
Evolving Village

A vllage within a cultivation world, near the demonic creatures' frontier.

Erakel_Spargo · Fantaisie
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112 Chs


As the name implies, this chapter is composed of a lot of knowledge you should have to understand this world.

Humans' energies fights can be separated in 3 ways :

-Before attaining the Knight level, one will generally fight using pure and impure energy. At this stage, all pure energies are similar.

-Reaching the energy creation realm will allow someone to possess a level similar or stronger than a Knight. The energies' fighting style is the same, just that their pure energies are particular to the individual. Meaning, they can't be transferred.

-Then, by becoming a Paladin, one will be able to fuse his pure energy with the holy/sacred/divine energy. At this point, a Paladin greatest card will be his sacred energy, using impure energy only when he is exhausted.

For demons:

-demons don't make a difference between pure or impure energy as their energy center will always transform it into demonic energy: an energy extremely suitable to fight as it is malleable.

-Demons: ?

For angels:

-angels: ?

-Angels: ?

Reminder: the capital letter is used to distinguish winged from non-winged.

Other cases :

spiritual energy: Present in all humans' energy centers. Although we try to draw it dry to increase our energy production, spiritual energy is essential for all energy centers. It is a bit like its protection and the one that repairs it. To do this, it uses impure energy and transforms it into spiritual energy.

If there is no more impure energy, spiritual energy can also be formed from pure energy. In addition, spiritual energies are also present in the air, but it is only used for (non-sacred) spells. Hence the name of a group of energies as 'spiritual energy' and the importance of sacred energy.

Note: Although it serves as a repair to our energy center, it is not omnipotent. It is more of an energy that tries to stabilize things, sometimes repairing them slightly.

Unmixed sacred energy: One of the priests' energies. Only humans may inherit it as it comes from Gods.

Special case:

Emily's energy: Mixing energies has always existed. In fact, nothing forbade it. Other characters are using it.

Energies' use :

Impure energy is made to fight, while pure energy is made to strengthen. The energy center transforms but also creates pure energy naturally. Moreover, one can transform impure energy into pure energy. Losing one's energy center is the worst thing that may happen as not only you're fighting power decrease, but you can't produce pure energy anymore to strengthen your body. One has to rely on one's body, which can be strengthened by physical training and food.

Pure energy is initially more of a support than anything else. It allows you to heal yourself and defend yourself against impure energy. At high levels, you can slightly increase the power of your body even in a fight, but it leaves some damage.

Alain's Technique: A classic technique used by Alain. He stirred up his impure energy inside his energy center, even moving it into his body. This is suicidal. It takes years of understanding of energy, and talent, to achieve the technique. The impure energy has to go at a high speed without encountering too many obstacles, but as the energy partially dissipates into the air, this technique is only usable within the body. Otherwise, there is a small boost, but the enemy will also have a clear view of the energy, allowing them to dodge it easily. On top of that, controlling energy out of the body is extremely complicated, especially before the energy creation realm.

Inside the body, It will inevitably encounter obstacles and will shrink, strengthening itself to pass. Thus, it is a matter of control, judging how hard and fast the energy should go at each moment of its journey through the body. This technique, even when mastered to perfection, exhausts the body. And Alain has only half succeeded, even with his concentration exceeding his 'limits'.

More than that, the body has to be sufficiently resistant to energy, a skill that one acquires through contact with it.

Generally, we use impure energy to attack, either as a projectile or by infusing our weapon with it. Using your hand would be like attacking yourself. Of course, weapons break faster with this technique. Although Alain's sword got a little resistance.

Special case:

Eloise's use of energy: She tries things. But this path can be dangerous. She has weakened the cheat of her energy center enormously. However, she did gain power. Her strength is higher than Alain's from the beginning, though she is far away from the knight level.

Magic Object: Objects created by humanity, Angels, and Demons. Mankind is far behind in this area.

Artifacts: Technology that is lost or has never existed. In any case, artifacts aren't normal. They bend the laws of the universe.

The system has already indicated how big the univerium was, although it did not go into detail, and just indicated the previous stages.

