
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · Urban
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20 Chs


"What? Master Dove wants to see me? Why—?" Alexander said in a panic but was cut short.

"Shut up you worm. Say anything else in this car and I'll tell Curry to kick you out" Fredrick said.

Mr. Curry looked at Alexander angrily, using his face to tell him to shut the hell up.

"When the hell did father give an instruction about seeing this trash— you know what? Never mind. I'm sure there's a reason" Fredrick said.

He sighed and said "Well, since Father is involved in this then I guess I'll allow that monkey to breathe the same air as me"

Fredrick looked at Alexander's head through the opening in the blind and said:

"I guess it's your lucky day, worm. You get to ride home with me. Better cherish this moment'cause this is never going to happen again" Fredrick said and Alexander kept quiet.

"About that, Young Master," Mr. Curry said, and immediately, Fredrick and Alexander looked at him.

"What is it this time?" Fredrick asked, exasperatedly.

"We aren't going to the estate right now. We are actually going to the hospital from here" Mr. Curry said and Alexander furrowed his eyebrows.

'The hospital? To do what? Wait! Isn't that where—'

Fredrick interrupted his thought process.

"The hospital? Where my little sister is?" Fredrick asked.

Mr. Curry nodded his head.

"That's right, Young Master"

Fredrick grunted "Why would Father want this worm anywhere near that hospital— You know what? I'm not going to ask an ordinary servant the thought process of my father. I'll ask Father himself when I see him"

"If you wish, Young Master" Mr. Curry replied.

Fredrick rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Close the blind and don't bother me again until we get there. If you so much as hit a bump in the road then it's both your necks, got it?!" Fredrick instructed, annoyed.

"Understood, Young Master. Please enjoy the ride" Mr. Curry said then rolled up the blind and ignited the engine.

Alexander looked at his father, waiting to be given any answer about what was truly going on but his father was unresponsive. Instead, he gestured that he shut his mouth and sit quietly until they got to the hospital.

Alexander sighed and sat as told, hoping that eventually, the truth would reveal itself. He just prayed that it wasn't something bad.

After driving for a while, they finally got to the hospital.

"Dad, seriously, what are we doing here? Is it about what Master Fredrick told you happened earlier? If it is then I promise, I've learned my lesson and won't make the same mistake again" Alexander said, looking concerned.

Mr. Curry looked at him, frowned, and said "Get out and don't you dare ask or say anything while in the master's presence if you know what's good for you"

Alexander sighed then grabbed the door handle, opened the door, and went outside.

Before he could even absorb the sight of everything on the premises, Mr. Curry rushed past him, causing Alexander to jolt and step back because of how close he, Mr. Curry, was when he jogged to open the door for Fredrick.

"Please step out young master. We're here"

Fredrick looked at Mr. Curry, condescendingly.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Sherlock. Get out of the way and let me pass. I swear, both you and your son are good at finding a way to do and say things that make me sick" Fredrick said then stepped down.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets and then started heading towards the hospital entrance where a doctor and some nurses saw him and started waiting to receive him.

The Dove family also owned this hospital and many others. So, every staff knew Fredrick by face.

Mr. Curry pointed at Alexander and gestured that he comes with him, instead of standing around like he was.

They all headed for the entrance where the doctor and nurses greeted Fredrick warmly and offered to take him up to his destination.

They all went to the top floor which was for VIPs (family members and close friends of the Dove) and finally, they all walked into a room where Alexander saw another doctor, more nurses, some security personnel, Mr. And Mrs. London Dove, and finally the person who was the reason why everyone was in the hospital.

Alexander saw Fredrick's little sister, Starr Dove on the hospital bed, and around her eyes were bandages.

"Father, who is that? Who are the people that just walked in?" Starr asked, not being able to see anything.

Looking at the crowd that just walked in and furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Mr. Dove replied "It's your brother and Curry but I don't know what they are doing here"

Mr. Dove looked at Curry and frowned.

"What's the meaning of this, Curry? Why are you people here? Weren't you supposed to take Fredrick home after picking him up from school and what is this? You also brought your— Wait. You brought your son with you. Curry, is this about what I told you?"

Mr. Curry nodded his head.

Fredrick, confused about what was going on looked at his father and then Mr. Curry and asked:

"What is the meaning of this, Curry? Wait, did you lie to me? You bastard! If I remember correctly you told me that father wanted to see your useless son and that's why you brought us here instead of taking me home. However, from the looks of things that doesn't appear to be the case"

Mr. Curry was silent for a second instead of replying immediately like Fredrick wanted.

Fredrick chuckled "Would you look at that. A disobedient son and a lying father. The apple really doesn't fall too far from the tree. Well, I won't wait for father's permission. I'll punish you right now—!" he said as he walked up to and was about to slap Mr. Curry when suddenly…

"Stop what you're about to do child!" Mr. Dove instructed and Fredrick halted.

Fredrick turned to his father, confused as he asked "Father, are you sparring this animal after he lied to me?"

With a grin, Mr. Dove crossed his arms and said "Yes, I'm doing exactly that and you know the reason why?"

Fredrick raised a brow.

"I'm pardoning Curry for what he did because of what he's about to do for your little sister"

"Father, what are you talking about?" Fredrick asked

"Yes Father, what do you mean? What can a common servant do for me?" Starr asked.

Sharing the same sentiment, Alexander tugged on his father's sleeve and asked "Dad, what is the master talking about? What are you going to do for Lady Starr? And I know you told me not to ask but please tell me what I'm doing here. Say something, please"

Mr. Curry looked at Alexander and he was about to answer but Mr. Dove beat him to it.

"Little servant boy," Mr. Dove said, referring to Alexander who looked at him.

"Yes, Master Dove?" Alexander bowed his head and greeted.

"Instead of asking your father all those questions, you should go down on your knees and thank him because you're about to serve my family in the best way possible. For someone like you at least"

"I am?"

"That's right. Because you're not yet of age and still under the legal guidance of your father, he just graciously offered you as a donor to help give my beautiful daughter, Starr, back her vision. What other accomplishment can you ever achieve in this life that will supersede that? You should be extremely grateful" Mr. Dove said.

Immediately, Alexander's eyes fidgeted and his vision became hazy.

"I'm going to what?" He asked.

"Exactly what I said. Did I stutter or are you having hearing problems?" Mr. Dove said in annoyance.

Instantly, Alexander started to hyperventilate as he saw the doctor and nurses make preparations for the eye transplant that was about to take place.

Alexander looked at his father and said "Dad, please tell me that this is a dream. You brought me here to do what?"

Mr. Curry looked at him and replied "After undergoing two surgeries and both sets of transplanted eyes failing after some time, the master secretly had tests done for everyone in the estate. His goal was to see who among the servants would be compatible with Lady Starr and out of everyone, you are the only perfect match. With your eyes, Lady Starr will be able to see how beautiful the world and her life are once again and after what you did today I see no other atonement than this. You should be happy you get to show your loyalty to the master and his family"

Alexander couldn't believe what he just heard.