
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantaisie
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80 Chs

Cat Cafe!

In a bustling human metropolis, a novel sight caught the eyes of many, a young dragon, barely out of its hatchling years, was enthusiastically selling octopus balls from a makeshift stall. The sight was unusual, yet heartwarmingly enterprising. Meanwhile, in stark contrast, an elder dragon, clad in a sleek suit and tie, lounged within the plush confines of the upscale Lucky Cat Cafe. Here, he savored a tender steak, sipped fine red wine, and sampled an assortment of exquisite snacks. As he relaxed, a charming cat maid, donning a fiery red outfit, attended to him, purring softly as she massaged his weary legs.

"Is this even reasonable?" one might ask. Well, yes, but the scene was about to unfold further.

The young dragon, with its belly rumbling with envy, longed for the comfort provided by the cat maid. It dreamed of the soft touch of her furry paws, her delicate cat ears, and the playful swish of her tail. The idea of stroking the friendly cat maid was irresistible.

Even the princess of the Farol Empire, who had never ventured from the castle prior to her transformation, had never had the pleasure of interacting with such a delightful foreign creature. Determined, she thought, "I must sell these octopus balls quickly, earn my keep, and then indulge in the joy of petting that adorable cat maid at the cafe."

She couldn't partake in the red wine or the desserts, but the experience of a warm, furry cuddle was within reach.

"Two silver coins for your octopus balls! Please come again! Hurry, Princess little dragon, our customers are eagerly waiting!" Joanna cheerfully tucked the coins away, her spirits lifted by the bustling trade. Lance had promised her a fair wage if she successfully helped the young dragon sell all the octopus treats, which, by all accounts, were delicious.

"I'm working as fast as I can! Look how many are still left!" the young dragon protested, gesturing to the heaping trays below.

"Three whole layers still to go!" Joanna exclaimed, encouraging her companion.

Meanwhile, upstairs in the cafe, Lance, the elder dragon, watched the scene unfold through one-way glass. He chuckled at his young charge's industrious antics and the slightly comical sight of the dragon wearing an alpaca hat, a whimsical choice for the summer heat.

Just then, the cat maid approached with a graceful step. "Mr. Lance, need anything else?" she inquired with a playful tilt of her head.

"Cat, do you see that silly, adorable little dragon in the alpaca hat across the street?" Lance asked, amused.

The cat maid peeked out and spotted the young dragon. "Oh, yes, I see! Would you like me to fetch some octopus balls for you, meow?" she offered, ready to bridge the worlds of dragons and delightful cat maids with a simple act of kindness.

"Do you think she's cute?" Lance asked, gesturing towards the window with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

"???" The cat maid, Yura, paused, slightly confused by the question.

Peering out the window, she caught sight of the young dragon diligently selling octopus balls. A smile spread across her face as she nodded enthusiastically. "Very cute, meow," she affirmed warmly.

"That's my daughter," Lance declared with a proud grin.

"???" Yura's eyes widened in surprise. She glanced back at Lance, then again at the lively little dragon outside. The connection seemed improbable. "Dragon Knight, meow?" she whispered to herself, trying to piece together the unusual family dynamics.

"Yes, indeed. Noble Lance, a dragon knight and that little dragon is his daughter, meow?" Yura's thoughts raced as she considered this revelation. "What a noble and pure-hearted human nobleman, meow. Some noblemen wouldn't think to raise a baby dragon as a daughter."

Lance chuckled softly, amused by her reaction. "Mr. Lance's daughter is indeed very cute, meow," Yura commented, now fully embracing the unique situation.

"Please send a glass of juice to my daughter. Two cups, one cup of honey grapefruit juice, one cup of passion fruit, both at room temperature, no ice," Lance instructed, turning back to the practicalities of caring for his unconventional child.

"Okay, meow. Wait, add four more cups," Lance suddenly added. "One of these four cups will be for the eldest lady of the City Lord's Mansion, and the remaining three cups for those selling liquid medicine."

"With ice, meow?" Yura queried, confirming the details.

"Three cups with ice, three cups at room temperature," Lance specified.

"I understand, meow." Yura nodded, prepared to fulfill the order.

"Here's your tip," Lance said, handing over two silver coins with a generous gesture.

"Thank you, meow," Yura responded, accepting the tip and then scurrying off to arrange the beverages.

As Lance watched her leave, he contemplated his next move. It feels good to show off your cub to others, he thought, a sense of pride swelling in his chest.

Should I take the dragon cub home to sleep tonight? Or stay at the city lord's mansion? He pondered his options. If I go back to the island, should I let the dragon cub bump into the turtle tonight? Perhaps it's best to take your time. After a long night selling octopus balls, the cub probably won't have the energy for more adventures.

He decided to ask the dragon cub's opinion later to see if she preferred to return to the island or spend the night in the human city. Let her choose for herself.

Meanwhile, across the street, Yura appeared, delivering the drinks Lance had ordered to the dragon cub, bringing a little refreshment and a slice of home to the busy streets of the human city.

After handing over the freshly prepared drinks to the young dragon, Yura pointed towards Lance's location in the café and whispered a few encouraging words to the enthusiastic little vendor. "Your father is watching from across the street," she said with a smile, ensuring the dragon knew Lance's proud eyes were on her.

Following this, she gracefully distributed the remaining beverages to Joanna, Louis, Dalton, and Bazel, who were assisting with various tasks around the bustling marketplace.

Louis and his companions were notably moved by the gesture. "Grandpa Lance really went all out for us," Dalton remarked, a hint of awe in his voice. The cost of the drinks from such a high-end café was not insignificant, and they knew Lance might feel the pinch of his generosity in days to come.

"Better drink up quickly," Bazel joked, "before Grandpa Lance decides to reclaim his investment and run over here to snatch them back!"

Meanwhile, Lance was momentarily distracted from the scene unfolding across the street. The diamond ring on his left hand emitted a soft glow, a signal that someone was trying to contact him through his projection device. It was neither from his territory, Solomon the god of death, nor the Bronze Guild. Could it be from Black Dragon Island?

Secluding himself in a private booth, Lance activated the device. A lifelike statue of a black dragon flew from his ring, hovering mid-air, casting light and shadows around the dimly lit room. The image that materialized wasn't what he expected; instead of Marley two dog heads or turtle familiar visage, a dark little face appeared within the projection.

"Little puppy, can we speak with the black dragon now?" the figure inquired, peering curiously at Lance's projection.

"Woof," the sound came softly from the projection, an odd response that added to the enigma.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you. And that little turtle with you, don't worry, I won't eat him either. You're under the black dragon's protection, so you're safe from me," the figure continued, its tone a mix of reassurance and curiosity.

Then, noticing a small, delicate figure in the light, the creature's eyes widened. "Is this the 'human' the black dragon spoke of? So small and adorable. I want to lick it and store it away as winter food."

Confusion crossed the creature's face as it processed the information. "Wait, you're telling me this tiny human is the 'Black Dragon'? You must be jesting! How could a formidable black dragon transform into such a diminutive human form?"

Listening in, Lance interjected, "That's correct. You are indeed speaking to the Black Dragon."

The creature's excitement was palpable, even through the projection. "You really are the black dragon! But be careful, don't come to the island. There's a deadly array set up that might trigger if you do. Your squid legs—"

"It's octopus, not squid," Lance corrected, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"It's all the same to me," the creature shrugged dismissively.

This bizarre interchange concluded with a reminder of Lance's current predicament. His home had been usurped by the so-called Squid Lady, adding another layer to his complex and unusual life.