Alain is weak. Even for his world. Stronger than average, and by far, he is still far below the Knights. He has neither the body, nor the techniques, nor the energy to compete with them. It will take time for him to catch up.

In the meantime, other system owners may be getting stronger.


Tiny dimensions: Special laws. These are whole universes, so about 100,000 billions of billions of stars. And more planets, all or almost all inhabited.

Small dimensions:? higher stage. The primary laws of the univerium are respected.

Medium, large, personal dimensions:? other stages of the so-called Globalium.

An almost infinite number of Globalium form a univerium. To date, there is only one univerium.

Special case :

Small worlds: personal worlds. Sometimes they can be the size of a galaxy or much larger. They are creations or takeovers of worlds by superpowered forces.

Tiny dimensions: even within the tiny dimensions, there are other tiny dimensions. Alain is in the one just before the small dimensions, still considered to be lives.

Many superpowers would surely have liked to stay in their tiny dimensions. For one of the laws is great there. For it is in the essence of the human. Although Alain's system (now the village's system) seems rather weak, it is very useful to bypass this law. Moreover, Alain could be much stronger if he dared more. But doing so would increase his risk of death.

About 2/3 of the system's owners are already dead. They have been replaced though.


Apprentice Guard → New Military recruit→ Militia → Guard → Apprentice Knight → Veteran → Knight → Great Knight → Paladin Apprentice → Master Knight → Failed Paladin → Grandmaster Knight → Low Paladin → Supreme Knight (exception) / High Paladin → Great Paladin → Sacred Paladin → Saint

elementary --> intermediate --> advanced --> peak.

Foundation → Fortification → Strengthening → Energy creation → Energy surge → Union → Divine union → Sublimation → Great Sublimation

Nirl's inhabitant's strength is getting closer to the guard level.

We differentiate power and status. For example, having the power of an apprentice knight doesn't make one. Alain has higher power but at a much older age. Therefore, it is usually the age and the context that indicates whether one has that rank or not.

The rank of apprentice guard is special. Roughly speaking, it is the strength a guard's child had during training. Most don't use it because it is no longer suitable. They live, after all, in a world where energy is still readily available. In royal reports, however, this rank is used as an official criterion.

The rank of both veteran and knight are also inherited from the old days. The period being low in energy, reaching the stage of creating energy or strengthening one's body was more difficult. That's why humans could only upgrade their fighting style. Only a major understanding separated the two ranks.

For construction, one can infuse energy into an object. This one will devour it, and if one puts some in 2 objects, they will approach. To do this, however, requires a concentration that takes time.

In the fight against the boar, the elites spent their energy through Emilie. In itself, it would not be hard to pass it directly but any distance weakens the energy. Divine energy is very useful for guiding pure energy.

Demonic energy is more flexible, but it is still dangerous if you haven't reached the level of energy creation.

- - -

Relationship between main characters. Measured from 0 to 10, 10 being the current maximum love/friendship that the character in question could feel.

Alain → Eloise (8)

Alain → Louis (9)

Alain → Emilie (5)

Comment: he greatly appreciates those who have helped him previously, but tends to take only one aspect into account.

Eloise → Alain (8)

Eloise → Louis (8)

Eloise → Emilie (6.5)

Comment: a bit shy, she sees Emilie's efforts, explaining her result.

Louis → Alain (1-9)

Louis → Eloise (3-8.5)

Louis -> Emilie (7)

Comment: very divided, although there are no real inconsistencies in his thoughts.

Emilie → Alain (4)

Emilie → Eloise (6)

Emilie → Louis (7)

Comment: More respect than anything else.

The karma management is done by the teenage 'Alain'. While he is the one making quests – who appear in the system's window, the system directly speaks in their mind.

It is estimated that there are between 6 billion humans. A huge number explained by the ease to humans to grow their food, the only existing continent whose size is near the combination of all of our continents, the liveness/vitality of the inhabitants, and their rather peaceful environment: even though wars are frequent, they aren't that much of a bloodbath.

Fun fact: The strongest death rate in war are Paladins.

True chapters will follow soon.

Erakel_Spargocreators' thoughts