
Evolving Village

A vllage within a cultivation world, near the demonic creatures' frontier.

Erakel_Spargo · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

V2 C22 An inexplicable human victory.

The humans stood in lines behind walls and ditches.

Most of them had complied with the orders to fill their energy centers with 80% pure energy.

Although the demons had the advantage that their demonic energy did not harm them and could fill it up as impure energy in an extended group fight, humans typically had more offensive energy.

They just couldn't defend themselves.

Here, it wasn't going to matter: nearly 10,000 humans would face 200,000 demons. It was estimated that 5 or 6 soldiers per man would be needed to take a well-defended position; this one was not, and demons could lower this ratio to 3 demons per human, thanks to their energy speed advantage.

While the humans would have to recharge each time, taking a little more impure energy as their pure energy was depleted, the demons would produce it consistently. They would not need to meditate to recover pure energy.

Those were advancing towards them in a very orderly fashion.

In the front line were demons with powerful armor and equipment, certainly their elites.

They formed a straight line, covering their rear - getting through the top to reach the rear lines would be a challenge, where missing attacks should be a norm, attacks whose power would be reduced by distance.

About twenty yards away was a curve of demons maximizing the space between them, well-equipped and transmitting their demonic energy. This pattern went on as far as the eye could see.

This makes the front lines have a protective shield of demonic energy on all their bodies, as dark as night.

"Soldiers!" Shouted a member of the Council of 11. "Pass one-quarter of your impure energy to the priests!"

Lines of impure energy hit the priests, their aura turning orange from the use of sacred energy.

"Priests! Concentrate your attacks and aim for the first line!"

The priests concentrated, opening the energy barrier, and a hundred attacks shot toward the demons with a movement of their hands.

Eloise's eyes widened: the speed of the attack would not have given her time to react, even if it were directed at her.

The demons continued to advance quietly.

The hissing of the energy resounded throughout the battlefield.

Soon it hit its target.

The cluster of impure energy, so concentrated, had turned from blue to gray.

The energy hit every part of the front lines, from the eyes to the private parts and lesser limbs.

Like darkness, the demonic energy made them disappear. There was not even a fluctuation; the energy had rushed in like air, but the demons continued to advance as if nothing had happened.

The stress increased.

The attack had only been a test of resistance: their demonic armors seemed to be able to withstand even their theoretical most potent attack, a full 100% impure energy attack.

They had no time to despair: the demons attacked with demonic energy.

In an instant, energy as dark as night pierced the barrier, shattered the walls that collapsed on the soldiers, continuing on them.

Everything it touched was reduced to nothing, holes forming in every part of the body as the humans tried desperately to escape into the trenches.

The level of impure energy was so great it took only a few seconds to corrupt the bodies of those affected, burning them from within, destructing all on its passage, erasing even the pure energy of their bodies.

The concentration was so great that the demonic energy remained like black water, flooding the trenches to any fools who had the idea of approaching them.

In one attack, morale was ruined.

Possessing almost infinite energy, the rain did not stop; for nearly a long minute, the demonic energy mowed down the humans with no possible retaliation.

The Paladin barrier shattered under the rain of attacks, and both Paladins had to give their all to reconstruct it.

After 60 seconds, the number of survivors was less than 500, and the number of soon-to-be-dying-wounded made sure to decrease it.

"Shot all your impure energy into the sky!"

The signal to surrender was given and accepted.

The humans had lost.

The death toll was 9,637, with more than 200 humans in agony and no demon casualties.

Dhorkar would fall.


I lied in the title, and it's for your own good; to teach you that you shouldn't trust a stranger.