
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantaisie
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80 Chs

Squid Lady!

As the days grew brighter with promise, the conversations deepened.

"My dealings with the squid lady have turned out less fraught than Andrea suggested. We are both beings of considerable intellect and power. When you meet someone on equal footing, dialogue flows naturally. Remember, young dragon, to engage as equals with formidable beings, you must first possess comparable strength.

Andrea serves as a poignant example. Lacking the power to converse as an equal, she appears no more significant than sustenance through the eyes of the squid lady. Harsh though it may be, such is the rule of the wild, a natural order of life.

Yet, when you match the strength of your counterpart and bear no deep-seated animosity, a peaceful coexistence is entirely feasible. There's an old saying: the world isn't merely about conflict and carnage; it's also about cultivating relationships.

Of course, should they seek your demise, or if deep hatred exists, do not hesitate to strike them down, incinerate their remains. And should I still draw breath, reach out to me. I'll gladly thrash the specter of your foe as well."

Andrea held a mix of admiration and fear for the whale lady.

The black dragon Lance's approach towards adversaries unnerved yet impressed her with his dedication to mentoring the dragon youth.

Her knowledge of how Lance interacted with the [Black Sea Monarch] was limited; she had neither witnessed nor dared to meddle.

Too fearful to confront the [Black Sea Monarch], Andrea understood any misstep might lead her to be devoured.

Lucia remained unfazed, knowing well the nature of evil dragons. The images of his adversaries adorned the walls of his study.

Even beyond the grave, he wouldn't forget his foes. Given the chance, he might even call upon their spirits from the underworld to serve as [combat partners], elevating him to a hellish evil dragon of death.

Was it mere jest to think that after being slain by an evil dragon in life, one might end up serving them in death?

Thus, it was prudent for the squid girl to maintain peace with the evil dragon. Should she turn foe, not only might she be devoured and roasted post-mortem, but her spirit too could be summoned from the abyss for future conflicts. It was rumored that the formidable squid lady, upon her death, ventured into hell, her specter must be quite formidable.

"I've penned down your words in my diary," I mentioned.

"Yes," came the reply.

"I intend to show it to my irksome sister in the capital; it will surely petrify her."

Her protector: an evil dragon of unknown strength, exceedingly wary and vengeful by nature.

"In life, you may stand no chance against my patron, but in death, you could still be summoned by him. If I survive long enough, I might even rise to become the apprentice of the evil dragon, the nascent death god."

"Does that frighten you? If you're trembling with fear, perhaps it's time for me to ascend as emperor."

Lost in grand aspirations, the young dragon couldn't help but sport a giddy smile. "Feeling hungry? How about some grilled squid?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, let's eat! As long as it's safe, of course."

"Fear not, there's no danger. I've secured a deal for the squid lady's tentacles; no conflicts will arise."

"Alright, I'll follow your lead."

"Andrea, you should return now. I'll take the young dragon to meet the squid lady."

"Very well, may the sea god watch over you. And Lance, should you ever decide to wed, do consider me."

"When I'm in the mood for grilled fish, you'll be the first I think of."

Andrea, the whale lady, dove swiftly into the depths, not because she feared being grilled, but rather wary of Lance's temper; he was known to be physically persuasive without concern for one's preferences for the murky or clear waters.

As they ventured into the squid lady's domain, the once clear sky darkened ominously, and turbulent waves churned around them.

Shadowy figures danced beneath the surface of the inky sea. "Is this the place where the squid lady reigns?" the young dragon pondered, the atmosphere eerily reminiscent of the fabled [ghost cave].

The counterfeit young dragon, Lucia, cowered under Lance's grasp. Deeming her too slow, the evil dragon had seized her and sped through the stormy skies.

"The wind and waves are terrifying here."

Even the mightiest [land kings] would likely find themselves mere morsels in this domain dominated by the [squid girl].

The gloomy skies pressed heavily on the young dragon's spirit, nearly crushing it were it not for the formidable presence of the evil dragon, a no-man's land indeed.

"No joke."

"Lance, does the squid lady not welcome us? Why does it seem like those shadows in the black sea are all sea monsters?"

"Fear not, those are merely squid tentacles. Let's inspect them and see which are the fattiest. How much do you reckon they'll cost?"

"Squid... tentacles?"

To the young dragon, they looked more like lurking leviathans than anything edible. Had she known their quest for grilled squid tentacles would lead them to a den of deep-sea behemoths, she would've preferred a simple squid fishing trip near the island with the dogs, Marley and Turtle.

"Cover your ears," she whispered, bracing for the unknown.

The young dragon hastily covered his ears.

A mighty dragon's roar erupted, thundering across the Black Sea. The dark clouds scattered as the roar vibrated through the sky, and the tumultuous winds and massive waves calmed as if soothed by the sound. A shaft of white-gold light broke through the dispersing clouds, illuminating the vast sea and the formidable figure of the evil dragon, Lance.

"Roar, roar, why such a deafening roar? Black dragon, you've frightened me," a delicate voice, akin to that of a young human girl, echoed in the young dragon's mind.

"Squid girl? Is that her voice?" the young dragon wondered, intrigued.

"You millennium-old enchantress, quit the adorable act. Your voice might beguile the youngling in my grasp, but I'm not fooled. Show yourself, and let's strike a deal," Lance retorted.

"That's genuinely my voice. You, the black dragon who fancies my tentacles, just can't accept it," the squid girl responded playfully.

"Hehe, I merely crave your tentacles, whereas you dream of devouring me whole."

"That's because you look so tantalizing, as dark as the ink within me."

A silence fell briefly as Lance pondered.

Lance had hoped to harness the formidable dragon source energy to subdue this sea creature and confine it beneath his Black Dragon Island.

As the storm abated and the sea calmed, the young dragon spotted what looked like a small human girl's head bobbing on the surface of the black sea. Her features were obscured, shrouded in what appeared to be a layer of ink.

"Is this the infamous squid girl?" the young dragon mused, finding the small head somewhat endearing despite the eerie shadows that danced beneath it.

"Black dragon, fly lower. I'm weary of craning my neck to converse," the squid girl called out.

"Very well."

Lance decreased their altitude, bringing the young dragon so close to the sea that its tail coiled up in fear.

Now at eye level, the young dragon could see the sinister shadows lurking under the dark waters more clearly, a sight that promised nightmares.

"The young dragon in your clutches smells rather tempting..."

"Would you like a taste?" Lance teased.

"Is it even edible?"

"There's only one way to find out."

Just as the sea began to churn once more, it quickly stilled under the lingering power of the dragon's roar.

"You, a fully-grown black dragon, are wicked indeed. You use the young dragon as bait to ensnare me and scheme to feast on my legs without payment. Your guile knows no bounds."