
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantaisie
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80 Chs

Debt Collection!

"Where else could her soul wander if not consigned to the infernal depths?" he pondered aloud. "The fates of souls are many, but Eighty percent are doomed to hellfire, while others ascend to celestial realms like heaven or the Hall of Valor. Some linger as forlorn specters, others are cursed to roam as inhumans or even lowly vampires."

"Yet, there are those unfortunate enough not to reach undead status, ensnared instead by wild necromancers, their essence refined for dark purposes," he continued, his tone somber.

"A select few mortals, though, possess such formidable power that they ascend to the God Realm, taking their place as lesser deities or divine generals."

He frowned deeply. "The clergy, knights, and devout of the major temples harbor a profound revulsion for these rogue necromancers. To capture and purify one is considered a sacred duty."

"Indeed, such necromancers, those who dare collaborate with the nether realms, are loathed not only by the common folk but also viewed with great suspicion by the temples. Prejudice runs deep, even if some of these dark practitioners hold alliances with hell."

"Faith, it seems, is ever a thorny issue. While outright conflict is avoidable, true harmony remains a fleeting dream."

"But tell me," he queried with a puzzled expression, "if she's not languishing in hell, where could she be? Surely she didn't feign death or chance upon a rescuing mage just to dodge a debt of 132 gold coins? It's absurd to think she'd go to such lengths merely to avoid repayment."

"From what you've told me, I don't believe she's that sort of person," his companion interjected. "Her act of unleashing a forbidden curse to shield the townspeople marks her as profoundly humane."

"Exactly my point," he agreed. "Do you suppose then, that such a valiant soul, who risked and lost her life defending a town from a beastly onslaught, might have ascended to heaven?"

"Yes," Lucia affirmed, her eyes reflecting a mix of hope and certainty. "Consider it, she sacrificed herself amidst the chaos of a beast tide, striving to protect hundreds. Whether or not the town was ultimately saved, her courageous endeavor to defend its people is undeniable."

"After her passing, she was escorted by celestial beings. It's conceivable that she could reach heaven, isn't it?" The air hung heavy with the question.

Lance remained silent, his thoughts adrift.

The notion wasn't far-fetched. Angels favor those who are kind, resilient, and radiate goodness. Sophia, with her ability to transcend realms and unleash forbidden spells, might indeed be guided by angels to ascend to heaven or perhaps be reborn into affluence.

"Is the afterlife truly so benevolent?"

For now, he was cut off from the celestial network, bereft of any means to trace Sophia's journey beyond.

The loss of the 132 gold coins seemed trivial in comparison.

"Bless you, Sophia. Whether you're training to be an angel above or enjoying wealth on earth, my blessings go with you. I hope your next life is far removed from the hardships you faced when we first met. And just so you know, lending you those coins wasn't about affection, it was about friendship," he declared, a notion as profound as it was simple.

Lance then reached up to remove Sophia's portrait from the wall, his dragon's claw trembling slightly. If she wasn't in the infernal depths, their paths might never cross again.

With a sigh, he contemplated burning the portrait. To gaze upon it was to be reminded of debts unpaid, of a spirit fleeting and elusive.

"Lance, are you truly going to burn the portrait of this sister?" Lucia's voice was tinged with disbelief as she noticed the flicker of flames dancing on his claw.

"Yes, otherwise her image will haunt me, forever branded as the ghost who borrowed and never repaid."

Lucia's silence was palpable, her disapproval clear.

"How can you speak so of a friend who was once dear to you? Perhaps, keep the portrait. One day, it might serve as a reminder of your adventures in the human world, not of the debts that went unpaid, but of the humanity you once embraced."

"The intriguing part is, I've heard that humans who ascend to heaven often return to earth in new lives," Lucia began, her eyes alight with curiosity. "If they were virtuous, the gods might bless them with birth into wealthy families."

Lance, the dragon with centuries to his name, listened intently. "Evil indeed, Lance. Imagine, on one of your future sojourns to the human realm, as a human, perhaps, you might find yourself in a grand kingdom, or a bustling imperial capital. There, you could encounter someone bearing a striking resemblance to Sophia. It could be her reincarnation. You might still reclaim your lost gold."

The concept seemed to resonate with Lance, his fiery gaze softening as the flames on his claws flickered out. "You speak wisely, young one."

He considered the life lessons he could impart to Lucia by exposing her to the complexities of the human world, their prosperity and their treacherous hearts. Confined to Black Dragon Island, she would never fully grasp these complexities.

"Such exposure could only benefit her, regardless of whether she chooses to live as a dragon or adopt another guise. She must understand elegance and cunning alike."

As for Sophia's portrait, Lance decided to keep it for now. With a thoughtful nod, he rehung it on the wall.

"Lance, among all the portraits on this wall, which one includes you?" Lucia asked, scanning the gallery of faces.

"I'm absent from all of them," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of melancholy.

"Have you never shared a frame with any of your old friends?"

"No, I was always the artist behind these images. Each time I befriended someone noteworthy, I captured their essence on canvas. It's become something of a ritual over the centuries."

Lucia absorbed his words, a solemn expression crossing her face. "Are any of the beings in these portraits still alive?"

"The humans are long gone," Lance sighed. "My friends among the dwarves, orcs, and elves have likely passed as well."

Lucia's gaze returned to the portraits, her decision firming in her mind. No matter what, she would never let this dragon paint her likeness; she preferred to remain vibrant and alive, beyond the confines of a canvas.

The grim fate of those depicted in the dragon's portraits weighed heavily on the minds of all who knew of it. "You know, the subjects of my portraits have all passed away," Lance reflected, his voice a rumble of distant thunder. "The canvases seem to bear an ominous aura."

Upon hearing this, a spark of mischief lit up in his eyes. "Speaking of portraits, I've just had a brilliant idea. Young dragon, would you fancy having a portrait of your youthful self? I envision drawing it at sunset tomorrow, against a backdrop of the sea merging with the setting sun. It could become a masterpiece known across the world!"

Lucia recoiled slightly, her fears surfacing. "Are you suggesting that because you think I'll remain unscathed as a dragon? But what if your paintings truly carry a curse, and I, being human at heart, meet an untimely end before we even see the imperial capital again? Remember what happened to the fair lady in the portrait; if she had faced a horde of beasts, she would have been utterly doomed."

"No, no, no. I've decided I don't want a portrait, not as a child, nor in the future. If I am to excel as a formidable dragon, I must first cultivate an aura of mystery," Lucia declared, her resolve firming.

"That's indeed a pity," Lance sighed, his thoughts lingering on the picturesque scene he had imagined, sea and sunset, a perfect painting left uncreated.

"But you see, Lance, maintaining my mystique is crucial, just as you've done. You've never allowed yourself to be captured on canvas in the human world, have you?" Lucia observed keenly.

Lance nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in her words. The discussion shifted subtly as he contemplated another subject for his art. "Perhaps I should paint a portrait of the tortoise tomorrow. After all this time, it's rather surprising I haven't already done so."

Lucia, still eyeing the gallery of Lance's former comrades, teased him, "Are you revisiting these portraits tonight merely to reckon old debts? Or perhaps you wish to summon the formidable foes of old, to intimidate them once more?"

Her words hung playfully between them, a light jest in the shadow of the portraits' somber legacy.