
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urbain
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25 Chs

Food And Construction -Fixed

The group filled the air with yawns: All of their eyes matched Brett's as they did not get a wink of sleep. Only Jack could hold onto his weight, tapping his thigh to keep him awake.



The others could feel the world become darker as their eyes swelled thinner. Jack encouraged them by smashing their backs with a load of heat. They gulped with their dry throats.

"We still got 3 days here… Why are we waking up like it's a prison camp?" Snake asked, looking towards Jack.

His silence irritated the others but soon stopped as they could not resist. He had bragged all night about his newly acquired powers, and they were too afraid to face it.

Jack wasn't famous for his self-restraint, and Brett could speak from experience as the fistfight they had ages ago taught him how deadly his punches were.

He ran to the elevator, almost breaking the button which said "Restaurant."




The door finally crossed, and Jack shook his arms, swinging them everywhere. The other sighed and leaned toward the iron walls, the weight in their eyes becoming heavier.

A tune came out of the elevator, enticing their sleep, except Jack the rest wanted to sleep, but he needed to drag his friends to eat together.

The murmurs of the elevator became a lullaby in their ears. Snake almost gave in before slapping himself awake. Suddenly the music stopped, and the doors slid open.

"You have reached your destination," A robotic voice said.

Jack rushed forward, and the others painfully followed his lead, but when they saw the place, it was fair to say they were impressed:

The ceiling was far from their grasp, and the workers handed towels to the people who casually sat outside with round red couches. The white carpet leads you to the main attraction.

The gate was surrounded by smiling men who wore suits. It was too good, for the low price. The tables had many forks and spoons on their white covers, but the stands got the group drooling.

It circled the humungous room with many options; fruit, bread, pancakes, waffles; and a lot more, which they had no idea what they were called. The place was fancy incarnate.

Sai and Snake could feel their exhaustion fade as they swiftly rushed to the plates, immediately scurrying and checking out each stand. Jack smiled, snatching up his plate.

"How is the progression going - we only have a few months left. The students have been invited, and crime has already inflated enough." A giant man asked. He had narrow eyes showing off his Asian lineage. "…"

A skinny man trembled, looking at the screen. Progress was slow as they lacked the manpower, and no awakened in their team had an ability related to building.

They were in a sticky situation, unable to finish the project in time which the higher-ups wouldn't be so gentle about. Although the skinny man was scared, he requested:

"Sir... we are lacking in people. The project isn't able to be completed in time!" He paused before adding, "At this pace, this could take years unless we get more awakened."

His confidence dissapeared as he saw the eyes of the commander. They were thirsty for blood. He thought this was it before the commander replied, "I see."

The man sad patted the employee's back. They had to listen to demands as this was an important project. He sighed before exiting, leaving the guy to clean up his pants.

"This is a lot harder than I thought. Guess building isn't that easy." He scratched his eyes.


A girl wiped away her forehead, sweat floating from her tank top. She tipped her yellow helmet before plummeting down to a nearby boulder. She took out a little bottle of water from her jeans.

After gulping it down, "Refreshing." She exhaled with a giant smile.

She had light-red hair tied into a ponytail. Her eyes were a round yellow showing off her innocence compiled with her cherry lips. She was beautiful enough to catch glances wherever she went.

And that didn't change even though she was on a construction site. She had accepted the job as a 'break from her job,' but she was sold when she heard powers were allowed at the site.

She could fly, an ability that she had dreamt about since childhood. She was devastated when the ability ban had released, and this felt like a breath of fresh air.

"Don't slack off, Anna! We got a big job to do." The elder complained, clicking his foot on the ground.



Anna wanted to complain, but she knew it wasn't possible; he outranked her by a big gap, so she could only ramble in silence.

'Stupid old man!" She shouted in her mind, clenching her fists. She responded, "sorry. I was thirsty."

The old man frowned, "Get thirsty elsewhere, you brat. We have breaks, do them then!" The man punched his arm through leftover steel, gushing wind over the defeated Anna.

She grimaced, picking up a bucket of mortar while approaching the pile of bricks. The people who watched the scene tried to lighten her mood but ultimately failed.

'That fucker. How much of a nuisance can you be!" She muttered, venting out her worries.

The Day went by swiftly with a few breaks. The people ran around and cheered, finishing another day of work. Beers were passed at a bar that stood in the nearby city. It was full of chatter, way more lively than the headache of the burning site.

They were building a school, and the pay was a goldmine compared to any other, but that meant more exhausting work. But being allowed the ability to use their powers was a pro.

"This has got me nuts. I can't even pass the day without a headache," a drunk worker complained, and the others related, "Well, we are getting a break for a few days. Also, they finally got us some hotels."

"Yeah…" Anna agreed before settling down on her beer.

She leaned toward the oak table, shutting her ears to the obnoxious drunkards, waiting for a chance to escape what she would call hell.


"A FEAST," Jack cheered as he dug into the mountain of pancakes.

The others had finished their food and left to sleep, leaving Jack to finish his humungous meal.

'I wanna explore the city a bit more,' Jack thinks.

(Authors corner)

100 Powers stones = 2 chapters release

300 power stones = 4 chapters

500 power stones = Death by exhaustion

10 collections in 1 day = 2 Chapters

20 collections in 1 day = 4 chapters.

Comment if there are any problems I missed, as It's my first time trying to do a simpler style so I hope you enjoy it. But anyway good day to you hope you enjoy reading. This chapter was kinda hard to make as I did not know what to do, but be steady for the next 4 chapters you will probably enjoy them.