
Evolving Village

A vllage within a cultivation world, near the demonic creatures' frontier.

Erakel_Spargo · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

demons (3/4)

Demon territory, 4 years ago.

The demons' goal wasn't strength but wings. They only strengthened themself because forming these wings required great power.

That's why from the age of 6 every demon would be trained in an academy.

After 6 years, at the end of the academy, we had 2 choices.

The first one was to remain in peace. To chose this path means that you'd live quietly and simply live like demons. You wouldn't have to care about your life.

The second was to fight, evolve, and eventually become a Demon.

Unsurprisingly, the first choice was the hardest to take and the least taken. The admiration for the wings was so great that only a particular situation or a particularly kind/cowardly character would keep them from the second path.

Like most, I chose the second path.

I entered a new training. The Warrior training. But to progress further, you needed enough strength.

But not everyone had the same strength when they entered the Warrior training as all 12 years-old demons would begin this path.

I was average, and that's why I hadn't made it to the next stage for a year.

Furthermore, one rule existed. If you didn't make it to the next stage before you were 18, you had to give up on becoming a Demon or choose a much more dangerous path. The mortality of such a path could sometimes exceed 80%.

I knew there was no way I could pass. And yet I persisted. I told myself that I would always have a chance and that at worst I would choose the dangerous path if I didn't have the necessary talent.

But that's because I hadn't seen a real talent yet.

That's why that meeting during the tournament changed my life.


On the battlefield, a young girl stepped forward against a slightly older boy.

The boy didn't think she had the level to be there, having probably won against easier opponents.

That's why he warned her.

''Use your energy directly, otherwise, you won't be able to use it''.

She simply replied with a mischievous smile

he didn't speak anymore. In an instant he seemed to teleport to her left, throwing a punch.

She didn't react.

The punch came closer and closer without her seeming to see it.

At that moment, I also thought that her opponents must have been too weak. But she surprised everyone.

At the last moment, she slightly stepped back, dodging the blow that sent a shiver through the air.

Then, with banal speed, she attacked her opponent's neck with her hand.

The boy clearly didn't expect this, and hurriedly used his energy to form an energy shield protecting him from the blow. The versatility of the demonic energy may have been much greater than that of humans, but to pull this off at this age was very rare. Especially since he hadn't yet reached the energy creation realm. An error would've been fatal.

At the last moment, like a seasoned veteran, she retracted her hand before backing away directly.

She surely considered that staying any time longer was risky.

''I apologize for my previous words. Let's have a good fight'' The boy apologized.

''Not bad,'' she replied softly.

All of the boy's next attacks would use energy. Unable to increase his body strength and fight without a weapon, he used his energy as a projectile.

He quickly charged towards her, his hands sending knives-like energy in all directions and at all times.

He successfully put his opponent under great pressure, but also drained his energy reserves.

But everything was useless in front of her. It was as if she knew in advance what his next blow would be, dodging each attack at the last possible moment. Moreover, every one of his mistakes would be spotted directly. Here she attacked his left side, there she tripped him with a quick movement of her legs.

Once on the ground, she put her hand on his neck causing the judge to announce her victory.

''Winner: Jeanne''.

She was only 12 years old, yet she had beaten a 14-year-old talent. And she did so without using her energy.

The tournament continued and she progressed.

She lost to a 15-year-old genius even after using her energy.

That's was because, whether it was her body or her energy, everything was normal. We could even say that her demonic energy was particularly weak in both quantity and quality.

And yet, her understanding put her over the top.

Then, by chance, we became friends.

She progressed rapidly and trained me. She stayed at that level for me when she could have left at 14.

She wanted us to progress together.


Today was the D-day.

The tournament was sure to be won. At 17 years old my strength was already approaching what humans called a peak veteran. As for her... I had no idea. At 16 her prowess was off the charts.

I had once asked her the reason for her strength if any family supported her from behind - the lack of a name made me think of a nobleman who took this training as her plaything.

''No, not at all'' She shook her head

''Don't you have a teacher?''

''I don't have one anymore.''

''Oh... sorry''

She laughed, "Don't worry, he's not dead. I hope...''

''What kind of person is he?''

''A really nice person. He's the one who gave me my first name. He's a warm person who never loses hope, underestimating himself but whose values are as big as the sky''

"Oh yeah...''

"You think I'm exaggerating?''

''A bit, yes''

"That's normal. You always see your big brother a little better than he is''

I thought directly of my older brother and nodded. My second big brother, on the other hand, was the perfect opposite.


Once we had passed the exam, another test laid in front of us, one that wasn't easy: surviving from real battlefields.

I was separated from Jeanne but we promised each other to come back safely.

- - - -


A high horse galloped with a carriage behind it.

The priest of Cleppe had come to take the demoness.