
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · Urbain
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20 Chs


He looked down at himself and how rough he was and he sighed.

Alexander walked up to his father, ignoring the laughs and gossip being made about him then the first thing he did when he got to the Jeep was greet his father, Mr. Curry Philips.

However, instead of accepting his greeting like a good father should, Mr. Curry sneered confusedly at Alexander.

"Alex. What's the meaning of this? Why are you in such an abhorrent state? Did you get into a fight with another student? How dare you do something like that?! Do you want to bring shame to the master and the entire Dove family with your actions? I thought I taught you better than this" Mr. Curry reprimanded, looking angrily at Alexander.

Alexander couldn't even say anything back. There were so many questions that he didn't know where to start.

"Alex, tell me. How did you get like this—?" Mr. Curry asked but then was interrupted.

"I did it to him."

"Young Master Fredrick?!" Mr. Curry said, looking and sounding surprised when he saw Fredrick.

"I told your stupid son not to write the college entrance exam and guess what? The monkey disobeyed me. He went behind my back and tried to write it anyway but luckily I have people in the right places who thanks to I was able to stop him. This is the result of me teaching him a lesson he shouldn't forget any time soon. Got a problem with it, Curry?" Fredrick asked.

Mr. Curry trembled and suddenly, he bowed his head.

"No problem at all, Young Master Fredrick. I would grovel at your feet and beg for forgiveness as loudly as I possibly can but I don't want to do anything that risks embarrassing the young master so please bear with this humble servant bowing his head to you instead"

Fredrick looked around at all the eyes plastered on him and then he looked at the back of Mr. Curry's head.

"Well, normally I wouldn't mind seeing a servant grovel as he should but I'll allow it just this once," Fredrick said cockily.

"Thank you for your generosity, Young Master. Now, like I was saying. I know my words can never atone for what you went through but please find it in your massive heart to forgive this stupid child of mine. I'll make sure he learns the errors of his ways when we get home"

Hearing this, Fredrick looked at Alexander and smirked. An expression that translated to "This is what I expect of you. Learn how it's done, you worm"

He looked at Mr. Curry and said "I know I can trust you to teach the brat not to disobey his master ever again. In time, I hope he can become a good dog just like you"

Fredrick patted Mr. Curry's head, showing that he had accepted the man's heartfelt apology. Meanwhile, Alexander watched in anger and disgust at how pitiful his father was.

"Of course, Young Master Fredrick. You can count on this dog to teach his pup the way things are done under the Dove family roof"

"Good boy. Now, let's go. I'm a graduate now so no need sticking around here any longer" Fredrick said then looked at Alexander and rolled his eyes before going to stand beside the backseat door.

"Let me get that for you, Young Master Fredrick!" Mr. Curry said hurriedly as he raised his head and rushed to open the door for Fredrick who went in and sat comfortably.

Mr. Curry closed the door, went silent for a moment, and started breathing heavy and hot breaths.

"Dad, I can expl—" Alexander said when he noticed how scary his father was becoming but was sharply cut off by his father's backhand slapping him across the face.

The slap was so loud and powerful that it resounded throughout the entire school courtyard and caused the other students who were laughing and gossiping before to go quiet.

Alexander held his lips, tasting the blood in his mouth and checking his palm to see the red patches that had transferred to it.

Alexander's eyes fidgeted and vision became hazy when he saw his bloody palm. He couldn't believe that for the first time in his life, he was just physically violated by his father.

"Dad, you slapped me—?" Alexander asked but was cut short by yet another heavy slap that caused his ear to ring.

He could feel the sides of his face that were just slapped starting to heat up, go red, and swell.

"It's my fault for not punishing you when you went out of line before. It pains me to say this but I should have reinforced in your head the ways of a good servant more and as a father I have completely failed in my duties" Mr. Curry said, looking at Alexander with shame and disgust.

"Dad—" Alexander said but was cut off.

"Don't talk when I'm speaking, boy! How dare you disobey the young master's wishes and all for the sake of a stupid college entrance exam? Have you gone mad?!" Mr. Curry said then grabbed Alexander's wrist and started to squeeze it.

Alexander groaned.

"What gave you the guts to think you were going to abandon your duties to the masters and go to a useless university far away? Just because your mother's last wish was for you to attend high school and I begged the master to make her wish come true, you think you've earned the right to act any way you want?!"

"Dad, you're hurting me. Please let go of my wrist" Alexander begged, grimacing in pain the more Mr. Curry twisted his wrist.

"I said shut up while I'm talking, you stupid brat! You know what? I finally know what to do with you now. I've let you misbehave long enough and I think it's time you atone for your sins to the masters" Mr. Curry said.

Alexander furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Atone for my sins to the masters? What are you talking about, Dad?" Alexander asked then suddenly his father pulled him to the passenger seat and opened the door.

"Get in!"

Alexander looked at the unoccupied passenger seat and looked at his enraged father.

"I should get in the car? But why? I've never been allowed to enter the same vehicle with Fredrick before so why should I now?" Alexander asked in a panic.

Immediately, the vein on the side of Mr. Curry's head popped and throbbed. His eyes became bloodshot red as he stared at his embarrassment of a son.

"Did I just hear you call the young master by his first name alone? You stupid child! You really have gone wayward! I can't believe you are the child I gave birth to and raised" Mr. Curry took his hand from the door handle, raised it, and was about to smack Alexander again when suddenly…

Fredrick who was in the soundproof backseat rolled down the tinted windows because he couldn't see or hear what the two were doing outside.

"Curry! For Christ's sake, how long will it take you to get me out of this place? You're wasting my time!" Fredrick said in annoyance.

Hearing his young master's voice, Mr. Curry stopped from smacking Alexander who had already positioned his body to protect himself from the attack.

Mr. Curry turned to the rolled-down window, smiling nervously.

"Sorry about that, Young Master. I was just handling an inconvenience but we can leave now" he said.

"But better hurry up. Make me wait here a second longer and I'll make sure father punishes you. Maybe, he'll even permit me to do the punishing this time" Fredrick said then started rolling up the window.

Mr. Curry chuckled.

"That won't be necessary, Young Master. I'll be going to the driver's seat—"

"Oh, Shut up. Just get in here and do your job instead of telling me what you're going to do. I don't need a one-by-one report" Fredrick said, cutting Mr. Curry off, and then the window closed shut.

Mr. Curry looked at Alexander who was releasing his defensive posture.

"Thank your God that the Young Master saved you. Now, don't make me repeat myself and get in the car if you know what's good for you" Mr. Curry commanded then let go of Alexander's wrist and went to go enter the driver's seat.

Alexander looked at the open passenger's seat and gulped.

When Alexander looked ahead a little, he saw his father's impatient expression and then he sighed in concession.

"Alright, Dad. As you wish, I'll get in" Alexander said then entered the passenger seat and closed the door.

Once everyone was in, Mr. Curry rolled down the soundproof blind that separated the back seat from the front and passenger's seat.

"Young Master" Mr. Curry called.

With an annoyed tone, Fredrick said "What is it this time?"

"Sorry to disturb your rest, Young Master but is it okay by you if my son, Alexander, comes with us?" Mr. Curry asked.

"What?" Fredrick said.

Mr. Curry cleared his throat.

"Pardon me Young Master but I said, is it alright with you if—"

"I heard what the hell you said the first time so no need repeating yourself like a damn parrot. I swear, both father and son are completely useless" Fredrick smacked his tongue.

"Sorry about that Young Master. It's just that this is very important. The Master would like to see him" Mr. Curry said, shocking Alexander who sat right next to him.