
Euphonia (Dracula Ascending)

I swear , by life and blood , that I will have my revenge . I will ascend, and the Gods will fall . so says I Dracula Morning Star Now it is time for my reign of darkness.

Emmanuel_Enigwe · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Back to Egypt

When Nereus returned back to Egypt the pharaoh threw a feast in his honour. Unfortunately he heard the news his mother felt sick and died six years ago while he was in the war now Nereus had no one he called family or friend. "Bring Nereus to me and let me make a toast in his honour for he has brought more honour to my throne and crown" Pharaoh exclaimed. "Your excellency" Nereus called as he walked in the throne room of pharaoh. "Nereus my son take a glass cup today we celebrate your victory and your triumph over my enemies you have made Egypt proud and made me a honourable king than I used to" pharaoh expressed. "Your majesty there's something I need to tell you and this is a plead I'm making with you" Nereus said with his head bowed in front of pharaoh. "What is it Nereus ask anything it would be granted gold, silver , a big house a wife or wives whatever" pharaoh replied. "Your excellency I want to retire and leave Egypt for good my mother and everyone close to me is no more I want to go somewhere I can start a new life" Nereus explained. "Nereus I thought I could trust you but you go behind my back and make peace with my enemies and now you want to leave and join them. This discussion is over the celebration is over now go and find somewhere to rest your head and leave my presence before I start to loose my temper tomorrow you'll explaine why you told me such nonsense" pharaoh angrily told Nereus. Nereus became heart broken by how the pharaoh addressed the issue and also became very furious he thought to himself after all pharaoh had done sending innocent people like the commander to war to loose their lives and also depriving him the opportunity to see his mother the pharaoh still feels no remorse. "How dare you talk to me in such a manner do you think I'm the helpless nine year old boy you sent war I can slit off your head right now from where you sit" Nereus angrily told pharaoh as he lifted up his head to stare into the eyes of pharaoh. "Guards you fools how dare you stand there for him to talk to me in such a manner kill him" pharaoh commanded. But all the soldiers were afraid to go close to Nereus because they knew what he was capable of one of them gathered the balls to draw out his sword and went straight to Nereus who took the soldiers sword from him dividing his stomach from the rest of his body the other soldiers saw what had happened and flee for their life. Nereus threw the sword close to pharaoh's head and left making pharaoh aware he would come back for that sword and the next time it would be in pharaoh's body. Leaving pharaoh terrified for his life.

Nereus left Pharaoh's palace and headed outside the city. He walked for hours and by the time the evening was approaching, Nereus became very hungry and anxious because he was in the middle of nowhere and couldn't figure out how he was going to get food or water to drink. There were no people around just a bare land full of weeds and crawling animals. At a point in time Nereus was so tired and tried calling for help but no one was there. After a few hours Nereus opened his eyes and saw himself in a carriage. It was then he noticed he had passed out due to the way he was hungry, thirsty and weary. "Who are you oh kind person at least may I know my saviour" Nereus asked. "I'm not a saviour the only saviour is the chosen one" said the man who drove the carriage. "Hathor is that you I know you are the one only you know who the chosen one is" Nereus replied. "Not who is but rather who are the chosen one is the surname of the family of those who the main energy and main voice have chosen before anyone was created to that they will rule over everything" Hathor explained. "Wow sounds fascinating but I wouldn't want to be in a family of Kings I hate them they treat their subjects unequally as if they don't breath the same air I want every one around me to be happy" Nereus explained. "And why do you think that is?" Hathor asked. "Well not sure" Nereus replied. "Because you my boy are part of the family of the Chosen one and that is the reason why you were chosen" Hathor explained.