Village Chief → Warlord. The power of all your regalia increases as does your skill 'War Monarch'].

The 5% increase in strength had increased to 10%.

[Each recruit will be given the title of 'loyal'.]

[As your first recruit, he gets the title '1st loyal'].

[The recruit being a Knight, he gets the title 'Knight'].

[Being your first Knight, he gets the title '1st Knight'.]

[When you are near your first Knight, you get a 10% power increase].

[You now have access to a chat interface with all system owners who have activated it. 1/1 connected]

[Being stronger than you, he gets the title 'Powerful'].

[The titles 'Faithful' and 'Knight' of Jean Daniel are combined to become Vassal].

[being your first vassal, this title changes to 1st vassal].

[The titles 'Powerful and '1st Knight' combine to become 'Chief of Knights'].

[The titles '1st Faithful' and '1st Vassal' are combined to form 'Faithful Vassal']

[The titles 'Faithful Vassal' and 'Chief of Knights' combine to become 'Protector'].

More than these notifications, Alain was relieved that he had made it out of this hell alive. However, the situation didn't look ideal either. If he could solve the food problem in case it became too worrisome, there was a good chance they were still in enemy territory.

Tempted by his curiosity, he swiftly activated his [Appraisal] power before Jean leaves.

But as he read it, he froze, not leaving his eyes out of the system windows as if he was petrified. His heartbeat became faster, reasoning in a deaf harmony of sounds that make up the machine that was his body.

'That's... That's a monster!'

[Jean Daniel

Strength: Peak Master Knight (? - too many variables)

Abilities :

-Pre-awakening: Amplified thoughts.

-Highly trained: Whether it be in knowledge, logic, or behavior, his education was a success, although he doesn't always use it.

-Demonization: Can temporarily transform into a bloodthirsty demon drastically increasing his strength.

-Seals: Both his talent and his understanding are reduced by 90%.

-semi-energy: His dark energy has partially surpassed the limits of energies.

-High general resistance: Resistant to many poisons, energies, physical and mental attacks.

-High regeneration: even allows a limb or organ to grow again.

-Nirl's protector: Increases his strength by 30% if he defends Nirl's villagers. Each time he progresses, parts of his understanding will be shared with the villagers.]

His only weakness seemed to be his stamina, still, if he were to want it, nobody would come back alive.

As he thought so, he hurriedly moves his eyes out of the sight, even going as far as turning his head opposed to Jean's back.

'if he already had this power with seals, what would his strength have been without them?' Perhaps he would have become a Paladin already. Such power... why would Cleppe refuse to get it?

Alain couldn't understand but quickly calmed down, trying to recover as much as possible. If Cleppe was to learn he had some information or even just suspicion, he wouldn't last long.

Cleppe had obviously experimented on humans as well as demons, the seals probably related to his demonization.

On the other side, Eloise regained her senses, still unsure about what happened. Everything seemed like a distant memory or dream. She knew she had fought but only blurred scenes came to her mind. Unbearable sensations were fatiguing her already exhausted spirit, as she had overused her body and energy.

[You have been healed]The system announced, putting her in the same shape as before she left. Stopping trembling, she checks her notifications.

[There are 15/81 people left alive, so you have inherited the title "Survivor of Hell". For each ally dying next to you, you gain 1% stats, limited to 50%.]

[C Rank Quest: A great leader - part two :

Having survived a calamity, you still have many to go through, and while your merit has increased, your influence hasn't really changed. Find a way to unite the survivors and counter future threats].

Looking at her pure energy in storage, Eloise noticed that she was almost out of it, barely 300 units, an amount that would help her tremendously but not quite at a Knight's level.

However... what was this strange feeling she was feeling? She closes her eyes analyzing her body, noticing with worry her energy center was a little different. The threads of energy had grown stronger, increasing the threat to her and a strange sensation came over her when she tried to use energy. She could still use it without problems but... it did seem different. Maybe?

Looking around her, she noticed how the 3 of them were the only survivors.

'This is just... depressing.'

This was the best fitting word for her feeling. Realizing it, she was shocked by this simple thought.


''You're lucky in the end.'' François resumed. ''After all, in 15 years, a catastrophe will happen, killing Demons, Angels, Beasts, and Humans alike.''

''And you think we'll believe you like that?'' the demoness asked.

''Of course not. This was just a rough summary of the situation, which I will now prove to you.'' He looked up to the sky and began to speak as if someone should be there.

''I invoke my right to the rewards''

For a few seconds, only his echo could be heard. Then, the headless teenager of about fifteen years they all talked to descended, standing next to François.

''You may go ahead.''

François ignored the red star as if he knew him very well and turned to them.

''The world is extremely vast!'' while he tried to spoke calmly, he couldn't completely hide his enthusiasm. ''In this world, there are supernatural powers, some broking the laws of the world as we know them. Similar to artifacts but stronger, these are extremely rare, usually resulting in 1 or 2 individuals with this type of power for a classic planet. And I have been given the power to see possibilities: false worlds parallel to ours whose time differs.