
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantaisie
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82 Chs

Home Raid

Se, the regal monarch of the oceanic depths, grapples daily with a conundrum most peculiar for a sea sovereign, pondering the sale of her legs. Yet, Squid Girl, ever the adventurous spirit, ventured to the terrestrial realm, seeking fortune. Establishing a stall peddling octopus balls and seared squid seemed a promising avenue indeed.

Yet, domestic duties at a café proved ill-fitted for her. Should Squid Girl don the apron of a café maid, chaos would surely ensue, by the morrow, she might usurp the café owner, transforming him from boss to bones within her voracious belly, unless the owner were the formidable Black Dragon himself. Any other employer would rue the day they welcomed her.

The Black Dragon harbored reservations about introducing Squid Girl to human society. Beyond her ignorance of human customs, there loomed a larger concern, keeping her within sight. Unwatched, she might wreak havoc, diminishing the number of unsuspecting pedestrians or perhaps absconding with the gleaming signs adorning local shops. The very thought spelled trouble.

Not so with his juvenile dragon, a creature of curiosity and simplicity, aspiring to human dominion yet obedient and innocent. Even in youth, he managed a stall, providing for his draconic sire. Given a century or two, the dragonling would surely blossom into a devoted companion.

"Hey, Black Dragon, is your fledgling peddling my legs now?" Squid Girl inquired, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Overthinking it, as usual. My young dragon deals in barbecued delights, not limbs," the Black Dragon retorted with a hint of amusement.

"Then fetch me soon! I'll join you in the human world, abide by your rules, and steer clear of impromptu snacks. Should I stray and suffer a bellyache, merely administer a cure," she bargained playfully.

"Visiting the human world isn't without its complications. The foremost being money. Without it, adapting to human norms is a challenge," he explained patiently.

"I lack funds, true. But you possess riches aplenty. Lend me some, and I'll repay you once I've earned my keep in the human realm," she proposed optimistically.

The Black Dragon sighed, contemplating the incessant requests for his treasure. His coffers weren't infinite, and his kind, greedy by nature, seldom loaned without grumbling.

"Imagining a Black Dragon parting with his gold for nothing? It's madness! Be grateful I don't demand a tribute instead," he chided gently.

"If I possessed wealth, would my offspring need to vend at markets?" he pointed out, his tone tinged with frustration.

"You're penniless? Then earn your keep as I must. Support your dragonling, and perhaps, spare a coin for me. I'm far less demanding and easier to sustain than any dragon," Squid Girl countered with a cheeky smile, her proposal hanging between them like a dare.

"That's precisely why I've raised a dragonling, not you," Black Dragon declared with a smirk.

Squid Girl blinked, puzzled by his remark.

"You see, my dragonling is out there, setting up stalls, hustling to support me. And here you are, suggesting I should do the same to take care of you. The difference is stark; I can't be bothered with a high-maintenance charge like you," he explained, his tone a mix of jest and sternness.

Squid Girl's face fell. The insult stung, even for a monarch of the deep sea like herself. "So, what you're saying is, if I earn my keep and support you as your dragonling does, you'll consider taking me to the human realm for some fun?"

Black Dragon paused, considering her quick grasp of the situation. "If you put it that way, yes, I might actually bring you along to the human world for a visit."

The idea of Squid Girl earning her way sparked an unexpected intrigue in Black Dragon. But establishing a stall wasn't as straightforward as it sounded. He would need to teach her the culinary arts, grilling might be simple, but cooking was another beast altogether.

If Squid Girl mastered the grill, at least she wouldn't starve when visiting the human world.

Should he bring her over for a trial? She seemed genuinely prepared to undertake the financial responsibilities he faced. Continuously denying her request would appear unjust, especially since she might end up frequenting his oceanic domain regardless.

Suddenly, a peculiar noise interrupted his thoughts, the sound of munching and crunching.

Black Dragon turned toward the source and there, in a vivid display of gluttony, was Squid Girl, feasting on the fruits of his island. Watermelons vanished, bananas peeled en masse, and apples disappeared by the dozen. Even the vegetables weren't spared; cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and freshly plucked corn all found their way into her voracious maw, her tentacles tirelessly working to ferry food to her mouth.

"What a glutton," Black Dragon muttered under his breath. "Are you here to clear out my buffet?"

Squid Girl, caught mid-chew and seeing the diminutive form of the Black Dragon materialize, hastily tried to hide her tentacles, now empty of their stolen bounty. "Mmm, slurp; oh! Black Dragon, how delightful to see you again!" she exclaimed, feigning surprise and innocence.

Squid Girl blinked her enormous eyes at Black Dragon, cheeks bulging with stolen fruits, vegetables, and corn. Her mouth worked busily, an indication of her unrelenting hunger. Surely, helping herself to a bit of his produce wasn't a crime, especially when he was not around? After all, she hadn't spirited away his beloved dog or the shy little turtle.

Curiously, she wondered how Black Dragon had discovered her mid-feast. Could the tentacle snugly wrapped around the dog's mouth have been a giveaway? Or perhaps the little turtle's retracted head was a sign too suspicious to ignore?

"What brought you looking for me here on the island?" she inquired, trying to shift the focus.

Pausing to gulp down her mouthful, she flashed a grin, showing off her gleaming teeth. "Actually, I need a favor. Help me wash the ink from my face, and then let's head to the human world for some fun!"

"No, no, no," Black Dragon retorted, unconvinced. "You're not here for a face wash. You've turned my island into your personal dining hall, you rascal!"

His roar echoed so loudly that it spilled over into the nearby coffee shop, causing a cat maid to shrink back in alarm.

Squid Girl recoiled from the projection screen, startled by his fury. She half-expected Black Dragon to leap through the hologram and snap at her. "Where's my dog?" he demanded sternly.

"I… I might have wrapped its mouth with my tentacle," she confessed sheepishly.

"Release it now, and don't you dare harm it—or eat it! If I find out you've harmed my pet, I swear I'll snap your legs when I get back!"

Her voice quivered, "It's free, it's free. You've frightened me so much, I think I've already broken one of my own legs!"

"Enough," Black Dragon grumbled, cutting off the projection in frustration.

This time, Squid Girl had truly overstepped, turning his home into her feast. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that anger was detrimental to health. If he fell ill, he'd have to swallow his own bitter medicine.

"Stay calm, stay calm," he muttered to himself, a wry smile flickering across his face. "What's the use of anger? Just get home and deal with that thieving Squid Lady."

As he settled his café bill, the waiter inquired, "Mr. Lance, is there trouble?"

"Nothing major, just let me settle up. How much do I owe?"

"That would be 25 nogins. Would you like your unfinished red wine packed up?"

"Yes, please," he replied, his thoughts already racing ahead to the confrontation awaiting at home.

After paying, Lance collected the packed wine and approached his young dragon at the stall. "Time to close up and head home."

"But there are still octopus balls left," the dragonling noted, reluctance in his voice.

"Let Joanna and Louis handle the cleanup. We need to go, our home was raided. Some opportunist took advantage of our absence and thought it a buffet."