
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urban
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25 Chs

The City Titan (3)

A group surrounded Jack with weapons ranging from baseball bats to knives. He clicked his tongue, worried about his current predicament. He had ventured into the town alone to let his friends rest.

But thanks to his terrific luck, he had found himself in this situation: He was simply walking around stalls and watching street performers before a group of thugs pinned him down at an alley.

"So, what's your deal? Can't you just let me go?" Jack requested, knowing the answer, "We can have a civilized chat if you want."

The thug in the middle swung his bat downwards, and he grinned.


"Isn't this civilized? We are here to talk to you, and you are here to listen, simple." He giggled with his fat cheeks and chapped lips and continued, "Hope we can get on the same wavelength."

'Civilized my ass, I ain't the one with a kitchen knife!' Jack thought, trying to suppress his anger. He needed information about Number 2's location, and a group of thugs could have the answer.

Sage had joined up with a gang, after all, and for these couple of nobodies to be so arrogant, they needed somebody backing them up.

Jack clenched the concrete wall. The alley was more widespread than most in the area, giving him more space to move.

"Get to the point. What do you want?" Jack asked. He tried to act scared but failed, but the group noticed his blank face. The leader stumbled, and for a moment, he felt a cold chill up his spine.

Although he recovered quickly, "well, you are Jack, correct?" He said with a low voice. His eyes spun around Jack's shoulder and observed before continuing, "Our boss wants a little chat."

"For what reason?"

Jack couldn't hold back his smile anymore.


They couldn't talk, seeing Jack smirk in a situation like this; for this kind of reaction, he either had to be a psychopath or somebody strong.

"Cat got your tongue?"

He scratched his chin before counting. This did not feel like him, and Jack noticed. '…Fight' His mind became horrid like his face, and a cyan glow engulfed the walls.

Jack no longer cared and gave in to something terrific that he could not comprehend, the thing was so full of rage and hate, something that prolonged for centuries, and the "thing" swiftly devoured Jack.

His eyes spiraled into many lines, and with every exhale, a cloud of mist followed. Jack was running on autopilot, like the time at the hospital.

He watched his body rush towards the group, and no matter how much he tried to move, it did not work. His body acted out of instinct, lighting the entrance in flames.

'No…' He mumbled in his mind, his voice cracking.

Jack flicked his fingers toward the man's holding a baseball bat. The barrage shook as the bullet of flames pierced his skin, and his eyes became white as he fell.


He spun his bloodshot eyes spun over to the lackeys that were desperately backing off and screaming for help. Jack shook his hands before gushing a stream of energy to the ground, burning his hands.

A pulse of heat spread in the alley, burning the victim's boots; their faces were full of terror as their eyes stared in awe. Jack giggled like a madman, but his thoughts contrasted with each other.

'Im scared…' He cried out. Trying to control his body, he heaved back the barrage.

His bloodshot eyes slowly faded, turning to a deep brown. Jack squished his fist before rushing into the leftovers.

'I do not know what happened, but Im dead If I don't act.' Jack assured himself as he swung a mighty uppercut to a skinny guy's Jaw, knocking the man out cold.

He turned around to a man with a crowbar that was charging toward him like a bull. Just before his swing made contact, Jack dodged, planting his feet next to him before slashing a kick into a nerve.

The man cried in pain, planting his back to the cold slate.

Jack had studied weak spots after his fight with Brett, which had helped him a lot against delinquents; that never stopped bothering him.

He turned his face to the last victim that could barely stand. He was an average-looking dude that didn't seem to be fit for this kind of job, from his face to the flimsy way he held a bat.

Jack smiled, seeing a chance to walk unscathed, "Hey, what's your name?" he asked the dude, making him fall to his knees.

He examined the man as he did not look much older than him; he also didn't have that weird vibe of adults, nor did he have any facial hair.

"I asked what's your name," Jack said, releasing a wave of cyan from his eyes. He tried to act menacing and somehow succeeded: Either because he was pretty good at intimidating or because of events prior.

Though the answer was the latter, Jack liked to think it was the first option. He slowly walked towards the boy. He was sweating profusely at the heat emitting from the nearby flames.

"My name… Pierre…" He mumbled in a crooked voice. Jack scratched his head, deciding on what to do. 'I can probably make him carry… The dead guy,' He thought, somehow unfazed.

"Can you-"


Jack was cut off before he could finish. Irritated as he was, the dude had requested what he wanted.

"Tell your boss that I died today, and you were the one to do it," Jack requested, which was met with a nod. Jack made a wry face before letting go of the flames covering the exit.


Jack swiftly made his way out of the unpopulated area, glad that he didn't get blood on his clothes. He soon reached the hotel, leaving the boy to sort out the situation.

But he knew a confrontation was unavoidable as one of the reasons he came to this city was to investigate. He did not have the location of the forest.

And this city was called "Information hell" by the people of the underworld.

Jack grimaced before feeling his phone that once again appeared in his pocket.

'Number 1… Just who are you?' -Refer Back to Contract and Deal.

(Authors corner)

100 Powers stones = 2 chapters release

300 power stones = 4 chapters

500 power stones = Death by exhaustion

10 collections in 1 day = 2 Chapters

20 collections in 1 day = 4 chapters.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have an epic damn day.