
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantaisie
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80 Chs

A Dragon's Territory!

If legend decreed that all evil dragons were like Lance, then the bar for infamy was impossibly high.

"A dragon inept at agriculture or unskilled in nurturing a princess hardly deserves the title of evil," mused Lucia. Initially, she had imagined that the princess taken in by Lance would be no different from the typical damsels ensnared by such beasts. Yet, upon witnessing the lush orchards and bountiful harvests of the dragon's keep, her perceptions began to shift. Perhaps Lance truly intended to raise the princess royally.

Gone was the expectation of a captive princess gnawing on raw flesh, gulping tainted water, or settling for insect-riddled vegetables and rotten fruit.

"Could it be that Lance wishes for me, a royal princess, to emulate his draconic ways?" she pondered. The thought was ludicrous. "Impossible. Absolutely impossible. While I may learn to till the soil, I could never replicate the sheer size of his produce, vegetables, fruits, and grains that dwarf the ordinary."

Even the apples here grew larger than watermelons, a sight she had never before encountered. Curiosity piqued, she speculated, "Such an enormous apple can't possibly taste as delicate as its smaller kin."

Just then, a cacophony erupted from the orchard "Woof! Woof, woof, woof, woof! Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!"

A dog burst forth from the greenery. Lucia recalled Lance mentioning his island companions, a dog and a turtle among them. However, the creature that now approached, barking furiously, was nothing like the endearing, panting pets of her memory. This beast was a monstrous hellhound!

In her studies of mythical beasts, Lucia recognized it as a Cerberus, the deathly guardian, its fur aflame and dual heads spewing fire. This beast of legend, she knew, was said to be seen by mortals just twice in a lifetime. A third sighting would herald their demise.

As the flames flickered in the beast's barks, Lucia's heart sank. "It's over," she whispered, facing the infernal guardian of Lance's orchard.

Lucia quickly realized that escaping from the expansive domain of the evil dragon Lance would be impossible for the foreseeable future. This unnerving revelation meant she could inadvertently encounter the two-headed hellhound, at any moment.

"If the legends in the Mythical Beasts Manual hold true, could I perish under the menacing gaze of this two-headed hellhound without warning?" she pondered anxiously.

"Evil, Lance, I've read that a person can only survive two encounters with a Cerberus. The third encounter...," Lucia's voice trailed off, fraught with fear, "will it be my end?"

Lance chuckled dismissively, "You're no mere human, what are you so fearful of?"

Lucia's astonishment was palpable. "How can I not be human?!" she exclaimed in disbelief, her voice echoing through the halls. "Lance, you dare to mock the Princess of the Faroran Empire, the future Empress no less! A dragon like you deserves the gallows for such insolence!"

Lance's grin widened mischievously. "It's called Marley. It's still a bit away from being a pure-blooded hellhound. Fear not. You're a dragon. Should it come to that, you could swallow it whole with one bite."

Lucia, still in her amethyst dragon form, was timorous. Even attempting to outwit a griffon knight might have been a daunting task for her.

"Bravery comes in moments, and timidity in others. It's all part of growing up," Lance mused aloud, observing her. "Give it time. As you mature, you'll find stability."

Marley, the name seemed almost a mockery of the fierce creature it belonged to.

Lucia's heart softened a bit for the misunderstood beast. "In the human world, you'd be a marvel alongside mages or wizards, a spectacle indeed," she mused quietly to the hellhound. "Here, you're just a little watchdog. But worry not, when I ascend as Empress of Faroran, you shall join me. I'll ensure you feast and sleep in the comfort of plush doghouses."

Turning to Lance, she instructed, "Marley, this is Lucia. There's no need to alarm when I visit the orchard."

The two-headed hellhound responded with a couple of affirmative barks, signaling its understanding.

"Is there any particular fruit you fancy?" Lance inquired, his tone playful yet curious.

Lucia nodded eagerly. "Yes."

"And what fruit would that be? What captures your fancy?" Lance continued, his gaze locked on Lucia with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.

Lucia hesitated, her eyes widening at the bounty before her. "I'd like to try... well, all of them, really."

Lance chuckled, pointing at Lucia's visibly round belly with a clawed finger. "Your stomach's already quite full, don't be greedy. Why not pick just a few favorites to satisfy your current craving? You can always return later tonight or tomorrow for more. This orchard isn't going anywhere, and neither are you."

"I'm not being greedy," Lucia protested, her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. She fidgeted with her claws, looking up at Lance uncertainly. "It's just... I've never seen such extraordinary fruits. I want to taste them all."

"Then pick a few to sample for now," Lance suggested with a grin.

"Perhaps I'll start with the apples then?" Lucia asked, her voice lifting with hope.

"Go right ahead," Lance encouraged warmly.

Lucia wandered into the orchard, her steps light with anticipation. She selected three enormous red apples, each dwarfing a watermelon in size, and a cluster of grapes so large it rivaled any she'd seen in the human realm.

Spotting a watermelon as round and bloated as her belly, Lucia paused, turning to find Lance's gaze still fixed on her. She pondered, considering the massive fruit that now seemed as tiny as an apple compared to her appetite. "Perhaps it's wiser to wait for nightfall, when Lance sleeps," she thought. "Then I can sneak back and enjoy it without his watchful eyes."

If she indulged now, Lance might perceive her as gluttonous, a label unbefitting the dignity of an empress. After all, her usual appetite was modest, rarely consuming more than half a steak in one sitting. As the future empress, maintaining a semblance of restraint, even in an orchard of temptations, was crucial.

Lucia dined with a refined grace that stood in stark contrast to the more brutish manner Lance was accustomed to witnessing. She had effortlessly consumed two roasted beast legs, savoring each bite with the poise of royalty.

After plucking a banana from a nearby tree, Lucia strolled back to Lance with a bright smile. "Would you like some apples?" she asked, extending two of the largest and reddest fruits she had handpicked just for him.

She didn't want to eat alone, and by sharing, she aimed to both charm Lance and affirm her image as the courteous imperial princess, a role she embodied even in the company of dragons.

"Thank you," Lance replied, accepting the apples without hesitation. This first exchange was an opportunity to show his amiable side. He polished one of the apples on his scales, and despite its size resembling a watermelon, it appeared almost comical as he tossed it whole into his giant mouth.

Lucia shuddered slightly. Observing Lance's massive jaws snap shut, she mused uneasily, "Would any princess truly desire her first kiss from such a fearsome mouth? Do princesses really fall in love with dragons, or is it always the dragons who fall for them?"

"Let's explore some other places," Lance suggested, his voice pulling Lucia from her thoughts.

She followed, holding the fruit carefully in one claw while nibbling at it with the other. As Lance showed her around, she quietly cataloged details of the surroundings, knowledge that might prove crucial for a future escape.

As they toured, Lucia realized that Lance's lair was far from ordinary. Beyond the typical lair, there was a kitchen, a dining room, and even a studio. An alchemy room hinted at mystical pursuits, and a cozy hot spring for relaxation. Midway up a mountain slope, they encountered a serene tea garden, and atop the mountain perched an infinity pool with breathtaking views. And, of course, there was his private wine cellar.

Lucia couldn't help but marvel. "Aren't legendary evil dragons supposed to lead harsh, solitary lives?" she pondered aloud, her preconceptions clashing vividly with the luxurious reality before her.