
Euphonia (Dracula Ascending)

I swear , by life and blood , that I will have my revenge . I will ascend, and the Gods will fall . so says I Dracula Morning Star Now it is time for my reign of darkness.

Emmanuel_Enigwe · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

War 1

The war was finally over thousands of Egyptians soldiers lost their lives but the Egyptian army still won the war and invaded the city capturing their king and delivered him to pharaoh. The wars continued because Egypt had more slaves from the war which equipped them to produce more weapons. However pharaoh offered an opportunity to any slave family who wanted to nationalise as an Egyptian the opportunity under the condition that they choose a man in the family to join their army and if he is successful in the war he would be promoted and given a higher rank. This made the Egyptian race become a mixed one gradually as time went on. When Nereus was finally fourteen years of age he had killed his first opponent in the war since then he got better and better in killing and fought side by side with the commander. By the time Nereus was eighteen he had become a killing machine ( at this time he was six feet tall and had an athletic body shape). Nereus had mastered all weapons at eighteen and was very fast when handling any of them giving him the advantage to strike the enemy before the enemy makes a move. By nineteen Nereus had grown massively in strength and did not fight with skills only but with strength too to the extent that the commander started to feel he was slowing Nereus down when the covered each other in the war ground. One day at the war when Nereus and his commander were fighting Nereus was so powerful he got carried away leaving his commander behind this gave an opening for the enemies to surround the commander and overpowered him. Nereus from at far saw his commander being overpowered and screamed "master NO!" bursting through the crowd he slaughtered as he rushed to rescue the commander but he was not fast enough the commander got stabbed from the back while he focused on those attacking him from the front. He shouted in agony giving the soldier in front the opportunity to slit his throat.

"NO!" Nereus shouted as he slaughtered all the enemy soldiers around the commander he faught with so much anger he killed to the extent that the enemies feared and started to retreat but the soldiers went after them and slaughtered all of them. Nereus rushed to the commander trying to wake him back to consciousness "Boy you were right about what you said when you were young the pharaoh lied to us all and now we have lost our lives for a useless course promise me boy that you will not make the same mistakes I made following orders blindly you have a great destiny ahead of you to waste it achieving someone else evil ambitions" the commander's last words before he died. "NO! NO dad doesn't leave me you were the closest I had to a father" Nereus cried bitterly beside the carcass of the commander. Egypt won the war again but this time not only had they lost a lot of people but they had lost their commander. The news was delivered to pharaoh and he asked them to make Nereus the new commander. Nereus was so determined that during his command they could wage war against two different kingdoms at the same time and win. It was just conquest after conquest for Nereus. When he was twenty he faught an army of thousand alone to go into the small gate of a city to open it from the inside so that his army can invade it. Nereus also faught a eight feet tall gaint that weighed thousand four hundred lbs who challenged him to a one on one fight before the war started and the deal was if they killed Nereus Egyptian army would surrender to them but if not the Egyptian army get to do whatever the Please to them. Nereus placed his sword down and decided to fight the gaint with his fists. Nereus jumped and gave the gaint a super man punch and the gaint went unconscious from that blow. The gaint was chained up and taken to Egypt to be used as slave and work for pharaoh while the others were slaughtered. Another time an enemy army was giving the Egyptian army a tough time because the shot lots of arrows and the Egyptian soldiers couldn't go through but Nereus came out with his own arrow shooting back a them and dodging them killing eighty percent of the shooters allowing the Egyptian army to go through. The soldiers gave Nereus a new nickname "WAR LOG" Nereus faught till he was twenty four where his sentence was over then he returned back to Egypt.